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Worker Safety and Health Support Annex to the NRP. "One team, one goal...a safer, more secure America". How Was the Annex Developed?. Created concurrently with the development of the NRP OSHA worked with CDC/NIOSH, the NRT, DHS/FEMA and others to obtain broad based support
Worker Safety and Health Support Annex to the NRP "One team, one goal...a safer, more secure America"
How Was the Annex Developed? • Created concurrently with the development of the NRP • OSHA worked with CDC/NIOSH, the NRT, DHS/FEMA and others to obtain broad based support • Principles based upon Lessons Learned from WTC and Anthrax
Purpose • Provide guidelines for coordinating responder and worker safety and health support activity during potential or actual Incidents of National Significance. • Describe the actions needed to ensure that threats to responders safety and health are consistently anticipated, recognized, evaluated, and controlled.
A Worker Safety and Health Annex Is Needed because… • Workers at an Incident of National Significance are exposed to a variety of hazards, whether they are responding to a natural disaster or a terrorist incident • Experience from World Trade Center and Anthrax attacks show that safety and health assets need to be better coordinated.
Responder and recovery workers are often focused on public safety and health. For responders to perform their duties effectively and to ensure an efficient response and recovery-- worker safety and health must be a high priority A Worker Safety and Health Annex is Needed Because… • “Save lives and protect the health and safety of the public, responders and recovery workers” • NRP – Top Priority • Planning and Assumptions
Where there are large or multiple sites There are complex incidents with many responders and many safety and health assets Incident Command may be overwhelmed by a wide range and large number of hazards Incidents may present unique hazards, e.g. WMD Coordination of responder safety and health assets is often needed …
A Worker Safety and Health Annex Because ….. The Unthinkable Could Happen Again!
A Worker Safety and Health Annex Because …. • Power Restoration • Debris Management • Temporary Roofing
“Risk Much to Save Much” Does Not Apply Here
NRP Annexes BASE PLAN JFO, PFO, IIMG, HSOC ESF #15 – External Affairs ESF #5 – Emergency Management ESF #10 – Oil & Hazardous Materials ESF #4 - Firefighting ESF # 9 – Urban Search and Rescue ESF #14 – Long Term Community Recovery, Mitigation, andEconomic Stabilization ESF #3 – Public Works and Engineering ESF #8 – Public Health & Medical Services ESF #13 –Public Safety and Security ESF #2 – Communications ESF #7 –Resource Support ESF #12 - Energy ESF #1 - Transportation ESF #6 – Mass Care, Housing and Human Services ESF #11 –Agriculture and Natural Resources Emergency Support Function Annexes Insular Affairs Food and Agriculture Logistics Cyber Response Science and Technology Terrorism Response Biological Response Private Sector Coordination Volunteer & Donations Management Nuclear/Radiological Response Financial Management International Coordination Hazardous Materials Response NRP Changes and Updates Worker Safety and Health Public Affairs Catastrophic Incident Response Acronyms and Abbreviations Tribal Relations Support Annexes Incident Annexes Terms and Definitions Appendices
Annex Coordinating Agency: Department of Labor/Occupational Safety & Health Administration Cooperating Agencies: Environmental Protection Agency Department of Defense – - USACE Department of Energy Department of Health and Human Services - NIOSH, ATSDR, NIEHS Department of Homeland Security - USCG, FEMA
Scope • Typically Incidents of National Significance (INS) • Focused on WMD Incidents but could have utility at large natural disasters • Coordination of Incident Worker Safety and Health Technical Assistance • Core assistance modeled after assistance provided at WTC • Does not cover public health and safety
NRP Emergency Support Function (ESF) #5 Emergency Management activates the Annex or activation can be requested by an individual ESF Worker S & H annex does not replace the responsibilities of organizations to provide for the safety and health of their workers On-Scene Pragmatic, Consistent and Accurate Responder and Worker Safety and Health Risk Management Policy
Premised upon cooperative and proactive work with responders prior to and during response Acknowledges that agencies retain their authorities To provide advice and technical support to the Incident Safety Officer within the ICS established Policy
Pre-Incident Coordination Coordination through existing organizations and committees e.g. NRT Creation of an NRP Worker safety and health support coordination committee Pre-incident planning guidance development and distribution Work with other organizations that develop and fund responder training to ensure their curricula are consistent in content and message for each responder level
Concept of Operations: Coordinate Incident Response Support/Services • SiteSpecific Health and Safety Plan development Hazard assessment and site characterization (worker exposures) • 24/7 Personal airborne exposure monitoring • 24/7 Site safety monitoring • Worker Medical Surveillance/Monitoring e.g. lead, asbestos, silica
Concept of Operations: Coordinate Incident Response Support/Services • PPE program development & implementation • Worker Exposure Data Management • Labor Union and Contractor Coordination • Site – Specific Training • Psychological First Aid i.e. CISM
ChallengesAhead Integrate Annex policy and concepts within the Federal Interagency Response Community - At all levels Exercise these concepts and refine the Annex policy
The New NRT Worker Safety & Health Subcommittee Genesis:The 2004 Co-Chairs Meeting Discussions on S&H and the need for ESF # 10 specific support Mission:To Identify and Address issues related to Worker Safety & Health During Response and Recovery Operations
NRT Worker Safety & Health Subcommittee • COMPOSITION & FORMAT - Co-Chaired by EPA and OSHA - Membership Representative of the Broader NRT – USCG, HHS, ATSDR, NIOSH, USACE, NIEHS, CPWR, UMDNJ- Rutgers, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine - Existing ESF # 10 Worker Safety and Health Committee Incorporated - Monthly Meetings
NRT Worker Safety & Health Subcommittee Overall Goal: To be an NCP/ESF 10 Focused Responder and Worker Safety and Health Interagency Coordinating Body
NRT Worker Safety & Health Subcommittee Current Initiatives: - Technical Seminar on WMD/CBRN issues affecting Respiratory Protection of Responders and Recovery Workers
Evolving Issues that May Lead to NRT Action Proposals *Safety Officer Responsibilities / Qualifications Under the NIMS *PPE Ensemble Harmonization... - HAZWOPER’s A-B-C vs. NFPA 1994 1-2-3 *Using OSC Spill Reports to Proactively Address Safety and Health Issues
OSHA Resources Available to Support an Emergency Response • 1100 safety and health professionals; 260 Certified Professionals (CSPs, CIHs, PEs, Structural Engineers, MDs, & CHPs) • ICS and CBRN trained professionals • Health Response Team Comprised of Seasoned Professionals • Four (4) Specialized Response Teams for CBRN • ER/RRT Coordinators in every Region who participate • Regional Response Teams (RRTs) and • Regional Interagency Steering Committees (RISC)