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Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece. Chapter 4. The Physical Environment. Peninsulas, mountains, & islands = isolated city-states Tectonic activity (earthquakes & volcanoes) Warm, Mediterranean, climate = outdoor activities. The Minoan Civilization. 2700-1450 B.C. on the Island of Crete

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Ancient Greece

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  1. Ancient Greece Chapter 4

  2. The Physical Environment • Peninsulas, mountains, & islands = isolated city-states • Tectonic activity (earthquakes & volcanoes) • Warm, Mediterranean, climate = outdoor activities

  3. The Minoan Civilization • 2700-1450 B.C. on the Island of Crete • Named after King Minos • Palace at Knossos (NAH SUHS) • Traded with Egypt & Greece • Murals (Frescos) of sports & nature • Suddenly ended: • earthquake on the island of Thera? • invaded by the Mycenaeans?

  4. Minoan men

  5. Minoan women

  6. Myths & Legends • The Minoans ascribed religious or magical power to dancing and to the remarkable athletic performance now known as bull leaping. • Minoan reverence for the bull is probably reflected in Greek myths of later days • The interrelated tales of Minos and of Theseus and the Minotaur, or the tale of Hercules and the Cretan bull.

  7. Pithoi The people of ancient Crete’s Minoan culture used many-handled jars called pithoi for the storage of oils or grains. Minoans also used the jars as vessels for human burial.

  8. Knossos Palace

  9. Throne Room

  10. Dolphin Fresco

  11. Bull Leaping Fresco

  12. Mycenae (MY SEE NEE) • 1600-1100 B.C. in Southern Greece (Peloponnesus) • The first “Greek” city-state • Indo – Europeans • Each city had its own Monarch • They lived in fortified palaces that were built on hills & surrounded by walls • Were buried in beehive shaped tombs called Tholos • Ended because of civil war & invasion from the north • Greece enters a “dark age”

  13. City gate

  14. Then & now

  15. Tholos

  16. Interior of a tholos

  17. The Trojan War???? • The Trojan War was supposed to have been fought between Mycenae (Greece) and Troy (Turkey) • There really was a King Agamemnon @ 250 B.C. • We have found the ruins of Troy (modern Turkey) • We don’t know if there really was a war • If there was a war, it would have probably been fought over the Dardanelles, not over a woman

  18. The Iliad & the Odyssey • Homer (“The blind poet”) given credit • Epic Poems = heroism (Arête = excellence) • Recited from memory, the Greeks did not use writing at the time • The Iliad: the Trojan War (10 years) • Agamemnon = brother of the King of Sparta • Paris = Prince of Troy, & “kidnapper” of Helen • Helen = the most beautiful women in the world, wife of the king of Sparta who fled Sparta with Paris • “she was the face that launched a thousand ships” • The Odyssey: ten years to travel home from the Trojan • Odysseus = hero of the Trojan War trying to get back home: • Penelope = wife of Odysseus

  19. Homer

  20. Agamemnon’s burial mask

  21. Entrance Ramp to Troy

  22. Amphitheatre

  23. This is what the Trojan horse might have looked like

  24. The Dark Ages of Greece • Cause & effect: • the Mycenaean civilization is destroyed - the population & food production decrease • the population & food production decrease - people began to migrate & set up colonies • Settling colonies = more trade & sharing culture • Ionia = Asia Minor (Anatolia) • Aeolia = North & Central Greece & islands • Doria = Southwest Greece (Peloponnesus) & the Aegean islands (including Crete) • the most famous colony is the city-state of Byzantium • Byzantium = Constantinople = Istanbul • Becomes the capital of the Byzantine Empire AKA the Eastern Roman Empire)

  25. The City - State • Polis= city • Independent from each other • Controlled the surrounding territory • Political, social, & religious centers • Acropolis = fortified refuge, usually located at the top of a hill • Agora = open area in the middle of town, usually used as a market place or a place to assemble

