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GRAMMAR CORNER tratto dall’articolo. “Care plans as the main focus of nursing handover: information exchange model”. Il genitivo sassone. GENITIVO SASSONE. Il concetto di possesso, espresso in italiano mediante la preposizione di, in inglese viene reso con il genitivo sassone:.
GRAMMAR CORNER tratto dall’articolo “Care plans as the main focus of nursing handover: information exchange model” inglese scientifico 250908
Il genitivo sassone inglese scientifico 250908
GENITIVO SASSONE Il concetto di possesso, espresso in italiano mediante la preposizione di, in inglese viene reso con il genitivo sassone: possessore + ‘s +cosa posseduta es. Mrs. Brown’s new camera inglese scientifico 250908
VARIAZIONI 1) nome del possessore al singolare terminante in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -z, -x ’s = es. Lewis’s sister is a teacher. 2) nome del possessore al plurale terminante in -s ’= es. That’s my cousins’ house. 3) se il plurale è irregolare si usa ’s es. That’s my children’s school. inglese scientifico 250908
In presenza di più possessori • se il possesso è condiviso, il genitivo sassone va solo dopo l’ultimo nome es. Ken and Fred’s mother is German. • se il possesso non è condiviso il genitivo sassone si applica a tutti i possessori es. Ken’s and Fred’s mothers are friends inglese scientifico 250908
Genitivo sassone “To report on nurse’s experience…” “The nurses’day traditionally starts…” “Ethical governance was addressed within the Health Care Trusts’clinical audit policy.” “…the total number of patients’problems identifiedfrom the sample…” “…the nurse’s satisfaction and the improvement in documentation. inglese scientifico 250908
La posizione degli aggettivi inglese scientifico 250908
“In one acute medical ward for older people, of a Health Care Trust in the UK…” inglese scientifico 250908
LA POSIZIONE DEGLI AGGETTIVI Opinione Dimensione Età Forma Colore Origine Materiale Scopo inglese scientifico 250908
ESEMPIO inglese scientifico 250908
Un uomo asiatico , calvo di 38 anni basso di statura ed ubriaco • a drunk, short, 38 year old, bald, Asian male patient • BLUE-EYED WOMAN • DARK-HAIRED MAN • I AM 38 YEARS OLD inglese scientifico 250908
ESERCIZI 1) Which is the correct order? • a small Canadian thin lady • a Canadian small thin lady C) a small thin Canadian lady D) a thin small Canadian lady 2) Which is the correct order? A) a carving steel new knife B) a new steel carving knife C) a steel new carving knife D) a new carving steel knife • Which is the correct order? • A) a beautiful blue sailing boat • B) a blue beautiful sailing boat • C) a sailing beautiful blue boat • D) a blue sailing beautiful boat • Which is the correct order? • A) an new French exciting band • B) a French new exciting band • C) an exciting French new band • D) an exciting new French band inglese scientifico 250908
RISPOSTE • C 2) B 3) A 4) D inglese scientifico 250908
L’IMPERATIVO DEI VERBI inglese scientifico 250908
“Select quiet area.” “Take notes onto priority form” inglese scientifico 250908
L’IMPERATIVO L’imperativo si usa per esprimere comandi, istruzioni, proposte, inviti e richieste. L’imperativo affermativo della seconda persona singolare e plurale si forma con: l’infinito senza to del verbo (il soggetto non viene espresso). Per la forma negativa si premette don’tall’infinito senza to. inglese scientifico 250908
L’IMPERATIVO inglese scientifico 250908
L’IMPERATIVO Don’t scompare in presenza di never (Never touch the oven when it’s on) inglese scientifico 250908
LET’S DANCE !!!!! ȋ L’imperativo affermativo della prima persona plurale si forma con: let’s (let us) seguito dall’infinito senza to La forma negativa si ottiene premettendo let’s not all’infinito senza to. inglese scientifico 250908
“Make a note of omissions/needs for clarification” “As a team go to the bedside, address the patient and make introductions. Investigate care plans, observation charts and summary” “Prioritise and where appropriate delegate specific responsibilities to team members. Carry out care and update information.” inglese scientifico 250908
PRESENT SIMPLE Il presente semplice inglese scientifico 250908
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi con la loro forma negativa ed interrogativa • The nurse’s day traditionally starts with the ritual of a nursing handover report. 2) This paper reports on the outcome of the style of nursing handover. inglese scientifico 250908
Affermativo: I You We start at eight o’clock They He She starts at eight o’clock It Negativo: I You do not We don’t They He She It PRESENT SIMPLE start at 8 does not doesn’t start at 8 inglese scientifico 250908
Interrogativo: I you Do we start at 8? they he Does she start at 8? it Nota bene: Il verbo esserenon ha bisogno dell’ausiliare alla forma negativa ed interrogativa!!! Es. You are in Rome. You are not/aren’t in Rome. Are you in Rome? inglese scientifico 250908
esercizio Riscrivi le seguenti frasi con la loro forma negativa ed interrogativa • The nurse’s day traditionally starts with the ritual of a nursing handover report. 2) This paper reports on the outcome of the style of nursing handover. inglese scientifico 250908
RISPOSTE 1A) The nurse’s day traditionally does not start with the ritual of a nursing handover report. 1B) Does the nurse’s day traditionally start with the ritual of a nursing handover report? 2A) This paper does not report on the outcome of the style of nursing handover. 2B) Does this paper report on the outcome of the style of nursing handover? inglese scientifico 250908
