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FinFET: a mature multigate MOS technology? A wideband transistor simulation and characterization approach

FinFET: a mature multigate MOS technology? A wideband transistor simulation and characterization approach. J.-P. Raskin 1 , T.M. Chung 1 , D. Lederer 1 , A. Dixit 2 , N. Collaert 2 , T. Rudenko 3 , V. Kilchytska 3 , D. Flandre 3 Université catholique de Louvain,

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FinFET: a mature multigate MOS technology? A wideband transistor simulation and characterization approach

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  1. FinFET: a mature multigate MOS technology?A wideband transistor simulation and characterization approach J.-P. Raskin1, T.M. Chung1, D. Lederer1, A. Dixit2, N. Collaert2, T. Rudenko3, V. Kilchytska3, D. Flandre3 Université catholique de Louvain, 1Microwave and 4Microelectronics Laboratories Place du Levant, 3, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium raskin@emic.ucl.ac.be 2IMEC, Kapeldreef, 75, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium 3ISP, Kiev

  2. Growing interest for MuG • Strong limitations - Short Channel Effects - appearing for Single Gate MOS below 50 nm • Many technological difficulties to satisfy the ITRS predictions, in terms of leakage current (IOFF), supply voltage, Early voltage, DIBL, cutoff frequency, etc. • Multiple-gate MOSFETs (MuG) are considered as serious potential candidates Planar MuG < > Non-planar MuG

  3. Planar MuG • GAA: First planar DG MOS • Isotropic wet etching of BOX • good gate oxide-channel interfaces, channel thickness controlled by highly selective wet etching • Need: variable W/L >< GAA (W/L=1) • Planar DG built by wafer bonding starting with SG MOS • Gate stacks are not built at the same time (dissimetry) • Misalignment of top and bottom gates • Planar DG built by transfer of a thin Si film above a cavity • Both gates are built simultaneously • Misalignment of top and bottom gates GAA [Colinge, SOI Conf. 90] SON-GAA, ST-M, IEDM’03 DG, CEA-LETI, SOI Conf. 04 Self-aligned DG process, but no DG MOS yet DG, UCL, SPIE 04

  4. Non-planar MuG FinFET, Triple gate Omega gate, Pi-Gate FinFET IMEC, SSE’04 Taiwan Semicon., IEDM’02

  5. RF analog factors of merit • Several good published articles investigated the intrinsic behavior of MuG experimentally and through simulations: ION/IOFF, Subthreshold slope, Vth roll-off, DIBL. • Analyses focused on RF analog performance – not limited to the channel behavior (impact of parasitics related to the 3-D structure) ITRS

  6. Measured MuG FinFET from IMEC • Gate lengths L from 10 µm down to 50 nm • Fin width Wfin from 10 µm down to 22 nm • Fin height Hfin from 60 to 95 nm • Fin spacing (Sfin) from 100 to 350 nm • Nitrided gate oxide of 2 nm EOT • NiSi salicide Planar DG from UCL • SiO2 gate oxide of 30 or 6 nm • Si film of 87 nm • BOX = 400 nm • L from 20 down to 1 µm

  7. 3-D Atlas simulations of SOI MOSFETs Multiple-Gate Devices in static and dynamic regimes Non-planar vs. planar MuG Single-, Double-, Triple-, and Pi-Gate MOS L from 200 nm down to 25 nm Hfin = 50 nm Tsi = Wfin = 20 nm Tox = 2 nm Tbox = 150 nm Channel doping = 1015 cm-3 (undoped)

  8. Static simulation results - Roll-off Vth , degradation of S and DIBL for SG for Lg < 100 nm Solution: Reduce Si channel thickness (Vth control), but technological problems in terms of uniformity and increase of Rs and Rd. - Pi-gate present slightly better results, lower SCE - At L = 25 nm, MuG with tSi = Wfin = 20 nm show degradation of their performance

  9. Gm/Id: efficiency to convert DC to AC Intrinsic voltage gain = Gm/Gd = Gm/Id x Id/Gd = Gm/Id x VEA Planar SOI SG and DG FinFETs Measurement results

  10. Volume inversion (VI) 100 nm DG MOSFET Undoped DG  and SG - - - • Clear interest for DG for channel length < 100 nm • VI is not efficient at high Vgo Simulation results

  11. Early Voltage vs Wfin and L FinFETs L = 10 µm Measurement results VEA for FinFET in VI regime is 10 x higher than for FD SOI

  12. Intrinsic analog gain Higher intrinsic gain for FinFET of around 20 dB compared to FD SOI MOS

  13. Dynamic analysis of MuG Simulation results • At low Vgo, the gmMuG/gmSGand CgsMuG/CgsSG ratios are > 1 • At higher Vgo, no improvement on normalized gm for MuG over SG • Volume inversion in MuG only efficient at lower Vgo

  14. Miller capacitance Cgd Measured Cgs/Cgd = 3 for 60 nm FinFET • Cgs/Cgd: Ratio of Control capacitance of the channel to Parasitic feedback Miller capacitance. • MuG devices achieve a higher value of Cgs/Cgd as compared to SG devices

  15. 3-D parasitic capacitances Normalized Cgs • Higher parasitic capacitances: TG > DG > SG due to more complex 3-D interconnection • Main part of the parasitic capacitance is related to fringing field between gate-to-source and gate-to-drain through BOX

  16. Cutoff frequency • For long L, fT of SG slightly higher due to lower parasitic C compared to MuG • At small L, SG device, very high SCE, leading to bad fT value • Even MuG devices with L < 40 nm, degradation appears • To follow up the ITRS, we have to reduce Wfin or tsi as well as EOT (high-k) Vgo = 500 mV and Vds = 1 V

  17. Conclusions – Maturity of FinFETs? • FinFET: very promising technological solution at short term • Advantages:- higher technological maturity than planar DG • - parasitic capacitances related to the 3-D FinFET structure • are only slightly higher than for SG • Disadvantages: - reduced mobility for electrons (<110> cristalline orientation) • - control of Wfin by etching + gate interface quality • - higher source/drain resistances Rs, Rd→ reduced gm → lower fT and fmax Rg → reduced fmax Short term technological challenges: gate interface quality, silicidation S/D or Low Schottky Barrier S/D contacts, integration density

  18. Acknowledgements • UCL clean rooms team • Mr. P. Simon for RF measurements • Dr. Jurczak Malgorzata’s group, IMEC • SINANO

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