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Vocabulary Unit 9

Vocabulary Unit 9. Diligence - Noun. Steadiness of effort; persistent hard work Learning a foreign language requires diligence on the part of a student. Disclose - Verb. Reveal

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Vocabulary Unit 9

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocabulary Unit 9

  2. Diligence - Noun • Steadiness of effort; persistent hard work • Learning a foreign language requires diligence on the part of a student.

  3. Disclose - Verb • Reveal • Aunt Becky has never disclosed the name of the man she was going to be married to thirty years ago but who died in a car crash just before the wedding.

  4. Discount - Verb • Disregard; dismiss • The report discounted the story he was told because it contradicted all the information he had given about the situation.

  5. Discriminating - ADJ • Able to see differences • A discriminating reader, Ms. Hansen chooses books that have been highly praised by respected reviewers.

  6. Disdain – Noun or Verb • Scorn • The soldier was treated with disdain by his comrades because he fled the battle after the first shot was fired.

  7. Disinclination - Noun • A lack of inclination; reluctance • Arthur, a slightly built young man, has a disinclination to participate in sports involving physical contact.

  8. Dismiss - Verb • Put away from consideration; reject • My boss asked me for suggestions to improve efficiency but then dismissed my ideas as ridiculous.

  9. Disperse - Verb • Scatter • Tear gas was used to disperse the large crowd of angry protesters that had gathered outside the government offices.

  10. Disputatious - ADJ • Argumentative; fond of arguing • Mary seems naturally disputatious; she takes an extreme position on every issue.

  11. Dissent - Verb • Disagree • No one dissented, so the motion was passed unanimously.

  12. Divergent - ADJ • Varying; going in different directions from the same point • Sandra and Peter took divergent approaches to solving the equation, but both arrived at the correct answer.

  13. Document - Noun • Provide written evidence • Dad likes to document our summer vacation trips by recording highlights with his video camera.

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