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proERP Shipbuilding Process. I. II. III. IV. V. Company Profile. proERP Introduction. Shipbuilding Process. proERP to Shipbuilding. Q & A. Contents. Organization Structure. International Alliance. Our Customers. Advantage. History. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I. Company Profile.
proERP Shipbuilding Process
I II III IV V Company Profile proERP Introduction Shipbuilding Process proERP to Shipbuilding Q & A Contents
Organization Structure International Alliance Our Customers Advantage History 1 2 3 4 5 I Company Profile
CEO Planning Consulting (Strategies,Visioning,Planning) (Technology, Venture management) Development Human Resources Consulting Education & Training Finance Sales & Marketing Operation Customer Support Development A Development B Development C Sales & Marketing A Sales & Marketing B Sales & Marketing C Company structure
International Alliances CAD&SOFT Co., LTD. Japan China India Philippines Canada Spain Vietnam E-Tech APTech SC JP VAL Vinashing NTTData Liaohe Digital Liaoning NEWHELP SRA MIS Tinymodule
Our customers Some of our more recognized customers include:
ADVANTAGES OF THE ALLIANCE WITH CAD & SOFT Advantages Korea Cad & Soft/JP Val Cad & Soft/JP Val • Know how the ship industry. • Experience in projects with main vendors of big ship yards in Korea. • Projects with Hyndai Heavy Industry (Sub vendor: Lee young Shinhan hochang). • Benchmark with Korea/China and Vietnam. • Personalized support with consultants of Cad & Soft and partners in Asia and other regions • Possibility to access to the design tool Ship Constructor with special price • Indirect support from Korea government trough Cad & Soft for alliances in future projects. • A TFT in country of origin and Korea. If necessary support of consultants from Spain, China or Japan experts in the ship industry. • Opportunity to access to future IT products developed in Korea for the relevant industry
Date Organization contents 1999.12.15 2000.12.07 2001.01.05 04.02 04.10 04.15 04.28 Small & Medium Business Administration Military Manpower Administration DNV Small & Medium Business Administration Microsoft Microsoft Small & Medium Business Administration Certified as Venture Business (Registration No.99123471-387) Designated as Industrial Military Manpower Company in 2001 Norway DNV ISO-9001 a note of Authentication Acquisition Selection of Business Support of ERP Consulting In Small & Medium Enterprises Contract of Microsoft Certified Partner Contract of proERP vs MS-SQL Runtime Selection of Support Company in 10 thousands IT Business (High Class ERP, Basic ERP) Certificates and recognitions
Function Chart ProERP Concept Application Industries Benefits Implementation 1 2 3 4 5 II proERP Introduction
CBS WBS PM M/S SCH’ OBS PBS proERP concept proERP Concept proERP is consisted of 4-detailed concept, in order to provide a systematic process environment. WBS : (Work Breakdown Structure) it proceeds in top-down method grouping every activity in order to conduct assigned projects systematically. PBS : (Product Breakdown Structure) it develops the products of assigned project step-by-step basis to facilitate easy production and system manager. OBS : (Organization Breakdown Structure) OBS rearranges the entire structure to center on business operation and conveys the data easily. CBS : (Cost Breakdown Structure) it proceeds in top-down method by grouping every account and manufacturing cost system.
Applications Transportation, Load Equipment Ship Building Industry Steel Structure proERP LT Engineering Field Electricity Chemistry, Cement, Facilities Distribution Equipment Others
ADVANTAGES OF WORKING WITH proERP Advantages Korea proERP proERP • Connection with an ICS (Intelligent consulting system) to decrease installation time. • Detail BOM management in levels. • Reduce Inventories. (steel plate, profile) • Focus on project management (Different to other ERP systems) • Access to the Know how of the industry in Korea (Processes, pn standards, procedures, codes, drawings, styles…etc) • Multilingual program. • Easy and simple interface. • More efficient that MRP system • Connection with an ICS (Intelligent consulting system) to decrease installation time. • Detail BOM management in levels. • Reduce Inventorys. (steel plate, profile)
Block Building Erection Launches Sea Trials 1 2 3 4 III Shipbuilding Process
Design Cutting and Forming Pre-Fabrication Paint Work Assembly 1 2 3 4 5 Block Building
Design Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY 3D Structure View of the Structure In block design wire frame
Design Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY 3D Solid Structure View of texture of structure
Design Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY 3D Block on the Stocks View with mountable elements ( auxiliary engines, fuel service pumps, ventilation conduits, compressed air system and oil services piping, lubrication and compressed air).
