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Aeries Gradebook

Aeries Gradebook. By Jeanne Sbardellati June 12, 2008. Logging on to your site. Your UserName (w/capital) Your ABI password Pick your school. Type in Passcode. 1234 Log In. The first page: Things to know. Count-down timer. Locks

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Aeries Gradebook

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Aeries Gradebook By Jeanne Sbardellati June 12, 2008

  2. Logging on to your site Your UserName (w/capital) Your ABI password Pick your school

  3. Type in Passcode 1234 Log In

  4. The first page: Things to know • Count-down • timer. Locks • you out when it expires! • Tabbed Options • (choose Grades)

  5. Choose the Gradebook Menu Notice the Maintenance page

  6. The Gradebook Menu Notice the “Maintenance” Page

  7. Maintenance: Edit Gradebook Note the “edit” buttons Note the “Add New Gradebook”    button

  8. This is how you add gradebooks and edit the parameters This is how you set up gradebooks by reporting period Be sure to “Apply Changes”

  9. Linking Gradebooks(not recommended) Linking gradebooks together will cause all assignment and assignment type changes to apply to all gradebooks in a group. This means that if you change or add an assignment or assignment type, that change or add will apply to ALL gradebooks that are linked together!

  10. At the beginning of the year you will need to add students to your gradebooks.

  11. You have to allow Enters/Leaves From the Gradebook Maintenancethe Enter/Leaves tab will display gradebook for students to be added. All students must be added to gradebook.

  12. Maintenance/Manage Students Students who drop will still be in your gradebook. You can delete students or add them to another gradebook.

  13. Add Assignment • Go to Edit Assignment • Click on Add New Assignment or • Edit Assignment…………………………………

  14. Final Marks Used to adjust percentages that equal each grade (do BEFORE loading grades from “Gradebook” to “Grade Reporting.”

  15. Back Up your Gradebook! Backing up allows you to “restore your own data without impacting others in case of a disaster!

  16. After your gradebooks have been set up.. You will want to Create/Edit your Assignment Types You may use: H=Homework C=Classwork P=Project Q=Quiz T=Test Be sure to “APPLY Changes.”

  17. Now you are ready to edit/add assignments Click on Edit New Assignment Click on Add New Assignment

  18. Edit/Set Parameters • Assignment # (it will default) • Description of assignment • Maximum Points Score • Assignment Due • Grading Complete? (won’t count toward final score until checked. • Click ADD

  19. Add Student Grades • Scores by Student Scores by Assignment

  20. Also scores by class

  21. Options: Current Gradebook Range to display to parents Range to count toward grade

  22. Options: Grading Rules Example: Drop the lowest homework score and replace with nothing/average score/ best score.

  23. Other Things • Do not use the TA mode • The Access Mode will let you see who and how often students/parents are checking their grades online. • PROTECT YOUR PASSWORD! DO NOT SHARE WITH ANYONE! • Reports: Self-explanatory: --Reports by student --Email assignments to students --Gradebook Roster --Final Mark Analysis

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