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A B C Biography On Bayard Rustin

A B C Biography On Bayard Rustin. By Brian Williams. Introduction.

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A B C Biography On Bayard Rustin

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  1. ABCBiography On Bayard Rustin By Brian Williams

  2. Introduction • It was tough for African Americans in the Jim crow days. Bayard Rustin had promised that there would be 100,000 protesters at Washington D.C on August 28, but when he went to see there were only about 100 when they asked where was everybody his stomach made a knot. http://sojo.net/wp-content/uploads/View_of_Crowd_at_1963_March_on_Washington.jpg

  3. Arrested • Bayard was arrested for many things including sitting on the main floor of a theatre where it was only reserved for whites. He was arrested for freedom rides and refusing to give up a seat on the bus. The thing is they were all for what he believed. http://www.williston.k12.sc.us/wehs/business/2009webpages/rust1.jpg

  4. Boycott • Bayard played a big part in the bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama. He was one of the most influential people in that time frame. http://www.marxist.com/images/stories/usa/blackstruggle/busboycott.jpg http://www.martinlutherkingjrarchive.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Martin-Luther-King-Jr-Events-Montgomery-Bus-Boycott-1955-300x223.jpg

  5. http://sojo.net/wp-content/uploads/View_of_Crowd_at_1963_March_on_Washington.jpghttp://sojo.net/wp-content/uploads/View_of_Crowd_at_1963_March_on_Washington.jpg Capital http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Bayard_Rustin_NYWTS_3.jpg/220px-Bayard_Rustin_NYWTS_3.jpg • With Randolph and Bayard making a difference they decided to take it to the capital Washington D.C. they decided to make it into a march. They put it all over town. They even promised 100,000 protesters. On the morning of the big day there were only 100 but once it started there was 200,000 protesters it was a success!!!

  6. Death • Bayard died on August 24, 1987. he died out of age and lots of people came to his funeral. http://kellylowenstein.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/bayard-rustin.jpg?w=500

  7. Equal • Bayard always believed that all blacks and whites should be treated equally. He was still nonviolent but stuck to his beliefs. http://pluginin.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/no-segregation-final.jpg?w=592

  8. Field Day • Bayard went to West Chester's only integrated school. He played on the football team and was very great.

  9. Gandhi • Bayard studied Gandhi for advice in his movement. He often used his nonviolent ways of protesting. He even went to India hoping to meet him but he was assassinated shortly before. http://www.topnews.in/files/Mahatma-Gandhi_3.jpg

  10. High School • In high school Bayard was very talented. He played football and track and was on varsity every year. http://schooldesigns.com/Portals/0/SD_Images/Projects/711asu065a.jpg

  11. Injustice People were very unjust and weren’t fair. Through these times Bayard still pushed non-violence. http://hulshofschmidt.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/bayard_rustin.jpg

  12. Journey Of Reconciliation • The Journey Of Reconciliation was a group in which whites would let blacks sit with them it was also know as freedom rides. Bayard was imprisoned many times for this act. http://www.q-notes.com/images/100309/bayardchsign3_sm.jpg

  13. Kentucky • The Core rode through Kentucky to test the ruling that blacks could sit anywhere. This was know as the Journey of Reconciliation. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAhouser2.jpg

  14. Lewisburg • When Bayard refused to serve in the armed forces he was sent to Lewisburg federal penitentiary. The charge was not obeying the selective service act. http://www.pabook.libraries.psu.edu/palitmap/LewisburgFederalPen.jpg

  15. Music • Bayard was a big fan of music all his life. He wrote many songs. When he was imprisoned he taught himself how to play the lute. He was eventually in the all-black Broadway. That being said he only performed one musical called John Henry. http://www.anthonyflood.com/rustinlutelate40s.bmp

  16. Nonviolent • Bayard was in many different nonviolent groups including CORE.He studied Gandhi and used his techniques throughout the movement. http://cache.matrix.msu.edu/expa/large/1-2-F47-25-ExplorePAHistory-a0k1w1-a_349.jpg

  17. Obtain • Blacks obtained racism very easily. They also obtained calm and didn't use violence. This was a real surprise to the white community. http://img2.imagesbn.com/images/101680000/101686199.jpg

  18. Profile • Bayard was born on March 17,1910. Joined the civil rights movement in the 30s and was an adviser of Martin Luther King Junior. Yet he still maintained a low profile under the spotlight of A. Phillip Randolph and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/92/BayardRustinAug1963-LibraryOfCongress_crop.jpg/250px-BayardRustinAug1963-LibraryOfCongress_crop.jpg

  19. Quaker • Bayard grew up with Quaker beliefs everywhere. West Chester was the main stop for Quakers, and Bayard was always taught to be friendly and never decline your mind. http://www2.gol.com/users/quakers/Rustin.jpg

  20. Randolph • Bayard was friends with A. Phillip Randolph and worked with him in CORE a nonviolent organization. They also planned the march in Washington together. http://c250.columbia.edu/images/c250_celebrates/harlem_history/240x240_randolph_a.jpg

  21. Segregation • Segregation was a problem in the south and most the United States. Jim Crow laws mainly stared this problem. It split the U.S in half and gave blacks the idea of slavery all over again. When Bayard was young he knew he was going to have to stop it. http://www.linternaute.com/savoir/magazine/photo/martin-luther-king-et-la-lutte-pour-les-droits-civiques/image/segregation-349975.jpg

  22. Thurgood Marshall • Thurgood was one of the leaders of the NAACP. He was a friend of Bayard. He worked to get blacks and whites friends. http://www.progressiveinvolvement.com/photos/heroes/thurgood-marshall.jpg

  23. http://republicaupdate.blogs.com/.a/6a00d8341bfc8353ef011570bb42b9970b-800wihttp://republicaupdate.blogs.com/.a/6a00d8341bfc8353ef011570bb42b9970b-800wi Us • Bayard believed in the word us for multiple reasons. He believed that us described black and whites being equal. He thought of it as combine us together. He was absolutely right. http://www.visualphotos.com/photo/2x4732205/black_and_white_paper_cutout_men_standing_holding_u18302400.jpg

  24. Vietnam War • Bayard was a protester against the Vietnam War and the draft and also refused to serve when he was drafted. This was a hard time for America.

  25. West Chester • Bayard was born in West Chester, Pennsylvania. It was also home to many people who wanted to escape the violence going on around them. http://www.hmdb.org/Photos/25/Photo25285.jpg

  26. Xcellent • Bayard was an xcellent person. He has helped many people throughout the world. This man should never be forgotten. http://www.nndb.com/people/945/000086687/rustin-1.jpg

  27. York • Bayard went to New York for college but never got a degree. He was in so many different groups he never had time to finish college. http://horvitzlab.com/City_College%20photo.jpg

  28. Zeal • Bayard was the real zeal and he has helped America a lot. He was a great person. This year marks his hundredth birthday this man was zeal!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://jmcstrategies.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/bayard1-thumb.jpg

  29. Conclusion • The conclusion is that this event was when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr made his I have a dream speech. The event held more than 200,000 protesters, and this was a main event in the civil rights movement.

  30. Bibliography • http://www.biography.com/people/bayard-rustin-9467932 • http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0900070.html

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