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  1. COMPARISON OF WORD FINDING (RENFREW) AND SENSORY PROFILE (SHORT FORM-DUNN 1999) SCORES IN CHILDREN WITH HIGH FUCTIONING AUTISM AND ASPERGER SYNDROMES. Bella1, P. Kokmotos1, E. Alexandrou11Proseggisi Special Education Centre, Athens, GreeceRMPELLA@YAHOO.GR, PANKOK78@YAHOO.GR, INFO@PROSEGGISI.GR The Short Sensory Profile (SSP) indicates the degree at which children process sensory information in everyday situations and clarifies the sensory system's effect on functional performance. The profile contributes to a comprehensive picture of a child's performance. Combined with other evaluation data it creates a complete picture of the child's status and can be used for diagnostic and intervention planning. The Short Sensory Profile is a 38 item questionnaire for caregivers designed for use in screening and research protocols. The items on the Sensory Profile are grouped into seven major sections: Tactile Sensitivity, Taste - Smell, Movement, Hyperactivity, Auditory, Low Energy, Visual- Hearing. The Word Finding Test consists of 50 images. These images were selected and placed in a developmental series for children aged 4 to 8 years old. The concepts illustrated range from everyday objects and known categories of objects to concepts from childhood, fairy tales and children's television programs. In this survey we used the Greek version of the test which has been standardised for the Greek population (2009). Introduction and aims of the study: The study was undertaken at the Proseggisi Special Education Centre by two Speech Therapists and one Occupational Therapist during the years 2008-2009. The Aim of this study was to discover a correlation between High Functioning Autism (HFA) and Asperger’s Syndrome (target group) and a given control group. Methods: The collection of data was done through implementation of the Sensory Profile questionnaire and the application of the Word Finding test in 35 children with High Functioning Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome and 35 children with other conditions (DSD, SLI, Articulation Disorders, Learning Disabilities, ADHD) that needed to follow a Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy Programme. The children’s age ranged from 4,5 to10 years. The basic criterion for the choice of all 70 children was the existence of normal intelligence (with a non verbal IQ test- Matrix Analogies Test, Naglieri J., 1985) Results: 1.As far as the Sensory profile questionnaire is concerned, no differences resulted between the two groups (in both groups 50% of the children presented intense sensory difficulties). Control group Target group 2. In active vocabulary, children with HFA and Asperger’s presented greater deficits than the children in the control group. Control group Target group 3. The target group displayed an important statistical difference between Sensory and Word finding in the visual - acoustic system and in the vestibular - kinetic system as well as low energy - weakness. Control group Target group Conclusions: The visual-acoustic system, the vestibular-kinetic system and low energy - weakness affected the development of active vocabulary in children with HFA and Asperger’s Syndrome as opposed to that of the control group. Children with HFA and Asperger’s present greater difficulties in active vocabulary than children with other disorders. No statistical differences were found between the two groups in the Sensory Profile. Summarizing the results of this survey, it is proven that the collaboration of SLT-SLPs and Ots in the holistic treatment of primary and secondary difficulties in children with HFA and Asperger’s is very important. It is obvious that the primary difficulties that children with HFA and Asperger’s face are not vocabulary and sensory deficits. In the survey in question we simply selected two of the many aspects of a child’s development. • References • Alexandrou, E. et al. Compared to Sensory Profile (SSP) in children with different type disorders. 4th Pan-Hellenic Conference, 2008 • Naglieri, J. Matrix Analogies Test. The Psychological Corporation, 1985 • Renfrew, C. Word Finding Vocabulary Test. 4th edition, 1995 • Vogindroukas, J., Protopapa, A., Sideri, G. Expressive Vocabulary Test. Athens: Glafki, 2009 • Winnie, D. Sensory Profile-Short form. The Psychological Corporation, 1999

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