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TRADITIONAL HEALERS CARING FOR PLWHA q How working with local healers to treat opportunistic AIDS-related diseases has made a difference to the lives of 4,000 people living with HIV/AIDS. KIOSK 1. LESOTHO Youth Anti-AIDS Movement
TRADITIONAL HEALERS CARING FOR PLWHA qHow working with local healers to treat opportunistic AIDS-related diseases has made a difference to the lives of 4,000 people living with HIV/AIDS. KIOSK 1 LESOTHO Youth Anti-AIDS Movement qHow AIDS education has strengthened young adults capacity and access to information about their rights. KIOSK 2 • EMPOWERING YOUTH IN THE FIGHT AGAINST HIV/AIDS • AIDSWEB -- Using school-based ICT resources to help African youth learn and act on HIV/AIDS while developing their computer skills. KIOSK 3 LESSONS LEARNED ON IMPROVING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MAP HIV/AIDS PROGRAMS qLessons learned from the MAP on how using flexible and innovative approaches has helped accelerate the implementation of national AIDS programs. KIOSK 4 TIN/CAN VILLAGES SOCIETY FOR OVC qExample of a long term solution for addressing the needs of orphans and foster children KIOSK 5 • CSIR – RURAL CONNECTIVITY FOR ENHANCED HEALTHCARE • How a low cost innovation in ICT can be used to link rural areas to hospital and help bring healthcare to the rural poor. KIOSK 6 Sponsored by: The World Bank Africa Region Contact: Suzanne Essama: sessama@worldbank.org KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE Scaling up Efforts in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS Country Innovation Day Discover success stories in prevention and education Learn how African practitioners are caring for PLWHA Network and exchange knowledge about good practices and creative solutions 2-3 June, 2004 Protea Hotel Parktonian, Braamfontein, Daily events: 9am–5pm Johannesburg, SouthAfrica
ROUNDABOUT OUTDOORS WATER AND HIV/AIDS INITIATIVE qHow an innovative play pump doubles as a water pump and a merry-go-round recreation area for schools children while carrying messages on HIV/AIDS prevention. KIOSK 7 SELF EMPOWERMENT INTERNATIONAL qHow disadvantaged adults are empowered with life skills training and learn to use computers to obtain information on HIV/AIDS and STDs. . KIOSK 8 • SADAG (SOUTH AFRICAN DEPRESSION & ANXIETY GROUP) • Lessons learned on how to address discrimination and stigma associated with mental • health. Availability of resources on treatment options. KIOSK 9 YOUTH IT MICROENTERPRISE – EMPOWERING YOUTH THROUGH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT qHow 500 + in-and out-of-school youth and AIDS orphans in Uganda and Zimbabwe are learning entrepreneurship skills and creating new businesses and obtain employment. KIOSK 10 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NETWORK q Explore ways of scaling up the impact of youth development programmes, sharing information and best practices amongst member organizations, securing resources to support youth development programmes and advocacy for interests of young people. KIOSK 11 • BANA ba KELETSO • Will share experiences in dealing with orphans (in particular HIV/AIDs orphans) • KENTSWANA YOUTH CENTRE – REACHING THE YOUTH TO BUILD THE FUTURE • Lessons learned from a successful program on behavior change for young adults and orphans. Emphasis on prevention and counseling. Skills to promote self reliance. KIOSK 12 KIOSK 13 Sponsored by: The World Bank Africa Region Contact: Suzanne Essama: sessama@worldbank.org
KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE Scaling up Efforts in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS Country Innovation Day Sponsored by: The World Bank Africa Region Contact: Suzanne Essama: sessama@worldbank.org Workshops – June 3 (Morning Only) • NATIONAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE COUNCIL • Will advise project teams on what to expect in terms of monitoring and evaluation of their projects, on disbursement and the necessity of signing a grant agreement for World Bank funds. NON PROFIT PARTNERSHIP qLessons learned in effective financial management, fund raising skills for sustainability of your project or organization. • PANEL PRESENTATION ON LINKING YOUTH LIVELIHOODS AND HIV/AIDS • Will discuss recent activities and research in this area and build upon ongoing series of international partnerships