Cutting and Forming Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY Plasma Cutting Cutting by electric plasma connected to the CAD-CAM systems.
Cutting and Forming Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY Sub-assemblies Automatic welding systems at sub-assembly stages of manufacture.
Cutting and Forming Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY Panel Line Production Fully automated panel fitting and welding line.
Cutting and Forming Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY Line Heating Machine plate forming technique.
Pre-Fabrication Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY Laser Dimensional Control Dimensional check systems for units, applying laser and ultraviolet ray monitoring techniques, to guarantee excellent results in block couplings and in the forms of the vessel.
Pre-Fabrication Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY Outfitting Integration Integration of the outfitting starts in the initial stages of block manufacture.
Pre-Fabrication Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY Lugging Semi-blocks Semi-blocks with their outfitting are lugged to form the fitting unit on the stocks, to optimize the use of means and time.
Paintwork Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY Painting Painting the Blocks prior to mounting on the stocks allows for considerable improvements in quality and reducing delivery periods.
Assembly Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY Erection Applying high performance, semi-automatic welding processes with tubular and automatic wires, by submerged arc.
Assembly Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY Final situation of the Block on the Stocks The dimensional statistics control methods applied to fitting blocks on the stocks ensures precision vessel structures.
Erection Block Building Erection Launches
Launches Erection Launches Sea Trials
Sea Trials Launches Sea Trials
Block Building Erection Launches Sea Trials 1 2 3 4 IV proERP to Shipbuilding
Design ( proERP vs Shipbuilding ) Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY proERP( Design ) ShipConstructor Interface -. Design Information ( D/B ) -. Design BOM ( 3D CAD D/B) -. CAD D/B -> proERP D/B -. Parts List
Design ( proERP vs Shipbuilding ) Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY proERP ( Design ) -.Design M/S Schedule -.Drawing Schedule -.Bill Of Material (BOM) -.POR -.Parts List proERP ( Material ) -.Purchase Order ( PO ) -.In/Out Management -.Inventory
Cutting and Forming ( proERP vs Shipbuilding ) Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY proERP ( Manufacture ) -.Process Plan -.Work Order -.Work Order Result -.Daily Report -.Work Process Plan vs Actual -.Parts List
Pre-Fabrication ( proERP vs Shipbuilding ) Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY proERP ( Manufacture ) -.Fabrication Plan -.Work Order -.Work Order Result -.Daily Report -.Work Process Plan vs Actual -.Buget Control
Paintwork ( proERP vs Shipbuilding ) Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY proERP ( Manufacture ) -.Paintwork Plan -.Work Order -.Work Order Result -.Daily Report -.Work Process Plan vs Actual -.Buget Control
Assembly ( proERP vs Shipbuilding ) Block Building 1. DESIGN 2. CUTTING AND FORMING 3. PRE-FABRICATION 4. PAINTWORK 5. ASSEMBLY proERP ( Manufacture ) -.Assembly Plan -.Work Order -.Work Order Result -.Daily Report -.Work Process Plan vs Actual -.Budget Control
Erection/Launches/Sea Trials ( proERP vs Shipbuilding ) Erection proERP ( Manufacture ) -.Main Assembly Plan -.Work Order -.Work Order Result -.Daily Report -.Work Process Plan vs Actual -.Budget Control -.Slip Interface Launches Sea Trials
Conclusions The use of proERP give benefits in Planning, Administration and Control of the shipyards. An interface with a 3D system as SC allows an efficient use of resources and transfer of information. Allows the use of a single database for different projects. Optimize time of the PM, design team and overheads. The system manage multi-projects and reliable budgets. proERP gives you a precise planning of the project costs Offers a proper administration of schedules Diversification and access to future technological developments in Korea. • Improve use of resources (Funds, time and capital resources) sing 3D and proERP under the same system interfaced. • Be more practical and efficient in the planning and development of projects
Design + Planning + Administration EIS Admin Dpt. Success Delivery 3D CAD Engieering Engineering 3D Modeling Integrated Service System Management proERP CAD&SOFT Pilot Project ShipYard Conclusions
Q & A Q & A
Thank you Information Company Web Site : http://www.cad.co.kr proERP Web Site : http://www.proERP.com E-mail : jgshin@cad.co.kr Telephone : +82 - 51 - 803 - 5462~ 4 Fax : +82 - 51 – 803 - 5465