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Meteorology Weather Reports & Forecasts

Meteorology Weather Reports & Forecasts. Reference. From the Ground Up Chapter 6.14.3 & 6.14.4: Aviation Weather Reports & Forecasts Pages 163 - 172. Introduction. Weather reports and forecasts tell what the weather is like and predict what it will be.

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Meteorology Weather Reports & Forecasts

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  1. MeteorologyWeather Reports & Forecasts

  2. Reference From the Ground Up Chapter 6.14.3 & 6.14.4: Aviation Weather Reports & Forecasts Pages 163 - 172

  3. Introduction • Weather reports and forecasts tell what the weather is like and predict what it will be. • This is very important, as pilots must check the weather before and during every flight.

  4. Outline • Weather Reports • Weather Forecasts

  5. Weather Reports • Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR) • Actual observation of current weather • Issued on the hour, every hour • Cloud heights are AGL (above ground) • Issued as a SPECI when a significant weather change occurs off the hour

  6. METAR METAR CYYZ 292000Z CCA 30015G25KT 3/4SM R33/4000FT/D -SN BLSN BKN008 OVC040 VV010 M05/M08 A2992 REFZRA WS RWY33 RMK SF5 SC3 VIS 3/8 TO NW SLP134 • METAR Report name – METAR or SPECI • CYYZ Station identifier – Toronto Pearson International Airport • 292000Z Observation date and time – Issued on the 29th day of the month at 20:00 UTC • CCA Corrected report • 30015G25KT Wind and gusts – 300 degrees true at 15 knots gusting to 25 knots • 3/4SM Visibility – ¾ statute mile • R33/4000FT/D Runway visual range – Runway 33 has 4000 feet visibility with a downward tendency

  7. METAR METAR CYYZ 292000Z CCA 30015G25KT 3/4SM R33/4000FT/D -SN BLSN BKN008 OVC040 VV010 M05/M08 A2992 REFZRA WS RWY33 RMK SF5 SC3 VIS 3/8 TO NW SLP134 • -SN BLSN Weather – Light snow showers and blowing Snow • BKN008 OVC040Sky condition – Clouds (and ceiling) are broken at 800 feet and also overcast at 4000 feet • VV010 Vertical Visibility – 1000 feet • M05/M08 Temperature and dewpoint – Minus 5°C and dewpoint minus 8°C • A2992 Altimeter setting – 29.92“ Hg • REFZRA Recent weather – Freezing rain • WS RWY33 Wind shear – On runway 33

  8. METAR METAR CYYZ 292000Z CCA 30015G25KT 3/4SM R33/4000FT/D -SN BLSN BKN008 OVC040 VV010 M05/M08 A2992 REFZRA WS RWY33 RMK SF5 SC3 VIS 3/8 TO NW SLP134 • RMK Remarks: • SF5 Stratus Fractus covering 5 oktas • SC3 Stratocumulus covering 3 oktas • VIS 3/8 TO NWVisibility is ⅜ statute mile to the northwest • SLP 134 Sea level pressure is 1013.4 hPa

  9. Weather Codes • Intensity and proximity: • - Light • (no sign) Moderate • + Strong • VC Within vicinity • Descriptors: • MI Shallow • BC Patches • DR Drifting • BL Blowing • SH Shower(s) • TS Thunderstorm • PR Partial • FZ Freezing • Precipitation: • DZ Drizzle • RA Rain • SN Snow • SG Snow grains • PL Ice pellets • GR Hail • GS Snow pellets • IC Ice crystals • UP Unknown precipitation (auto)

  10. Weather Codes • Obscuration: • HZ Haze • FU Smoke • SA Sand • DU Dust • FG Fog • BR Mist • VA Volcanic Ash • Other phenomena: • PO Dust/sand whirls • SS Sandstorm • DS Duststorm • SQ Squalls • FC Funnel cloud • +FC Tornado/waterspout • Sky condition (clouds): • CLR Sky Clear (auto) • SKC Sky Clear • FEW Few (1-2 oktas) • SCT Scattered (3-4 oktas) • BKN Broken (5-7 oktas) • OVC Overcast (8 oktas) Note: The lowest BKN or OVC cloud layer is the ceiling

  11. Weather Codes • Cloud Types • CI Cirrus • ST Stratus • CS Cirrostratus • SF Stratus fractus • CC Cirrocumulus • SC Stratocumulus • AS Altostratus • CU Cumulus • AC Altocumulus • CF Cumulus fractus • ACC Altocumulus castellanus • TCU Towering cumulus • NS Nimbostratus • CB Cumulonimbus

