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MR-Scanner. F.C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging. MR-Scanner. F.C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging. b) Protonen im Magnetfeld. N. a) Protonen au ßerhalb des Magnetfeldes. Z. Gradiëntspoelen. Rf antenne. Components of MRI-scanner. Supergeleidende magneet. Rf
MR-Scanner F.C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging
MR-Scanner F.C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging
b) Protonen im Magnetfeld N a) Protonen außerhalb des Magnetfeldes Z
Gradiëntspoelen Rf antenne Components of MRI-scanner Supergeleidende magneet Rf ontvanger Rf zender Gradiëntversterkers Pulsprogramma Computersysteem
Anatomische MR-Aufnahme • Angeregte Protonen kehren in verschiedenen Gewebearten (weisse, graue Substanz, Liquor) unterschiedlich schnell in den Ruhezustand zurück • 160-180 sagittale Schichten • Auflösung: 1 x 1 x 1 mm • Dauer: +/- 10 Minuten
Functionele MRI PET Blutstrom Rust fase Hämoglobin radioaktives Wasser Sauerstoff Actieve fase
Funktionelle MR-Aufnahme • Blutfluss zu aktivem Hirngewebe nimmt stärker zu, als für die Sauerstofversorgung nötig • Sauerstoffsättigung des Hämoglobins im venösen Blut nimmt zu • Magnetische Störung durch venöses Blut nimmt ab • Angeregte Protonen drehen sich länger synchron. Ihr elektrisches Signal dauert länger/ist stärker.
Data collection, fMRI • Terminology I • Volume = 1 brain image = 1 set of slices (typically 16-24) • Run = 1 set of volumes measured continuously (typically 80 – 120) • Session = 1 set of runs without subject leaving the scanner (typically 2 – 16)
Functional MR scan: 16 horizontal slices (1 ‘volume’)
Data collection, fMRI • Terminology II, Design types • Blocked = continous presentation of several stimuli of the same type (advantage: stronger signal) • Event-related = measurement of response to single stimuli (advantage: randomization possible, analysis can be based on behaviour) • Measurement can be stimulus-locked (fixed temporal relation between stimulus and scan), jittered (average relation fixed but for every stimulus slightly varying), or temporally unrelated to the stimulus
fMRI Design Options BLOCKED: SPACED EVENT-RELATED: EVENT-RELATED: MINI-BLOCKS: Instead of one event a small and varying number of events of the same condition
PETPRONUNCIATION OF PSEUDOWORDSvs.PRONUNCIATION OF WORDS Hagoort, P., Indefrey, P., Brown, C., Herzog, H., Steinmetz, H., and Seitz, R.J. (1999).
fMRIPSEUDOWORDS vs. WORDS (0.001; 0.05 corr.)
Functional studies: PET – MR decision • Default: MR • Consider PET if: • ROI inferior temporal lobe • Overt continuous speech production during scans necessary • High quality acoustic stimuli necessary • ERP registration during scans necessary • TMS during scans necessary • Claustrophobic subjects • Subjects with intracorporeal metal
Encoding Delay Response Words Pseudowords False font strings 12 time series (runs) of 125 volumes, TR = 2338 sec Stimulation protocol of one run Baseline (rest)
yes GRAGEL BEURAL no ‘What’-task BEURAL DIESTE 2 TR 6 TR 2 TR TR=2338 ms
no GRAGEL BEURAL yes ‘Where’-task BEURAL BEURAL 2 TR 6 TR 2 TR TR=2338 ms
Delay Encoding/Response where what
where Delay Encoding/Response what
lat.occ non-verbal ITG p.orb p.operc MTG verbal Encoding period of ’what’-trials