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Journal . Using a T-chart like the one below, arrange the character traits below into one of two categories: masculine (belonging mostly to men), or feminine (belonging mostly to women) Compassionate Assertive Thoughtful Tough Strong-willed Helpful Kind Self-confident Stern. Smart
Journal Using a T-chart like the one below, arrange the character traits below into one of two categories: masculine (belonging mostly to men), or feminine (belonging mostly to women) • Compassionate • Assertive • Thoughtful • Tough • Strong-willed • Helpful • Kind • Self-confident • Stern • Smart • Nurturing • Shy • Cooperative • Brave • Hard-working Masculine Feminine
repugnant- extremely distasteful, offensive, unacceptable abhorrent- synonym of repugnant, offensive, disgusting strife- angry or bitter disagreement over issues, conflict absolved- to be freed of responsibility dissension- disagreement that leads to opposition or argument indictment- a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime According to this handbill, what is a “normal” woman like? What sorts of things don’t women want?
Does this cartoon support or oppose women’s suffrage? Explain the message of this political cartoon. List at least two details from the cartoon that help you figure out the meaning of the cartoon?
How did American women gain the right to vote? Unit: The Progressive Era
Some vocab… • suffrage- the right to vote • suffragist- an active supporter of women’s suffrage • disenfranchisement- being deprived of power, especially the right to vote • Some women in America were furious over their disenfranchisement. • civil disobedience- the refusal to obey an unjust law, nonviolent political action • In what is possibly the best known act of civil disobedience in the women’s suffrage movement, Susan B. Anthony was jailed for illegally casting a ballot.
Did you know… • that many early suffrage supporters, including Susan B. Anthony, remained single because in the early 1800s, married women could not own property and could not make legal contracts on their own behalf? • that in the early 1800s, in most states, women could not have custody of their own children? According to state laws, children "belonged" to the husband. Not until the 1840s, when women began to organize to obtain legal rights and gradually laws began to change, could women own property after marriage, or obtain custody of their own children.
Did you know… • that American women who were jailed for demonstrating for the right to vote were force-fed in prison when they went on hunger strikes? • thatwomen were the first protest group in US history to picket the White House? Since then, this tactic has been used by many groups to protest for rights. • that Alice Paul, leader of the National Women's Party, was put in solitary confinement in the mental ward of the prison as a way to break her will and to undermine her credibility with the public? • that suffragist Inez Milholland was the first woman to have a memorial service for her held in the United States Capitol?
Iron Jawed Angels • Basic plot overview- the key developments in the struggle for suffrage, and the character development of the “Iron Jawed Angels” • Reflection on the struggle- What sticks out to you as being the most challenging obstacles these women had to overcome? • Answer to the E.Q.- How did American women gain the right to vote?
Did you know… • that the nineteenth amendment to the Constitution granting women the vote was passed by only one vote? Tennessee was the 36th state to ratify the Amedment, and it passed the legislature when Harry Burn, a young legislator, changed his vote to "yes" after receiving a letter from his mother telling him to "do the right thing."
African American Suffragists “…That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain't I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man - when I could get it - and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?...” -Sojourner Truth, Women’s Convention in Akron, OH 1851 Ida B. Wells was outraged when in the 1913 NAWSA parade she was told shoe had to march in a separate section. She joined the parade en route and marched among her peers.
Journal • How did Carrie Chapman Catt and Alice Paul disagree in what they thought would be the best way to win the battle for women’s suffrage? • What happened at the NAWSA parade in 1913? • What did Ida B Wells do at the NAWSA parade?
In the thick of the women’s suffrage movement, the United States went to war (WWI) with Germany, led by Kaiser Wilhelm (left). Kaiser is the German word for emperor. The U.S. (led by president Woodrow Wilson, below) went to war for the purpose of “making the world safe for democracy,” and bringing freedom and democracy to the German people. Picketing
The “Silent Sentinels” picketing the White House From January 1917 until June 1919 more than a thousand different women picketed every day except Sunday from dawn to dusk!
Journal From the movie so far… • What methods have “the iron jawed angels” used to try to achieve women’s suffrage? • What sort of resistance did they face in their struggle? • Why was there tension between Alice Paul and NAWSA? • In your own words, what is feminism?
Feminism Defined • The support for women’s rights, the advocacy for the equality of women
Myths and realities about feminism • All feminists are women. Anyone who supports equal rights for women is a feminist. • Feminists dislike men. Feminists do not dislike men, but reject the oppression of women and the myth that a male dominated society is acceptable and/or morally right. • Feminists do not want to be seen as “feminine.” Feminists are individuals, some feminists choose not to conform to societal norms of what women should look like, and some make a conscious choice to embrace femininity
Some interesting statistics • 1.6 million women are military veterans; another 164,000 currently serve in the military. • 10 million women are single mothers (compared to 2.2 million single fathers). • 56% of college students are women. In every year since 1982 more women than men have earned bachelors degrees. • 61% of women, age 18 and over and citizens, cast a ballot in the last presidential election. This compares with 58 percent of their male counterparts. Among all voting-age people, women have voted at higher rates than men in every presidential election since 1984.
Inequality Today… • Women continue to be paid less than men, earning on average under 0.75 to the male dollar. • Women are paid less in every occupation classification. • Adult women have higher instances of povertythan men. • Women have less access to high-power positions in politics and corporations. Thelma Goodrich, 2005
A long way to go… To reach equal representation: U.S. women represent 51% of the population, but comprise less than: • 1.2% of Fortune 500 CEOs. • 2.7% of the highest paid officers at Fortune 500 companies. • 15% of the members of Congress.
A long way to go… To be safe: • Every nine seconds a woman is beaten in the United States. • On average, more than three women a day are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends in the United States. • One out of every six American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime. Source: American Institute on Domestic Violence 2001