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WASC. Overview. CHAPTER 1. STUDENT/COMMUNITY PROFILE: DATA & FINDINGS. Enrollment/Demographic. Current enrollment has the school at approximately 1600 students. This number is composed of 450 ninth graders, 400 tenth graders, 390 eleventh graders and 350 twelfth graders.
WASC Overview
Enrollment/Demographic • Current enrollment has the school at approximately 1600 students. This number is composed of 450 ninth graders, 400 tenth graders, 390 eleventh graders and 350 twelfth graders. • Largest Populations: Hispanic/Latino 55%, White 28%, and African-American 10%. • Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 71% • English Learners 19% • Students with Disabilities 11%
Enrollment in Special Needs and Other Programs • 11.4 % of our students are enrolled in AP classes • 14.6% of our students are enrolled in Honors classes • Hispanic/Latino AP and Honors enrollment is for the most part in line with our overall student demographic.
Enrollment in Special Needs and Other Programs • RSP and SDC enrollment at Tahquitz High School totals approximately 194 students. Of these students, 124 are designated as RSP and 70 students designated as SDC. RSP and SDC enrollment for the most part is in line with our overall student demographic. • English Language Learner enrollment at Tahquitz High School totals approximately 264 students. Of these students, 138 are male and 126 are female. The majority of ELL students are of Hispanic background.
Attendance • The average daily rate of attendance at Tahquitz High School is approximately 94%. • The number and percentage of students receiving free and reduced lunch benefits has increased steadily over the past few yearsand is currently at approximately 78%.
Critical Academic Needs • 1. Self study findings indicate a need to close the achievement gap and raise the overall pass rate in English/Language Arts and Mathematics for all significant student subgroups in order to meet AYP/AMO and API Growth targets. • 2. Self-study findings indicate a need to increase the number of students scoring proficient or advanced in all CST areas.
Questions Raised by Data • What are we doing presently to support the achievement of our ELL students? • What are we doing presently to support the achievement of our students with disabilities? • What are we doing presently to support the achievement of our Hispanic/Latino students? • What are we doing presently to support the achievement of our economically disadvantaged students? • What more can we do to support our students in significant subgroups? • What can be done to improve CST performance for all students? • What are we doing to develop an emphasis on writing across the curriculum?
CHAPTER 3 • Progress Report
Action Plan #1 The school administration and staff need to address the issue of academic rigor. Three Strategic Goals were set to address the issue of rigor and process: • Excellence in Every Classroom; • Shared Leadership Opportunities for All Stakeholders; and • Build Explicit Structures and Roles to Support Problem Solving and Organizational Capacity.
Action Plan #1 • In line with the Strategic Goals, two site goals were created: The Teacher Performance Objectives are as follows: • Multiple Opportunities for Students to Demonstrate Mastery of Standards; and • Build Common Formative Assessments Across All Core Areas.
Action Plan #2 The school administration and staff need to implement ways to positively recognize academic achievement and other forms of student accomplishment. • Tahquitz is deliberately making a multitude of efforts to improve our culture. • In 2010-2011, we have seen a sharp increase in the number of clubs on campus. • Numerous pep rallies occur at lunch where students are recognized for the difference they make in the THS community.
Action Plan #2 • At every late start PLC meeting, students are called in to acknowledge a Tahquitz teacher who made a huge impact on them. • Our website, which averages over 2000 hits a day, is a forum used to celebrate students and staff on a daily basis. • Facebook and Twitter are also used daily to promote student accomplishments. • The Tahquitz News, played every day during 2nd period has also become a daily reminder of student activities on campus. • Formal awards ceremonies are held at the end of the year prior to graduation.
Action Plan #3 The school administration and staff need to provide more opportunities for parental input and involvement. • Tahquitz has a Parent Teacher Student Association of over 200 parents and boasts of the largest PTSA in Riverside County for High Schools. • Facebook has provided a happy medium for parents to engage one another and staff regarding the decisions that are made directly impacting the instructional program at THS. • Tahquitz High School’s departmental and WASC evidence that guide our growing Professional Learning Community is on WikiSpaces™ • Parents are active in covering sporting events, rummage sales, Grad Night Committee and teacher celebratory events.
Action Plan #4 The district and school administration need to focus on creating a staff which more closely represents the ethnic diversity of the school. • Tahquitz is a school community that is diverse and thriving. • A myriad of efforts have been made to bridge differences and create a culture where regardless of predispositions, when we are on campus, we are all Titans. • Over 70% of our staff either coaches a sport or are involved directly with a club/activity on campus. • Tahquitzstudents have stepped up and created a Gay Straight Alliance
Action Plan #5 The school administration and staff need to develop the vision, mission statement and the students learning goals (ESLRs). • TAHQUITZ HIGH SCHOOL VISION To inspire an environment of voracious learning and positive relationships, demonstrated by service to others, leadership, and community involvement. • TAHQUITZ HIGH SCHOOL MISSION We will provide a series of opportunities that create a foundation for success in a global community through a relevant and rigorous education to meet the diverse needs of our students. 1. We will celebrate achievement 2. We will overcome challenges 3. We will be successful
EXPECTED SCHOOL-WIDE LEARNING RESULTS Passion for Learning • Students will demonstrate the development of a life-long pursuit of knowledge. • Students will demonstrate the ability to think critically and to solve problems both independently and collaboratively. Respect for Yourself, for your Community, and for the Environment • Students will demonstrate pride in themselves. • Students will demonstrate care for their communities and their environment. Integrity in All Things • Students will demonstrate ethical decision making. • Students will demonstrate personal accountability. Dedication to Growth • Students will demonstrate technological proficiency and adaptability. • Students will demonstrate an appreciation of artistic endeavors and a commitment to healthful living. Excellence in Everything • Students will demonstrate achievement of high academic standards. • Students will demonstrate the setting, attainment, and celebration of goals.
