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Membership Development. District 7390 Membership Seminar . District Governor Dennis A. Kovacevich. Jim Eshleman. The Case For Rotary Membership: Competitive Analysis. Questions:. Are we in competition with other service clubs for members?
Membership Development District 7390 Membership Seminar
Jim Eshleman The Case For Rotary Membership: Competitive Analysis
Questions: • Are we in competition with other service clubs for members? • Does Rotary have a competitive advantage (a unique selling proposition)? • Does this matter?
“If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete” Jack Welch (former Chairman, GE)
Disclaimer: • This presentation is not meant to diminish or disparage the efforts of any service club. • All service is worthy and noble. • There is a place for everybody and everybody has to find their place. • Our success in finding and retaining members will be improved by knowing and communicating our strengths to the right people.
All of the following information was taken from the respective organizations international websites: • Rotary • Lions • Kiwanis • Sertoma • Jaycees
Who was first? • Rotary – February 23, 1905. • Sertoma – April 11, 1912 • Kiwanis – January 21, 1915 • Jaycees – October 13, 1915 • Lions – June 7, 1917
Who is the largest? • Lions – 1.3 million • Rotary – 1.2 million • Jaycees – 300K • Kiwanis – 260K adults (320K youth) • Sertoma – 20K+
Who has the broadest reach? • Lions – 45K clubs, 200 countries • Rotary – 32K clubs, 200 countries • Kiwanis – 8K clubs, 96 countries • Jaycees – 88 affiliated orgs, 104 countries • Sertoma – 650 clubs, 3 countries
What do our competing organizations stand for? • Lions- Motto: “We serve”, Slogan: “Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nations Safety” • Kiwanis – Motto: “Serving the Children of the World”, Kiwanis is an Indian term meaning “We trade” or “We share our talents” • Jaycees – Motto: “Entrepreneurs in Action” • Sertoma – SERviceTOMankind, Slogan: “Make Life Worthwhile”
Lions Mission Statement: • To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation. Key focus areas: • Services to blind and visually impaired. • Perform community betterment projects. • Services to youth. • Improve environment, build homes for disabled, support diabetes education, conduct hearing programs, and provide disaster relief.
Kiwanis Mission Statement: • To serve children of the world. Key focus areas: • Iodine Deficiency Disorders – leading preventable cause of mental retardation. Guiding Principles: • Give importance to the human and spiritual rather than the material values of life. • Encourage living by the Golden Rule • Promote higher social, business and professional standards. • Encourage and be servant leaders. • Build clubs that build lasting friendships and serve and strengthen local communities. • Promote justice, patriotism and goodwill.
Jaycees Mission Statement: "...to contribute to the advancement of the global community by providing the opportunity for young people to develop the leadership skills, social responsibility, fellowship and entrepreneurial spirit necessary to create positive change."
Sertoma: Key areas of focus: • Help people with speech, hearing and language disorders. • Sponsor community projects to promote freedom and democracy. • Assist youth. • Benefit a variety of other local community needs.
All of these organizations stress service to the community and/or the world and serving youth. Most have a specific medical area of focus. Some emphasize ethics, friendship, understanding, goodwill, and patriotism.
SO, WHY JOIN ROTARY? • What makes us different? • Do we have any competitive advantages?
Rotary(from RI website) About Rotary • Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. RI Mission Statement • The mission of Rotary International, a worldwide association of Rotary clubs, is to provide service to others, to promote high ethical standards, and to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
Competitive Advantage # 1 – We are business and professional leaders. What are the qualifications for membership? Prospective members must • Hold (or be retired from) a professional, proprietary, executive, or managerial position • Be able to meet the club's weekly attendance or community project participation requirements • Live or work within the vicinity of the club or the surrounding area
Competitive Advantage # 2 – We have a diverse membership by design. Classification System: • Ensures a diverse membership with varied skills, interests and capabilities • Broadens exposure of members to other professionals • Recognizes the value of all professions
Competitive Advantage # 3 –We have purity of purpose in the ideal of service. • Embodied in “Service above Self” • Non-political, non-religious – no side agendas. • Agenda is to promote understanding, goodwill and peace. • Agenda supported by structure that promotes cooperation between clubs in service projects.
Competitive Advantage # 4 – We place great emphasis on high ethical standards in business. • Object of Rotary – “Second, High ethical standards in business and professions…” • The Four-Way Test • Declaration of Rotarians in Business and Professions
As a Rotarian engaged in a business or profession,I am expected to: • Consider my vocation to be another opportunity to serve; • Be faithful to the letter and to the spirit of the ethical codes of my vocation, to the laws of my country, and to the moral standards of my community; • Do all in my power to dignify my vocation and to promote the highest ethical standards in my chosen vocation; • Be fair to my employer, employees, associates, competitors, customers, the public, and all those with whom I have a business or professional relationship; • Recognize the honor and respect due to all occupations which are useful to society; • Offer my vocational talents: to provide opportunities for young people, to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to improve the quality of life in my community; • Adhere to honesty in my advertising and in all representations to the public concerning my business or profession; • Neither seek from nor grant to a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in a business or professional relationship.