  12. METAR • Examples: • METAR CYTZ 191400Z AUTO 07007KT 5SM BR CLR 05/04 A3043 RMK SLP307 • SPECI CYBN 191403Z AUTO 18006KT 5/8SM OVC001 02/02 A3042 • METAR CYKZ 191200Z 07003KT 6SM BR OVC004 03/02 A3044 RMK ST8 VIS N LWR SLP316 • SPECI CYYZ 191346Z 02002KT 3/4SM R05/P6000FT/D R06R/P6000FT/N BR OVC002 04/ RMK FG4ST4

  13. Weather Forecasts • Graphic Area Forecast (GFA) • Prediction of upcoming weather • Issued four times a day, every six hours • Two types: • Clouds and weather • Icing, turbulence and freezing level • Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) • Prediction of upcoming weather • Issued four times a day, every six hours • Valid for up to 24 hours • Cloud heights are AGL (above ground)

  14. GFA

  15. GFA

  16. TAF TAF AMD CYTZ 031530Z 0316/0416 VRB03KT P6SMSCT030 TEMPO 0318/0319 18005KT 1/2SM FG VV002 FM 032100 5SM BKN020 BECMG 0323/0401 19010KT OVC020 PROB30 0412/0413 2SM BR BKN015 RMK NXT FCST BY 032200Z • TAF Report name – Aerodrome forecast • AMD Report has been amended • CYTZStation identifier – Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport • 031530Z Observation date and time – Issued on the 3rd day of the month at 15:30 UTC • 0316/0416Coverage period - Valid on 3rd day of the month from 16:00 UTC until 16:00 UTC of following day • VRB03KT Wind and gusts – Variable at 3 knots • P6SM Visibility– Plus 6 statute miles

  17. TAF TAF AMD CYTZ 031530Z 0316/0416 VRB03KT P6SM SCT030 TEMPO 0318/0319 18005KT 1/2SM FG VV002 FM 032100 5SM BKN020 BECMG 0323/0401 19010KT OVC020 PROB30 0412/0413 2SM BR BKN015 RMK NXT FCST BY 032200Z • SCT030 Sky condition – Clouds scattered at 3000 feet • TEMPO 0318/0319 Forecast change – Following conditions will occur between 18:00 and 19:00 UTC: • 18005KT Winds 180 degrees at 5 knots • 1/2SM FGVisibility ½ statute mile due to fog • VV002Vertical visibility – 200 feet • FM 032100 From 21:00 UTC, the following will occur: • 5SM Visibility 5 statue miles • BKN020Clouds broken at 2000 feet

  18. TAF TAF AMD CYTZ 031530Z 0316/0416 VRB03KT P6SM SCT030 TEMPO 0318/0319 18005KT 1/2SM FG VV002 FM 032100 5SM BKN020 BECMG 0323/0401 19010KT OVC020 PROB30 0412/0413 2SM BR BKN015 RMK NXT FCST BY 032200Z • BECMG 0323/0401Between 23:00 and 01:00 UTC, becoming: • 19010KT Winds 190 degrees at 10 knots • OVC020Clouds overcast at 2000 feet • PROB30 0412/041330 percent probability that between 12:00 and 13:00 UTC, the following will occur: • 2SM BRVisibility 2 statute miles due to mist • BKN015Clouds broken at 1500 feet • RMK NXT FCST BY Remarks – Next forecast by 22:00 UTC on the032200Z 3rd day of the month

  19. TAF • Examples: • TAF CYTZ 191338Z 1914/2014 05008KT 6SM BR SCT012 TEMPO 1914/1915 2SMBR BKN008 PROB30 1914/1915 1/2SM FG VV002FM191500 08008KT 6SM BR SCT240 TEMPO 1915/1916 3SM BR BKN009FM191700 19008KT P6SM FEW220FM200600 05008KT 6SM BR BKN120 BKN240 PROB30 2006/2014 2SM BRRMK FCST BASED ON AUTO OBS. NXT FCST BY 192000Z • TAF AMD CYBN 191355Z 1913/1924 17005KT 3/4SM BR VV001BECMG 1914/1916 P6SM NSW SCT120RMK FCST BASED ON AUTO OBS. NXT FCST BY 191800Z

  20. TAF • Examples: • TAF AMD CYKZ 191424Z 1914/1924 VRB03KT 11/2SM BR OVC003 TEMPO1914/1915 3SM BR SCT004FM191500 07005KT 11/2SM BR BKN004BECMG 1915/1916 6SM BR SCT240RMK NXT FCST BY 191800Z • TAF CYYZ 191438Z 1915/2018 04005KT 2SM BR BKN004BECMG 1915/1916 6SM BR SCT240FM191700 14006KT P6SM FEW220FM200600 02004KT 6SM BR BKN150 BKN240 PROB30 2006/2012 2SM BRRMK NXT FCST BY 191800Z

  21. Next Lesson 5.1 – Navigation Latitude & Longitude From the Ground Up Chapter 7.1: Latitude & Longitude Pages 177 - 179

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