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The R.A.P Connection JAN./FEB . 2012 Volume 49 The Official Publication Editor: Mary Lerkins. Officers Margie Brumfield- President Mary Lerkins- 1 st Vice President Angelina Rivera- 2 nd Vice President
The R.A.P Connection JAN./FEB. 2012 Volume 49The Official Publication Editor: Mary Lerkins Officers Margie Brumfield- President Mary Lerkins- 1st Vice President Angelina Rivera- 2nd Vice President Natalie Vazzana- Secretary/Treasurer 30 N.Union St., Suite203, Rochester, NY 14607 Office- 454-1380 Fax- 454-1383 http://ny.aft.org/rap Executive Board Members Paul Pittinaro- Board Chairperson Jewell Brown Kenneth Lord Cedric Moorehead Terry Spiva Linda Thompson Dorothy Tisdale Maryann Tychoniewicz Rosemary Wilson From the Desk of the President: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Business as Usual: We continue to try to bring to fruition all the things we have successfully negotiated in our new contract. We are now page by page going through all of the changes to make sure that the correct wording is there. Then we will give the ok for the District to send it to print. Hopefully, we will get it before May! Political Action: November 6, 2012 marks the date of the general election year. The balance of the Senate is up for grabs and President Obama; he will face the winner of the Republican primaries in his bid to secure a second term. Of course, for RAP to be the most effective, we need to make sure that all of our members are registered to vote! We have received a list from NYSUT of members that appear not to be registered and may or may not be. Please help us with this. If you are not sure, register again! Call the RAP office if you need help. I thank you in advance for the tremendous work that you do for our students and for keeping this union politically strong. Let’s make 2012 the year we push the pendulum back in favor of public education. From the Desk of the 1st Vice President: Happy New Year!!!!!!!!! Do you have any resolutions? I have a few that will be easy to keep. 1. If your building doesn’t have a rep-have a meeting and elect a new rep. 2. If you are trying to go green-stop getting your pay stub in the mail. Download the “opt out form” found in the Bulletin Board. You can view your pay stub online through Peoplesoft. 3. Read the RCSD Bulletin Board every Friday. It can be packed full of information for you and the students. 4. Attend a Board of Education meeting or Business meeting. 5. Attend a RAP activity. I hope everyone can keep these resolutions! Newsletter Thank you #8 , #29 and Wilson Com. for submitting articles for this edition. The deadline for the next edition is March 5, 2012.
From the Public Relations Committee- Angelina Rivera – Chairperson Come join us at the Black History / Women’s History Celebration Wednesday, February 15, 2012 5:00 pm NYSUT Conference Center 30 N. Union St. Reserve your seat- call 454-1380 by Friday, Feb. 10th. From the Desk of the Treasurer: Financial Update- The RAP annual audit was mailed to all members’ home address, on December 21st. Many envelopes have been returned to the RAP Office due to inaccurate addresses. Please, if you move and/or change your phone number, let the RAP Office know. A change for next year, the audit will be available on the RAP web site. This will result in saving over $1000 in postage. If you wish to review this information you are encouraged to call the RAP office to schedule an appointment. As a reminder……..Regarding Early Wednesdays……….. Early dismissal is for students only! All Paras and TA’s must work their regular hours. Professional Development- Please check avatar often, new classes are always being added. A Tribute to Stephanie Dorn Who was Stephanie Dorn? By Dorothy Tisdale, TA @ #8 School Stephanie was a women of style, fashion, and grace; she could walk around all day in three inch heels and never miss a beat. She had a smile that would light up any room. Stephanie loved to dance, she loved to make others laugh, but most of all she loved children. Her job was working with students that had difficulties coping at times. Not once did she make them feel as if they did not belong. Stephanie did more than help students’ cope, she taught them why