Competitive Advantage # 5 – We elevate the image of business and professions. • Press gives heavy coverage to all the negatives – evil corporation syndrome • Enron, exorbitant CEO salaries, profit-hungry corps at expense of environment, social good, etc. • Rotary is an outlet for business and professional leaders to present another side. • Rotary is all-inclusive - dedicated to elevation of all businesses and professions.
Competitive Advantage # 6 – outward looking, self-less approach to service. What other organization is so focused on creating opportunities for people outside of its membership to achieve its internal mission: promoting understanding, goodwill and peace. How do we do this?
Rotary funds and facilitates programs of which participants must come from outside of its membership, namely: • Rotary Community Corps (RCC) – sponsoring Rotary clubs help non-Rotarians put their own skills to work to improve life in their communities. • Rotary Youth Exchange – participants do not have to be involved with Rotary • Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) • Open World Program – Rotarians host young emerging Russian leaders to promote understanding of US political, business and community life • Group Study Exchange – non-Rotarians • Ambassadorial Scholars – non-Rotarians • World Peace Scholars – non-Rotarians • University Teachers – Rotarians or non-Rotarians
The six competitive advantages discussed were identified by simply looking at Rotary’s mission statement and thinking about how Rotary’s approach to its mission is unique. There are certainly many more. Audience participation – can you name other factors that differentiate Rotary from other service clubs?
Summary: Initial Questions: • Are we in competition with other service clubs for members? • Yes. At first glance, our missions overlap. • Does Rotary have a competitive advantage (a unique selling proposition)? • Yes. I think Rotary has unique characteristics and approaches to our mission. • Does this matter? • Yes. I think our competitive advantages will be a draw to prospective members and attract members that will identify with and have passion for the mission.
Case Studies • Lancaster/Hempfield • Carlisle
Joan Dickinson • Rotary Club of Carlisle
Rotary Club of Carlisle • September 2006 - The two Carlisle clubs partnered on a Chamber of Commerce Expo Booth. The booth highlighted our Service Projects locally and internationally. Members of both clubs manned the booth for one hour shifts promoting Rotary.
Rotary Club of Carlisle • Emphasized Membership at Meetings and in Monthly newsletter. New membership spotlights in newsletter. Thank yous to club members that sponsored new members. • Keeping in touch with members offline that had mentioned bringing in a new member. Calls and emails helped to get people off ground zero.
Rotary Club of Carlisle • Promoted Rotary Club in Community Event Brochures – Bosler Library Benefit program and Learning Center Benefit program. These ads also doubled as Community donations. • Stepped up our PR strategy by sending more photos and press releases to local paper.
Rotary Club of Carlisle • Sent monthly newsletters to members that may have missed meetings. Enclosed a personal note with each newsletter. This allowed all the members to keep up with events.
Rotary Club of Carlisle • Timely orientation of prospective members. Staying in touch with sponsors during the orientation and readings up to the induction ceremony.
Rotary Club of Carlisle • Started a junior membership for members under 35 – 75% of regular cost.
Rotary Club of Carlisle • Membership Task Force will meet with businesses in our community that are not represented in the Club. The task force will meet with either the HR or other Mgmt to “Sell” Rotary and ask them to suggest a representative we can invite to lunch/breakfast.
Rotary Club of Carlisle • Monthly membership minutes – highlight one topic at a meeting – ex. Bring in your Rotarian magazine when finished and we will put a sticker on it with our club info – meeting time, place with invite. These will show up in Dr. offices, other waiting areas.
Rotary Club of Carlisle • Membership Committee Member “ON DUTY” Each week a committee member is assigned to stand at the registration desk to assist members with guests. This includes greeting, handing out Rotary info, and making them feel welcome. This “ON DUTY” member will also assist the President with induction ceremonies.
Rotary Club of Carlisle • Review classifications – who are we missing??? Who knows people in those fields?
Rotary Club of Carlisle • Formalize a mentoring program including sponsors, membership committee members and Board members. Assign new members to Committees within the first month.
Rotary Club of Carlisle • Best Large Club in 2006-2007 – Made it fun – Celebrated at every opportunity – Anniversary, Best Large Club Award, Presidential Citation, Foundation Month, any excuse. Balloons on chairs, candy on table, cake, champagne (grape juice) toasts.
Ron Alarie • Lancaster - Hempfield
Don Bishop • Membership Resources