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Hawk house is one of the well known shamanic healing course providers in Derbyshire. Shamanic healing is regarded as one of the most ancient spiritual healing practices that ensure you to heal your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.<br>For more information visit our site: https://www.hawkshouse.co.uk<br>
H A W K SH O U S E S H A M A N I CH E A L O R I N D E R B Y S H I R E www.hawkshouse.co.uk
A B O U TU S HawkshouseisaSourceofShamanicCourses, Workshops, Healingandproducts. ShamanicHealing TrainingisdeliveredinShamanichealingandPersonal FreedomCourse. Allcourses, workshopsandclassesare runbyRobertShaman, Healer, TeacherandGuide. We practiceandteachancienthistoryandmodernaspects of Shamanism, ShamanicHealingCourse, Shamanic JourneyingandDrumming. www.hawkshouse.co.uk
AD A YW I T HAS H A M A N BookYourself AdaywithaShaman RobertduringyourSpecialDayyouwillreceivefollowing. AwarmWelcomeinmysacredhealingspacearound10AM Initialbriefdiscussionaboutyoursituation ScanofyourEnergyFieldoryourAura. Iwillpresentyouwiththehealingoptionsavailabletoyou justafterthescan Iwillcarrythemostimportantpartsofhealingforyouon theveryday. Iwillteachyoubasicsofshamanicjourneying YourDayofchangeisonly £170insteadof £280 www.hawkshouse.co.uk
IntroductiontoShamanism - ShamanicInitiation intheUK This workshop brings initial understanding of deep shamanic heritage available to all of us. Participants will have opportunity to experience the magical nature of invisible reality surrounding us and will learn following: Introduction to the Shamanic cosmos - Lower World and Upper World, Introduction to Shamanic Journeying Introduction to Plant Spirit medicine Introduction to Shamanic Divination - ancient form of discovering hidden underlying factors affecting our everyday reality is included in the workshop. www.hawkshouse.co.uk
T H A N K Y O U F O RM O R EI N F O R M A T I O NV I S I TO U RS I T E : W W W . H A W K S H O U S E . C O . U K A D D R E S S : C L A R A M O U N TR O A D , H E A N O R , D E R B Y S H I R E , D E 7 57 H S