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AAPPA “Space Revisited” Workshop ADAPTIVE AIR CONDITIONING. by David Uhlhorn Umow Lai & Associates Pty Ltd March 2003. Adaptive Air Conditioning Comfort. Comfort Occupant satisfaction Increased productivity. Adaptive Air Conditioning Comfort.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AAPPA “Space Revisited” WorkshopADAPTIVE AIR CONDITIONING by David Uhlhorn Umow Lai & Associates Pty Ltd March 2003

  2. Adaptive Air ConditioningComfort Comfort Occupant satisfaction Increased productivity

  3. Adaptive Air ConditioningComfort • Some parameters affecting comfort we can control: • temperature • humidity • air speed • ventilation rate • glare • solar radiation • lighting level • colours

  4. Adaptive Air ConditioningComfort • Some parameters affecting comfort we may not be able to control: • external weather conditions • clothing • relationship with other occupants • odours • job satisfaction • mood • health

  5. Adaptive Air ConditioningComfort Definition: “Thermal Comfort is that condition of mind that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment” - American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)

  6. Adaptive Air ConditioningComfort Comfort conditions in air conditioned buildings: • ASHRAE Standard 55 “Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy” - satisfies 80% of sedentary or slightly active persons.

  7. Adaptive Air ConditioningComfort Greater occupant control Greater occupant comfort

  8. Adaptive Air ConditioningComfort with Natural Ventilation Comfort conditions in naturally ventilated buildings:

  9. Adaptive Air ConditioningComfort Adaptive Comfort Theory - occupants adapt to their environment via 3 modes: Behavioural - adjustment Physiological - acclimatisation Psychological - habituation and expectation

  10. Adaptive Air Conditioning Adaptive Air Conditioning: natural ventilation mechanical air conditioning Also called hybrid or mixed mode ventilation/air conditioning

  11. Adaptive Air Conditioning Adaptive Air Conditioning benefits: • lower capital costs • lower operating costs • higher occupant satisfaction

  12. Adaptive Air ConditioningPotential for Natural Ventilation Percentage of hours/annum between 15-26 oC % of Total Hours/Annum Brisbane 65 Sydney 64 Perth 55 Adelaide 43 Melbourne 37 Canberra 30 Hobart 26 Darwin 25

  13. Adaptive Air Conditioning CSIRO Food Science, Werribee:

  14. Adaptive Air Conditioning CSIRO Food Science, Werribee:

  15. Adaptive Air Conditioning The University of Melbourne - Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute

  16. Adaptive Air Conditioning The University of Melbourne - Bio21

  17. Adaptive Air Conditioning Deakin University, Burwood - Building T

  18. Adaptive Air Conditioning Deakin Building T

  19. Adaptive Air Conditioning Deakin Building T: • Construction cost $1,650 per m2 (cf typical > $2,000 per m2) • Energy target of 350 MJ per m2 (cf typical 450 - 950 MJ per m2) • Average internal temperature 23 oC (Nov 02 - Jan 03)

  20. Adaptive Air Conditioning Summary: • Comfort is a personal thing and best that can be expected is 90-95% satisfaction • Occupants of naturally ventilated buildings have lower expectations than occupants of air conditioned buildings • Degree of control of the environment has a major influence on satisfaction with thermal conditions

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