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Social Learning and Social, Cognitive, Affective Approaches

Social Learning and Social, Cognitive, Affective Approaches. Rotter. Behavior Potential BP= f( E + RV ) Expectancies Reinforcement Value Locus of Control. Bandura. Observational learning Self-regulation Self-efficacy Reciprocal interactionism. Self-regulation.

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Social Learning and Social, Cognitive, Affective Approaches

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Social Learning and Social, Cognitive, Affective Approaches

  2. Rotter • Behavior Potential BP= f( E + RV ) • Expectancies • Reinforcement Value • Locus of Control

  3. Bandura • Observational learning • Self-regulation • Self-efficacy • Reciprocal interactionism

  4. Self-regulation • reinforcement has no direct effects • self reinforcement is as important as external internalized standards and processes of reward and punishment ***Self-regulation overcomes stimulus control

  5. Self-efficacy • 2 types of expectancies • Outcome expectancy • Self-efficacy • SE determines: behavior to be performed amount of effort expended persistence in the face of adversity, etc.

  6. Reciprocal interactionism • or Reciprocal Determinism • selecting environments • creating environments • transforming environments

  7. Mischel and CAPS theory • basic principles, concepts, assumptions: • focus on P X S interaction • include and integrate Cognitive, Emotional, Motivational, Biological & Environmental factors

  8. Mischel and CAPS theory • CAUs ( person variables) Encodings (cognitive constructions) Expectancies ( “if-then” behavior-outcome, self-efficacy) Affects Goals and Values Competencies and Self-regulation

  9. Mischel cont. • Personality coherence individual differences in the “chronic accessibility” of CAUs consistency of variability across situations

  10. Mischel cont. • Relative impact of person variables and situation variables (when does which take precedent?) • greater ambiguity and “response freedom” greater influence of person variables (indiv. diff.)

  11. The self • I & me • Self-schemas (Markus, etc.) • Multiple selves: (Markus, Higgins, etc.) • Self-discrepancies (Higgins: Actual, Ideal, Ought)

  12. Causal Attributions • Helplessness • Pessimism and Optimism Pessimism: Stable, Global, due to the Self Optimism: Fleeting, Specific, not due to personal flaw

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