it was important to learn to cope in this world and gave them a reason to be successful. Her office was a safe haven for students, a place to share what was troubling them; where they felt safe and comfortable, so much so, that they did not have to leave when their time was up. I remember going to her office on several occasions and observing her work with students. She did it with such care and love; as if she was working with her own biological children or grandchildren. Stephanie was more than a Primary Project counselor, she became the healer of students that were hurting, angry or ready to give up. She gave them the courage to keep trying and to do the right thing, and for those very reasons they would always stay close by her side. Many students wanted to come to her because they knew she cared, she was there for them, and ready to listen to what they had to say. Ms. Stephanie Dorn, a woman that God wanted more than we needed her, and for that reason He called her home because her job down here was done and she had fulfilled her purpose; working with children and giving them the things they needed. We will miss her dearly and because of her passing, Roberto Clemente School #8 will never be the same . Did You Hear? Ms. Edwards class at #29 School, Room 110, celebrated Kwanzaa this year! Kwanzaa celebrates the history and culture of African Americans. There are seven principles; Umoja, Kujichagulia, Ujima, Ujamaa, Nia, Kuumba and Iman. Each day we shared a principle and what it represented. We then shared food in celebration. On the last day, our class had a Kwanzaa feast. The kids enjoyed learning about Kwanzaa and doing creative activities. It was important for our children to learn,and reflect on the culture and history. Want to learn more on Kwanzaa? Go to www. Kwanzaa.com/. Submitted by Mrs.Doyle, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Dukes, and Mr. Brown. Calendar of Events: Jan. 26th Board of Education 6:30pm @ Central Office Feb. 15th Black History/Women’s History Celebration 5:00pm NYSUT Conference Center Feb. 16th Board of Education 6:30pm @ Central Office Feb. 20th President’s Day (paid holiday) Feb. 20th -24th Recess
Happy Birthday from R.A.P!!According to RAPS latest Information JANUARY 2011 Oscar Beasley Selena Johnson Rachel Bigby Lydia Jones Ernestine Brown Doris McKenzie Susann BuehnerMagalyMontalvo Bart Cherry LakitaMunden Faythella Cooper Kimberly Ridgeway Laurie Damiano Debra Oldenburg Amy Demis Mercedes Perez Leonard Dunigan Jackie Sims Ledell Giles Gwendolyn Smith Lucia Nazario-Hernandez Beverly Simmons Andre Hicks Yvette Smothers Kristine Hooker Natasha Williams Oops- The following members names were left out of the December Birthday list- Happy Belated Birthday! Nancy Case Donnie Leigh Terry Spiva Cora Bell Sharron Tindale FEBRUARY 2011 Frances Adger Roxanne Hills Anzetta Alston Terry Johnson Jennifer Anderson Robert Jackson Osvaldo Arroyo Regine Leonard Rosalind Bell Chrystal Martin Carmen Belliard Blanca Melecio Tracy Best KwanaMcMath Janice Brady Charles McCloud Louis Crawford Kenneth Muhammad Paul Coburn Ivette Perez Lourdes Colon Juana Peguero Janice Cooper Mary Peoples Charles Corley Michael Poole Patricia Craddock JoannneQuattlebaum Sandra DeWinde Linda Romaneo Detrius Dixie Stacey Schuyler Lucy Dixon Clord Sellers Desiree Doran Lisa Shurland -Farrell Belen Ferrante Angela Smith Belinda Frazier Dennis Smith Aida Figueroa ShaQueta Starling Vidalina Figueroa Charlene Thomas Dan Gayden Carmen L. Torres Patricia Gutierrez NereidaValasquez Charlyn Hicks Sondra Vorndran Christine Hickson Kelly Warner Margaret Zabek Spotlight-The First Para to Teacher Cohort Graduated The following RCSD Paraprofessionals completed their studies at Roberts Wesleyan College and graduated on December 17, 2011. We would like to congratulate the following: Karen Black-Slattery, Kristine Hooker, Teresa James, Ethan Ketterer, Regina O’Brien, and Dorothy Tisdale. Great job!!!! New York State Assessment Test Date Test dates: April 21,2012- Registration Deadline March 16, 2012 Late Registration – March 30, 2012 June 9,2012- Registration Deadline May 4, 2012 Late Registration- May 18, 2012 July 14,2012- Registration Deadline June 8,2012 To register online www.nystce.nesinc.com