  26. Acropolis of Athens

  27. Agora of Athens

  28. What the Agora looked like

  29. Greek Military • cavalry soldiers = aristocracy • infantry = peasants = Hoplites • Round shield • Short sword • 8 ft. spear • Helmet with a mohawk of feathers • Marched in phalanx (FAY LANX) = shoulder to shoulder in a rectangular formation

  30. Hoplites in battle

  31. Hoplite in uniform

  32. Phalanx

  33. The People • Adult males = citizen • Had the right to vote in assembly • Greek Women & Children = citizens • without the right to vote • Slaves & resident aliens = non-citizens • no rights

  34. spinning

  35. weaving

  36. Types of Greek Government • Aristocratic rule • a few rich landowners controlled everything • Tyranny = seized power from the aristocrats by force • supported by the rich merchants & the poor landowners that owed money to the aristocracy • Kept control with paid soldiers (mercenaries) • Oligarchy = rule by the few (Sparta) • Democracy = rule by the many, or rule by the people (Athens)

  37. Tyranny • Cause & effect • A Lack of farmland = colonization • Colonization = increased trade/wealth • increased trade/wealth = tyranny • The people liked the Tyrants • Hired solders to maintain order, & built markets, temples, & city walls to keep the people happy • Most of the Tyrants were replaced soon after they came to power, because the Greeks believed in the rule of law

  38. Sparta • Located on the Peloponnese Peninsula • Conquered neighbors & made them serfs (Helots) • Military government • wanted to remain isolated so that outside ideas could not pollute the minds of the people • Women had more freedoms than anywhere else in the ancient world because they ran the households & farms while their men lived in the barracks

  39. Spartan Oligarchy • Military state: • Ephors • 5 (annually) elected officials in charge of education & conduct of citizens • Council of elders • 2 kings + 28 male citizens over 60 • Got to debate issues • The assembly • all male citizens over 30 • Could vote but did not get to debate issues • Stratified society: • Citizens = Spartan men, women, & children • Helots = slaves (people the Spartans conquered)

  40. Military State • All babies were inspected by government officials when they were born, if the weren’t good enough they were “exposed” on the side of a mountain • All males citizens had to join the army: • entered training when they were 7 • joined the army when they were 20 years old • They were required to get married at 20, but lived in the military barracks until they were 30 • had to eat all meals at the public dining hall (black broth) • they couldn’t retire until they were 60

  41. The Greek City- States

  42. Athens • Located on the Attica peninsula • an oligarchy of aristocrats took control of politics • 594 B.C. They aristocrats appointed Solon as ruler • an attempt to avoid civil war • many peasants could not pay their debts to the wealthy landowners • He was replaced with the tyrant Pisistratus who gave all the land to the poor peasants • the peasants rebelled & put Cleisthenes in power • he created a council of 500 & gave more power to the assembly • established the basis of Athenian Democracy • Democracy = “the rule of the many,” government by the people, either directly or through their elected representatives

  43. The Persians are Coming!!! • Ionia (the Greek Colony on the coast of Anatolia) was taken over by the Persian Empire (Darius I) • 499 B.C., Athens tried to help the Ionians rebel (they failed) • 490 B.C. Persia attacked Greece (to pay them back) • The Athenians won the battle at Marathon • Pheidippedesran 26 miles to Athens to tell everyone the good news, then died • 480 B.C., Xerxes, Darius’ I son, invaded Athens • 7,000 Greeks v. 180,000 Persians • Thermopylae Pass • 300 Spartans were especially brave, but they were betrayed • the people of Athens abandoned their city • The unified Greeks army called the Delian League defeated the Persians

  44. Classical Greece • The Delian League continued to “protect” all of the Greek city-states after the Persian but Athens had all the power • Pericles was the democratically elected leader of Athens • “The Age of Pericles” & “the school of Greece” • Direct Democracy • paid public officials = poor people could take part in government • rebuilt Athens including the Acropolis (Delian $) • 10 elected generals ran policy in Athens • Ostracism = banned for 10 years

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