1. Fleet Forum Welcome and Updates
Replacement Process
Fleet Trends
Driver Eligibility
Trip Log
2. Welcome Margaret Chambers
3. 2010 Rate Proposal FY 2010 Surplus Services Rate Proposal
No proposed changes for Surplus Property No change
4. 2010 Rate Proposal FY 2010 Fuel Dispensing Network Rate Proposal
Fuel Network Transaction Fee Transaction Fee Reduction: ($312,800)
The Fuel Network Transaction Fee generates revenue at a flat rate percentage of the fuel transaction costs and is intended to recover program overhead costs. As fuel prices rise, the fee can generate more revenue than is needed for the overhead. The Division is requesting a reduction of the Fuel Network Transaction Fee from 3% to 2.5% to more closely match revenues to program expenses.
5. 2010 Rate Proposal FY 2010 Fleet Services Rate Proposal
DPS Emergency Equipment
New methodology for equipment payment: (No impact)
In partnership with the Utah Department of Public Safety, the Division will assume responsibility for purchasing the emergency equipment for the UHP patrol vehicles. DPS currently purchases their own equipment, but has asked Fleet Operations to take over this aspect of the equipping process. The Division will recover the cost of the equipment by applying the approved component equipment rates in the monthly billing.
6. 2010 Rate Proposal Shortened lifecycles for select trucks: $119,900
In partnership with the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), the Division is requesting that certain light-duty and heavy-duty trucks operated by UDOT be adjusted to shorter lifecycles that are more aligned to their actual useful life. Light-duty trucks would move from a maximum 12-year to a 10-year lifecycle. Heavy-duty trucks would move from a maximum 15-year to a 12-year lifecycle. A total of 494 vehicles are affected by this change.
7. 2010 Rate Proposal Fleet Variable Rates
Variable rates: $1,641,700
The variable rates are charged on a per-mile basis and are used by the Motor Pool to recover the costs of fuel and maintenance of the fleet. Because fuel and maintenance prices have risen, the Division is requesting an increase in these variable rates.
8. 2009 Budget Supplemental Request Energy Efficient Vehicles
Hybrid vehicle (combined compact and midsize sedan) = 117
Dedicated CNG compact sedan, OEM vehicle (Honda Civic) = 13
Bi-fuel midsize sedan, converted CNG vehicle (Chevrolet Malibu) = 15
Bi-fuel trucks converted to CNG (F-150 or other light duty truck) = 10
Total CNG planned OEM and converted for FY2009 = 38 (13 + 15 + 10)
9. 2009 Budget Supplemental Request CNG Fuel Site Upgrades
Rampton and Jordan increase storage tank size to 30,000 cubic feet
New compressor at Rampton
Rapid fill dispensers at Alpine and Rampton
10. 2010 Budget Request Energy Efficient Vehicles
Hybrid vehicle (combined compact and midsize sedan) = 117
Dedicated CNG compact sedan, OEM vehicle (Honda Civic) = 13
Bi-fuel midsize sedan, converted CNG vehicle (Chevrolet Malibu) = 15
Bi-fuel trucks converted to CNG (F-150 or other light duty truck) = 10
Total CNG planned OEM and converted for FY2009 = 38 (13 + 15 + 10)
Higher Education vehicle funding
11. Fleet Underutilized Vehicles MVRC will advise at the next meeting
Legislative Report (Rich Amon will cover details)
12. Questions?
Margaret Chambers
(801) 538-9675
13. Replacements and Justification Process Judy Wilkins
14. Fleet.utah.gov � All DFO forms � Replacement/Justification Application
15. Fleet Replacement Menu Justify Vehicle
Additional Replacement
16. Enter Search Parameters
17. Click on vehicle for detail
18. Vehicle Detail
19. Click �Need to change� at the bottom
20. Standard class for this type is class 4901: 7 Passenger Mini. Please consider this class when choosing
21. Choose Class Code and Justifications
22. Add �Type of Items Carried� or �Additional Notes�
23. The listed vehicle will be considered for justification of a class change when you click on the check box and then the �Justify� button.
