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Production Timing. The Job we just completed, was it profitable? Can we measure how long it takes to complete a Job? Are we making money or hemorrhaging?. Production Timing. What is “Production Timing”? * Production Timing is the ability to measuring the “ Time ” taken
Production Timing. The Job we just completed, was it profitable? Can we measure how long it takes to complete a Job?Are we making money or hemorrhaging?
Production Timing. What is “Production Timing”? *Production Timing is the ability to measuring the“Time”taken to manufacture a product from start to finish. * Each “Task” has a duration! Did it exceed the time allotted? * Measure the “Budget Time” versus the “Actual Time!” * What is your Wages costing the company? * What is the companies efficiency, Wages vs. Production? * * *
Production Timing. Most companies have a good idea of the cost of materials, even before they begin to manufacture their products. But when it comes to accurately forecasting the “TIME” required to manufacture these products, this is where the wheels fall off. How can you stay competitive if you don’t know who long it takes to complete a Job?
Production Timing. Production Timing failure? Most companies use the old “Guesstimation” method to guess how much time is needed to complete any given Job! This “time” is quoted to the customer and if accepted, a works order is generated based on the thumb suck hours guesstimated! Under Quoting versus Over Quoting! Not allocating enough time to a Job means you will get business you don’t necessarily want and your profit margins are tight. You could be losing money on every order. There goes that profit! Over quoting on any Job, means that you could lose potential business as your quote is overpriced. There goes that profit!
Production Timing. Production Timing solutions. Now you can now accurately measurehow muchTIME was taken for eachJob number, from Start to Finish. • Excessive timetaken to complete any Works order can now be investigated. • Is more training required for that operator? • Was the time allowed simply inadequate for the task at hand? • It might be that a machine is faulty, but whatever the reason is, it will be brought to yourattention and resolved one way or another. • Hind sight gives you 20/20 vision. • As each Job is completed, you have all the information at hand to know if it was profitable or a loss. Action can be taken there and then. • With time, quotes can be adjusted accordingly and your accuracy increased. Allow for the appropriate time to be taken on the next quote.
Production Timing. A honest days pay for a honest days work! That is easier said than done! Currently you Paystaff for being at “Work” i.e. 8 hours with 2 hours over time! But only 6 hours are allocated to Works orders for that day? What happened to all the other hours being paid for? Are you payingyour staff to be at work, or paying them to work? Have you ever measured the COST of LOST productivity to your company?Companies know they have a problem but how can you measure it? How can you measure the time being paid to an employee for being at work versus the productive hours being productive? Would you like to knowwho is productive, and who is not? TurboTime has a solution.
Production Timing. A honest days pay for a honest days work! Start paying staff for working and not for being at work! Your employees cannot beat this Production Timingsystem. Either they book too much time to an Ops number and get nailed for it, or they are getting paid for too many man hours that are not being accounted for! Either way, THEY are accountable for their “TIME”, - not you. Here is an unbiased system that gives everyone a fair opportunity to prove that they are delivering what is expected from them.
Production Timing. Why some employees will HATEthis system! Employees, for thefirst time, are accountable fortheir time! Those who have been getting away with working at the old two speed rate (Stop and Reverse) will now be elated with the system. We can even tell you who they are, 10 days after installing this system and without us even going onto the Job-floor! NB:- Exception reports MUST be run on a daily basis. Problem One - They try not clock “OFF” a Job! Result = Missing clocking – Missing time – please explain. Problem Two – They don’t clock “ON” to a Job! Result = Missing time – please explain. This system means that they have to account for their time and they cannot take too long, else the system will highlight the excess time. Either way, they cannot beat the system.
Production Timing. HOW DOES IT WORK? Each employee receives their own unique Employee Job Number (J235) The employee simply scans his number from the provided barcode labels This Employee Number (without the preceding J) can be used to clock the employee “In” and “Out” for Time & Attendance as well as Production timing.Access Control for unlocking doors can also be added at a later stage. • Clock In – Time & Attendance (Optional.) • Clock “On” a Job. • Clock “Off” a Job. • Job Status – Tells you the current status of all Jobs open. • Clock Out – Going Home - Time & Attendance (Optional.)
