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“The Power of the Person in the Future of Health” What are the possible or probable futures emerging from various themes?.
“The Power of the Person in the Future of Health”What are the possible or probable futures emerging from various themes? • Anyone who comes for care or support, in any system, is greeted with “what is happening with you? How can we help?” Using all information at hand, offering treatment alternatives and seek customer input • Integrated Peer Support • Peer support recognized, integrated and valued in all systems, behavioral health, addiction, and primary health • Peer support fully integrated in prevention and wellness as well as treatment • Health Activated Person • Person-centered • Individuals are “activated” managing their own health and health care; Individual is the one with the power • Person is able to pursue recovery and wellness armed with information resources, tools and coping skills; obtaining support necessary to live life to the fullest beyond the confines of the healthcare system • Person is the “Project Director” of their health within a truly integrated system of care, i.e. primary care physician, psychologist, dentist, recovery coach, etc.
“The Power of the Person in the Future of Health”What compelling role and/or contribution does behavioral health play/bring? • Integrated Peer Support • How to advocate for peer support being integrated within primary care setting, e.g. Colorado training primary care wellness coaches in SBIRT – how do we get peers into that role • Cultural and professional diversification necessary • Workforce development – diversifying peer roles, global standards, making peer support the “roots of the tree” • ACA includes insurance, integration, and prevention and promotion, P&P currently very weak…beginning to grow within BH; movement toward wellness coaches in prevention and wellness • “We are the ones we are waiting for” • Health Activated Person • Expanding the possibilities/opportunities to create in roads for care within any system • Peers can play a powerful role in that process • Talking about anyone who wants to improve their wellness • Strategies must include prevention • Defining the stages of activation; and matching interventions with phases/stages
“The Power of the Person in the Future of Health”What are the challenges and opportunities for us as this future unfolds? Integrated Peer Support • Creating an evidence-base for the success of peer support - need peer initiated research resulting in peer-reviewed publications • Understanding the importance of peer support, how to reach those that don’t understand, think outside the box on how to get the word out • How do we get rid of the ongoing stigma and gain parity • Primary barrier; policy change is necessary to create an accommodating/robust reimbursement environment; there must be global financing changes • Opportunity - Current RFI from CMS looking for input on practice transformation • How to professionalize the role without losing the “peerness” or connection that provides the power • Providers are “out” and comfortable sharing, lived experience as valuable as your licensed experience Health Activated Person • How to get individuals the information and the tools they need to manage their own health care • Using technology to get the information out there • Opportunity to learn from medical world – oncology, heart disease, diabetes all provide comprehensive online information and virtual peer support • Getting providers to listen • Getting provider buy-in for person-centered care; removing fear from the equation
“The Power of the Person in the Future of Health”Where are we seeing this future emerging? Programs, resources, examples. Integrated Peer Support • Establishing an Associate’s Degree in peer support in collaboration with a social work program at local college (e.g. ??) • Andre’s example (Detroit) of peer driven collaboration across disciplines to create care team with BH, SUD, primary care, peer support specialists and recovery coaches • Use of wellness coaches in primary care (e.g. NY insurance companies) • USDA program to support MH services in rural areas • Health Activated Person • Use of online resources and technology - multiple examples across primary health field • Ashley (Debbie’s daughter) – a health activated person, able to keep herself well through tragedy. • Patient Activation Measure (PAM) – insigniahealth.com • WRAP – adapted for variety of issues, populations, e.g. veterans, trauma, etc.; Copeland Center is dropping the R and changing to Wellness Action Planning • Colorado primary care physician implementing MH and SU screenings with all patients in rural clinic, but then has no viable referrals – many suggestions for online peer support, and other rural programs with successful strategies
“The Power of the Person in the Future of Health”What does this mean for leading for the future? • Coordinate with the Peer Leadership Interest Group; join the call/dialog • Advance the next steps aligned with D. Houle “place” ideas; • Need multi-directional website that provides wide array of resources and allows others to add to it to share examples and challenges; develop online dialogue; IOM very interested in online learning communities (G. Gonzales has contact info; will share) • Integrated Peer Support • Work beyond the summit is necessary; summit should be an incubator • The value added by peer support/recovery coaches needs to be imparted to the clinical world in a meaningful way; legitimate proof that this works and is beneficial/effective • Need to find ways to get good data, fund research and get the word out there as broadly and effectively as possible • Need to start thinking more globally, not just one system, but all, e.g. need global standards for peer support specialists/recovery coaches • This could go under both categories – Develop a white papers • Define what a Treatment (Recovery) Team is; including peer support, training, defined roles • Anyone who comes for care or support, in any system, is greeted with “what is happening with you? How can we help?” Using all information at hand, offering treatment alternatives and seek customer input – can start with this and build from there • Start the dialogue with primary care settings to fully integrate peer specialists • Health Activated Person • We need to find the power source for individuals to become the power in their own health equation • Everyone needs to know who in your state is in control of the money; State Health Insurance Commissioner • We need to be more mobile • Take a look at Patient Activation Measure and how it can be used to help develop phases and match with interventions