24. Justification for your replacement vehicle has been submitted
25. Confirmation email says, �FOJLW has used the online system to justify a replacement vehicle, FO6986 has been submitted�
32. Justification for your replacement vehicle has been submitted
33. Questions?
Judy Wilkins
(801) 537-9287
34. Fleet Report Rich Amon
Fleet Forum
35. Agenda Report Findings
Trends and Analysis
36. Report Findings
Vehicle counts are moderately increasing (2%)
4x4 vehicles are increasing at a faster rate (12%)
Vehicle costs increased 40% from FY04 to FY08
Fuel costs increased 117% from FY04 to FY08
Personal reimbursement to employees is increasing
42% of all state vehicles are driven less than 625 miles a month
Fleet Operations is implementing H.B. 110 (2007) which aims to improve fuel efficiency
37. State Vehicle Trends
38. State Vehicle Cost Trends
39. State Vehicle Costs from FY04 to FY08
40. Fuel Consumption and Prices
41. State Vehicle Utilization
42. H.B. 110 Fleet Efficiency
43. Modest Recommendations Suggest agencies more often use video conferencing, teleconferencing, or web conferencing rather than commuting for off-site meetings
Amend the Budgetary Procedures Act to require agencies to request vehicle additions or upgrades through an Appropriations Subcommittee and include vehicle approvals in an appropriations bill
Require the five largest users of vehicles (Natural Resources, Public Safety, Corrections, Transportation, and Human Services) to give an annual report of their vehicle efficiency plan to an Appropriations Subcommittee
44. Moderate Recommendations
Ask the Division of Finance to add an additional object code to break out personal mileage reimbursement between high and low rates and require agencies to report those numbers in their annual efficiency plan
Require agencies to reduce all under-utilized vehicles in the 10-year and 12-year classes that are not categorized as �low use� by FY 2010
45. Far-Reaching Recommendations
Not fund internal service fund fuel rate increases for vehicles other than the Standard State Fleet Vehicle (or certain other fuel efficient vehicles depending on vehicle class)
Remove fuel from the Fleet �variable mileage rate� and direct bill user agencies for the actual cost of fuel use
Appropriate �vehicle equivalents� as gallons of gas or mileage to agencies and require that they work within that allotment
46. Driver Eligibility Update Sam Lee
47. A Short Review of Proposed Changes Administrative Rule changes to R27-7 are intended to raise the bar on minimum driver eligibility standards for state employees
The following will trigger a hearing with the Driver Eligibility Board that may result in a driving suspension for up to three years:
Three or more preventable accidents in three years
Four or more moving violations in 12 months
One �serious� motor vehicle violation as defined in rule R27-7
DUI, reckless driving, speed contest (racing), etc.
Unauthorized use, misuse, or neglect of a state vehicle
Three or more citizen �complaints� about a driver through the established complaint process (validated by the agency)
48. What about Driver�s License Points? The Driver�s License points trigger will be removed from the administrative rule
49. What about New Employees? R27-7-3(6) �Effective Date�
(a) Phase in - current state employees shall be subjected to R27-7-3(3) as of the effective date of the rules as published by the Division of Administrative Rules.
(b) State employees hired after the effective date of this administrative rule will be subject to the Driver Eligibility standards in R27-7-3(3) for three years previous to the hire date.
50. Hiring Process Changes How much state driving will the employee do? (is driving a �regular� part of the job?)
You may want to have your human resource department require top job candidates to bring a current copy of their motor vehicle record (MVR) to the interview
51. Hiring Process Changes If your HR chooses not to require a MVR during the interview process:
The employee will be offered a job �conditional� to meeting the state�s minimum driving standards
The agency always maintains the option to hire the employee
However, the ability to drive a state vehicle may be limited based on potential suspensions imposed by the Driver Eligibility Board once the employee starts working
52. Questions?
Sam Lee
(801) 538-3452
53. Trip Logs Corry Hill
54. Trip Logs Motor Vehicle Review Committee
Rule 27- 3 - 7 (2)
The trip log must be created for the first and last trip of the day for all take-home vehicles
Online Trip Log
55. Trip Log � go to the website
56. Select Department from Drop Down
57. Select Operator and Vehicle
58. Reports can be run at this time or after the trip has been submitted
59. Operator Name, ID, Department and Vehicle Information will appear in log
60. Enter locations, times, mileages, purpose of trip and nature of call.
61. Click �Submit Trip� when finished
62. After the trip log has been submitted you can enter more logs, create reports or exit
63. Reports � can be run after department is selected and after Trip Log is submitted
64. Reports � Select an Operator ID, an Operator Name and/or a Date Range, Click �Submit� when finished. Any combination can be used. Leaving fields blank will give you all the entries for your department
65. Report for Department
66. Questions?
Corry Hill
(801) 538-3192
67. Risk Management - Cell Phone Policy risk.utah.gov
Risk guidance
68. Cell phones prohibited unless using hands-free talking and listening features � includes other electronic devices
69. Announcements
70. Take Home Renewal for 2009
Available November 1, 2008
Enterprise at the State Capitol
HB110 Energy Report
Due November 1, 2008
New Website
71. New Web Site
72. SLA�s � signed and returned
Driver Eligibility Contact
Utah Drivers License required
Reside in Utah