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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mission DCU plans, coordinates, and integrates DSCA with local, State, and Federal agencies. On order, deploys as the DoD early entry command and control element in support of civil or military authorities conducting consequence management operations in order to save lives, prevent human suffering, and prevent property damage.

  2. DCU JFO Task Organization DCO DCO Cmd Staff SVC EPLOs DDCO REPLO Safety Aug JAG Aug CoS DDCO PAO Aug REPLO NCOIC JRMPO Aug AT/FP Aug 5 Augs Operations REPLO OPS Fusion REPLO OPS Log/Fin/Admin REPLO S4 SA/COP (DSEL, HSIN, TRITON, Cha, WEB EOC) Reports Intel/Weather RFIs BR DSEL Per Aug MA DCE GS13 C2 DCE GS12 Plans DCE Ops Off Fin Aug DCE OPORDs LNO TO LFA MA Process Taskers FRAGOs Unit SITREPS CAE MA Tm Log Aug SEPLO NCO / AUG Ops Off/NCO 2 Augs LNOs SEPLOs LNOs Signal DCE Comms NCOAUG LNOs MA Trk SEPLO NCO USAR Ops NCO SEPLO NCO 167 LNO Ops Off 2 Augs DDASS SEPLO NCO LNO JTF NC Ops NCO DCE Ops NCO Ops Off/NCO 2 Augs 4 Augs Total DCU Personnel at JFO = 20 Total ARNORTH Augmentees = 21 6 Augs 2 Augs 2 Augs 2 Augs

  3. Baton Rouge PR / VI Corpus Christi DCE Regions II, VI, & X – Hurricane Dean

  4. Hurricane Dean – Timeline 14 AUG 15 AUG 16 AUG 17 AUG TS C-1 C-2 C-3 Rg II prepares to deploy to PR/VI NC & AR WARNOs published FEMA starts VTC’s Hurr. Dean 260 mi. SSE of PR/VI Hurr. Dean still 500+ mi. from PR/VI • 3 MAs- TX • Dep Rg VI – C.C • Dep Rg X – B.R. • Dep Air/Gnd Cell Rg II DCO – 2 MA’s, arrives in VI w/ ERT-A NC starts daily telecons • NC/AR EXORDs • USTRANSCOM BPT move DoD forces to PR/VI • Rg VI deploys to Corpus Christi • Rg II & VI EPLOs activated Rg’s IV, VI, & X rec. BPT mission BSI/FSOAs ID’d for PR/VI 18 AUG 19 AUG 20 AUG 21 AUG C-4 C-5 Dean landfall Mex. Rg VI Aug. deploy DCE stand-up, integration & Ops NC/AR CUBs begin Rg’s VI & X working redeployment BPT MA’s cancelled/closed 167 TSC JRSOI BPT rpt. to AR ARNG sends A/C to TX NC/AR CUBs end Rg II redeploy to HS NC/AR resume normal operations 7 MA’s (TX) – BPT spt missions

  5. AAR Food for Thought • Funding Deployment of DoD forces and equipment prior to a disaster declaration. • Contingency movement of general population residents. • Lack of a clearly-defined patient evacuation plan – defined, documented and synchronized patient evacuation plan. • Activation of NDMS • State Integrated SAR plan • Improving TRANSCOM’s coordinated response to conduct federally-supported, state-level contingency planning for real-world DSCA (disaster) missions. • Movement of pets on DoD aircraft. • Competition for same EMAC assets (NG and contracts) • PSMAs must be reviewed and updated to fit changing missions • BSI and FOSA requests not routed/approved properly

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