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Land Use Planning and Mobility Management Securing travel plans through the planning process in London (& the UK). PIMMS-transfer Master Class Stockholm 13-15 April 2010. Adrian Webb, Senior European Projects Officer, LEPT. Before I start….this is a simple overview because…
Land Use Planning and Mobility ManagementSecuring travel plans through the planning process in London (& the UK) PIMMS-transfer Master Class Stockholm 13-15 April 2010 Adrian Webb, Senior European Projects Officer, LEPT
Before I start….this is a simple overview because… • Land use planning is a: • Complex subject • Involves lots and lots of words • But I find it very interesting so could talk about for hours! Please ask questions at any time if you are unsure of anything.
The Planning Process in London Development application Greater London Authority Transport for London Borough Planning STAGE 1 Consultation APPROVE Borough Decision STAGE 2 AGREE REFUSE
UK Policy Processes National DfT Travel Plan Guidance PPG 13 Mayors London Plan Mayor’s Transport Strategy London wide TfL Travel Plan Guidance Local Development Frameworks Area Action Plans Core Strategy Local Level Supplementary Planning Docs
Regional Travel Plan Policy • ‘Developments with significant transport implications should include a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan as part of planning applications. Developers and planning authorities should refer to TfL’s guidance on Transport Assessments. All developments that exceed thresholds defined in TfL guidance on Workplace Travel Plans and Residential Travel Plans should have a Travel Plan.’ • London Plan – Policy 3C.2 February 2008
Regional Guidance • Thresholds • Type • Content • Deliverables • Measures • Monitoring • Enforcement
Transport Assessments Vs. Travel Plans • Travel Plans: • A mitigation measure • Package of measures to promote alternatives to the private car • Encourage effective use of current transport networks and support their enhancement • Marketing AND physical measures • Transport Assessments: • Requirement based on size / impact of the development • Sets out transport issues related to a development • Identifies what measures will be required to deal with the anticipated transport impacts • Aims to improve accessibility and safety for all modes of transport - SUSTAINABLE modes
Let’s relate this to an example…. PIMMS-transfer developers are applying for planning permission to build: • 800 residential units • a primary school • a supermarket • low levels of parking
Let’s relate this to an example…. Public transport accessibility is good Parking restrictions exist in proximity to the development site But the local roads are already quite congested and there is some delay in the peak period at a nearby junction.. Local footways are in a reasonable condition and there are some safety concerns on the local crossing. Some cycle paths.
Let’s relate this to an example…. We are the local authority; what would we want to submitted? • Standard planning documents and architectural drawings • and to assess the transport impact….. • A Transport Assessment • Assessment of trip generation and distribution • Local junction assessment / current transport situation • Bus loading study / pedestrian footway audit (PERS) / parking study • A Travel Plan!!! • Covers all land uses of the development, is coordinated, well managed and ensures commitment from the developer.
Let’s say we (the local authority) support the PIMMS-transfer development in principle; how do we make sure a developer implements measures to mitigate against a developments impacts on the transport network? Planning Conditions Vs Section 106 Agreements
Planning Conditions A condition is placed on the decision notice of a planning permission. Development is permitted only if these certain conditions are satisfied. “e.g. a travel plan must be submitted prior to occupation of the development” • They are appropriate for securing travel plans when: • Application is small scale • Application is not complex • Where the end user is known • Transport implications are not substantial but are important
Section 106 = Obligation • A legal agreement between the local authority and the developer / applicant (as well as anyone else who may have interest in the land). • Mainly for MAJOR developments • Granted following planning permission • Secure community infrastructure needs • Mitigate the impact of the new development
What can planning obligations achieve? • Restrict development or use of land • Require certain operations of activities to be carried out • Require land to be used in any specified way • Require payments to be made to the authority either as a single sum or periodically They are ENFORCEABLE They can be UNCONDITIONAL or SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS They can be of an INDEFINITE or SPECIFIED PERIOD
Back to the PIMMS-transfer development! Access improvements Travel Plan Commitment to a programme of monitoring What local transport works might we want secured or contributions for to mitigate against the impact of the development? Junction improvement (e.g. re-signalling, approach works) Commitment to provide X no. of car club spaces Contribution to increase frequency on local bus route Pedestrian crossing improvement
What would we include in a Section 106 for the PIMMS-transfer development travel plan?
What funds can be secured via obligations for travel plans? • Contributions (for capital or revenue funding) • Transport improvements to support the travel plan • Review • Funding a Travel Plan Coordinator • Payments related to contingency payments • Bonds if travel plan targets are not achieved • Or to undertake monitoring
One Wood Street - London • Workplace Travel Plan for office development in the City of London required as part of S106 planning obligations. • Relocation of 700 staff from May 2008 • OWS was one of the first private sector organisations in the City to complete a Full Travel Plan Travel Plan Measures: • The provision of 105 cycle parking spaces for staff as calculated in the Transport Assessment (July 2004) • No car parking provision on-site • The provision of shower and locker facilities for staff • Pedestrian access to the building
London Borough of Hounslow – Europa House Hotel £20k (€22.5k) bond secured to guarantee the performance of the travel plan – to be used for remedial measures if necessary to meet targets • - Cranford Mosque • Targets set for on-site and off-site parking. If targets not met remedial measures are specified in the travel plan which include additional shuttle buses (1 per 5 cars parked above target).
Thank You! Any Questions? Email: adrian.webb@lept-eu.org