CHAPTER 4 • Vision • Curriculum • Instruction • Assessment • Culture
ORGANIZATION: VISION & PURPOSE, GOVERNANCE, LEADERSHIP & STAFF, AND RESOURCES Strengths: • HUSD has given support to improve staff development through PLC’s to increase student achievement. • Data from state standardized testing and local assessments are analyzed to identify essential standards, revise pacing guides, and determine areas for student remediation. Growth Needs: • Enhance PLC and Career Pathways strategies to improve student achievement. • Update computer hardware and software in the computer labs, classrooms and library and provide opportunities for staff to learn and utilize new Web 2.0 technology applications to increase student learning. • Utilize AERIES Browser Interface (ABI) components to their fullest.
STANDARDS-BASED STUDENT LEARNING: CURRICULUM Strengths: • Academic classes are aligned to the state standards and frameworks and have been UC/CSU A-G approved. This allows students to have a common, rigorous curricular experience. • THS Open Access Policy allows students and their ability to take high level classes, such as advanced placement courses. Students are encouraged to take rigorous coursework. • Freshmen Focus Units in Health Classes • Expected Schoolwide Learning Results: Tahquitz Pride Poster • ABI and Ed Line
STANDARDS-BASED STUDENT LEARNING: CURRICULUM Growth Needs: • Articulate learning objectives vertically within departmental areas and horizontally among departments by grade level. • Enhance Career Pathway curricula to provide students with meaningful opportunities to extend their learning inside and outside of the classroom through articulation agreements with post-secondary institutions. • Reinforce the student four-year plan development process by bringing teachers into the school-to-career partnership and increase understanding of the various courses and programs available at THS among all school stakeholders. • Reinforce the student four-year plan development process by bringing teachers into the school-to-career partnership and increase understanding of the various courses and programs available at THS among all school stakeholders. • Embed use of technology skill standards within curriculum of all courses. • Use of common assessments in subject areas. • More vocational education opportunities for students.
Student-Based Student Learning: Instruction Strengths: • Teachers are using a breadth of strategies, resources, and rubrics to encourage higher level critical thinking. • Real-life applications are embedded in most disciplines, especially those with a career or technical focus. • Teachers use an online grading system that gives parents and students the opportunity to view their student’s progress online. • Teachers are continuing to grow in the use of technology and incorporate it into their lessons.
Student-Based Student Learning: Instruction Growth Needs: • Find ways to support off-campus learning experiences and have teachers collaborate on interdisciplinary projects to strengthen the learning process. • Continue technology training to enhance its use in the classroom and effectiveness as an instructional, assessment, and communication tool. • Increasing communication with the community to increase parent support. • Increase parent use of Ed Line to monitor student progress; by keeping parents aware of daily, weekly, and triad performance of their student, daily instructional needs can be met with more fidelity. • Teacher training and school-wide support on available technologies to strengthen classroom instruction by providing multiple modalities for student learning. • Develop as a Professional Learning Communities to improve collaboration within department.
Standards-Based Student Learning: Assessment and Accountability Areas of Strength: • Building of Common Assessments. • Focus on use of Formative Assessments to drive instruction for a more Student Centered Achievement focus. • Putting systems in place to better utilize Data for better informed instruction, best practices and decision-making based on the needs of our students. • Multiple Opportunities for students to be assessed in a variety of ways. Areas of Growth: • Continue to build as a learning community to use our Data and become familiar with the use of Data. • Continue to build capacity within the Departments through collaboration and open dialogue about how to best serve our students as a team. • Continue to refine our Common Assessments so that both the rigor of the assessment matches what our students have mastered through the Standards and the utilization of our best teaching practices to help students to be more engaged. • Continue to grow as a school that is making decisions for students based on our data.
SCHOOL CULTURE AND SUPPORT FOR STUDENT PERSONAL AND ACADEMIC GROWTH Strengths: • The Counseling Department provides standards-based student support programs in the academic, college/career, and social/emotional domains. • Parental support and involvement in PTSA, special programs (Grad-Nite) and most importantly, the student learning process. • Many opportunities for recognition combined with incentive programs motivate students for academic and athletic success. • Custodial staff, campus supervisors, and classified staff maintain a clean, safe and orderly campus which is conducive to learning. • Students’ interests are engaged through a multitude of extra-curricular and co-curricular clubs, programs, and teams. • The Code of Conduct and attendance policies are well-defined and consistently enforced. • Every teacher has their own classroom. • Exceptional State of the Art facilities. • Security Cameras Growth Needs: • Increase subgroup enrollment in higher-level courses.
Action Plan Goals #1 Utilize the PLC model to increase student achievement in all core subject areas at all levels and within all subgroups. Rationale: Improving student achievement for all students, especially those “basic and below” has been the cornerstone of our school plan and staff development strategies. The PLC model provides a focus for improving student achievement.