VARIAZIONI Con he/she/it si aggiunge –s alla maggiorparte dei verbi: walk→ walks get→gets Ma ci sono delle eccezioni: Verbi che finiscono in –sh, -ch, -ss, o –o si aggiunge – es finish→finishes Verbi che finiscono in –y cambiano in cry→ cries Ma si aggiunge –s ai verbi che finiscono in –ay, -ey, -oy, -uy play→plays inglese scientifico 250908
PAST SIMPLE Il passato semplice inglese scientifico 250908
PAST SIMPLE The risk reduction strategy included concordance to the process of information exchange inglese scientifico 250908
PAST SIMPLE Si usa il passato semplice per parlare di un evento che si è concluso nel passato. inglese scientifico 250908
COME SI FORMA Si forma il passato dei verbi regolari, aggiungendo –ed al verbo: walk→ walked ask→ asked inglese scientifico 250908
COME SI FORMA Ci sono delle eccezioni!!! Verbi che finiscono in –y -y→ -ied apply→applied inglese scientifico 250908
COME SI FORMA La maggiorparte dei verbi che finiscono con una vocale ed una consonante: -p→ -pped stop→stopped inglese scientifico 250908
COME SI FORMA Ma molti verbi sono irregolari!!! Es. do→did buy→bought inglese scientifico 250908
Negativo Si forma il negativo con didn’t + l’infinito del verbo Es. I didn’t understand. Interrogativo Si forma delle domande con did + l’infinito Es. Did you watch the film? inglese scientifico 250908
Ilpassato del verbo essere: I/he/she/it was/wasn’t You/we/they were/weren’t inglese scientifico 250908
Trova 5 verbi regolari al passato Trova 5 verbi irregolari al passato inglese scientifico 250908
Background The nurses’ day traditionally starts with the ritual of a nursing handover or report, often in an office space (Walsh & Ford 1989). In one acute medical ward for older people, of a Health Care Trust in the UK, office-based handover drew all the incoming team and a large number of the outgoing team away from the ward area at least three times each day. This was time consuming thereby having a negative impact on the continuity of patient care. inglese scientifico 250908
Patient documentationwas rarely referenced at handover despite significant efforts to complete it. To make improvements to the practice, a project plan wasprepared that anticipated the change phases from traditional to new handover style, setting short-and long-term goals and an evaluation strategy. The risk reduction strategy includedconcordance to the process of information exchange (Fig. 1). inglese scientifico 250908
Methods Ethical governance was addressed within the Health Care Trusts’ clinical audit policy. A series of audits undertaken after one, three, and six months through self-report questionnaires identified staff perceptions of their experience of the new handover process. The team of 24 staff voluntarily completed structured perception questionnaires. inglese scientifico 250908
Furthermore, an independent audit of care plans was carried out across the Trust. Thisinvolved comparative analysis of a 10% sample of all patient’s documentation in 12 other wards (acute medical, palliative care, rehabilitation, and continuing care) with the ward in focus in this report. The aim was to identify whether the new form of handover had affected the completeness of patient documentation or generated any additional risks. inglese scientifico 250908
All documentation audited wasof patients admitted more than two days prior to the audit and randomly selected by the ward staff on request at the time of the audit. Quantitative data was gathered through a structured questionnaire. The focus of the audit was in identifying whether there was alignment of all identified patient problems with the care plan through analysis of the medical admission notes, admission assessment, care plans and daily summary. To avoid bias, no prior notice wasgiven and two auditors gathered and cross-checked the data. inglese scientifico 250908
Results The first audit results from the staff perception questionnaires identified both advantages and disadvantages in the new handover process. The reported advantages identified that the process challenged their usual practice and encouraged reflective practice. It prevented office dwelling and therefore improved priority and time management. This also ledto increased nurse/patient contact time leading to a more seamless service; and improved care plans and patient documentation overall. inglese scientifico 250908
They reported to having increased time released for their professional development opportunities. Two disadvantages included; the uncertainty of their role in the process was especially perceived by health-care assistants; and the new process did not directly address all the traditional functions of handover, Especially those relating to socialization. inglese scientifico 250908
The second audit results from the patient-care plans and associated documentation found that of the total number of patient’ problems identified from the sample, a variable percentage of contemporary care plans were available. The ward in focus had care plans present for all patient problems identified to 88% completeness. inglese scientifico 250908
This was compared with five other similar acute wards where they were identified to 10% and 72% completeness. Whilst 88% completeness compared favourably to other similar areas as well as all other associated areas in the Department, the success of the new handover relied on complete and contemporary documentation, leaving more room for improvement. inglese scientifico 250908
The risk of an absence of documentation was addressed through the process of the Information Exchange Model (Fig. 1), no other risks were identified. A number of variables might have influenced the findings including the staffing levels and the number of patients admitted into an area in the two days preceding the audit. inglese scientifico 250908