Production Timing. Clock “ON” a Job.
Production JOB Timing. Clocking ON (Starting) a Job: The Employee’s Number, Job Number and Task Number are captured into the system using the barcode scanner and the list of Employee labels, Job labels and Task labels provided.
Production Timing. Network Overview. PC1- System-Operator JOB Take-On - Jobs are added to the system using PC1and closed when invoiced. To ADD a Job – Enter the job number i.e. 100-555 + Description then add all the Tasks from thePop-up list plus all the time allowed for each operation. Toclose this Job you need to enter an Invoice number and an amount. PC2 – Production Director / Workshop manager. This PC allows the user to easily see the status of all the Jobs on the system and if any Job is “Waiting for spares” it will be highlighted in red. PC3 – Stores. Allows stores to see what “Jobs” are waiting for spares and the Job number as well as what section (Task) that the Job stopped on. PC4, PC5, PC6, and PC7, etc, all have JOB scanners attached to the PC’s on the workshop floor, allowing staff to use them to clock On & Off jobs. Staff can also clock On/Off at stores for “Collecting Parts” as an enormous amount of time is wasted whilst standing around at stores and “waiting” to collect parts.
Production Timing. Flow of Events: 1. Quotation accepted by customer and purchase order received 2. Works order number issued 3. System-Operator prints barcode labels and attaches to Job Cards 4. Employee scans Employee Job Number (J235) , Job Number (100-555) and Task Number (01) JOB ON (100-555)/ Job Task On (100-555-010) 5. Employee scans Employee Job Number, Job Number and Task Number Job Task Off (100-555-01) 6. Steps 4 & 5 repeated for each relevant task. 7. System-Operator captures Invoice Number and Amount JOB OFF (100-555)
Production Timing. Clocking Off – “Waiting for parts!” One of the MAJOR problems identified is that Jobs are held up for days / weeks is because of “Waiting for parts.” This leads to unnecessary and unplanned delays causing aggravation to you and the customer. When anyone clocks “OFF” using this code, the software will immediately send a message to stores and to the production directors PC, indicating that:- Job 100-232-01 has STOPPED – “WAITING FOR PARTS”. This highlights the problem immediately without anyone having a meeting or looking at paperwork to find out that an important Job has been stopped indefinitely because someone is “Waiting for parts”. *** Action can then be taken to solve that problem – TODAY!***
Production Timing. Clock “OFF” a Job. There are about 9 reasons why they clock off the Job. i.e. 81 = Waiting For instructions. 82 = Power failure. 83 = Emergency change Job 99 = Job Completed. These reasons scanned in from the provided barcode labels.
Production Timing. Some of the Reports Available. JOB Status report.Shows which Jobs are currently Open and what the current status is. Indicates ”When“ they were opened and ”Who”is working on that job. All “Waiting for parts” are highlighted in REDforAction. Time Allocated to any JOB report.Shows the hours booked to a job. Select Summery or Detailed.All Start / Stop times are indicated with the hours calculated. Time Allocated to an Employee report.Show what time employees clocked on / Off Jobs, the spent on the Jobs for the day. Daily, Weekly,Monthly, Yearly. Excess Time report.Shows all Jobs where the time allocated exceeds the time allowed. Action needs to be taken to make sure the problem does not re-occur. Daily Exception report.Shows all Jobs that have missing clockings. shows clocked onto a Job but not off a job! Take action to make sure the problem does not re-occur.
Production Timing. * * * This system gives you a lot of feedback and you can now measure how much time is allocated to a Job and how long it actually took. Also the time wasted by employees booking time to “Waiting for instructions” The employee cannot beat the system.They have to account for there time no matter what. If they book too much time to the job, you will pick this up against the time you know you allocated to when you quoted. Then question why? – Machine problem, Person problem or a Quote problem? When the Job is complete, i.e. 25, click on the icon that says “Close Job” This then saves that Job 100-555 so you can get a report on it later. It then frees up a spot for another Job to be opened. – That easy. * * *
Production Timing. Who are we? Thank you for your interest in our company and the products we manufacture. Over the past twelve years Sentri Systems has become a leader in the field of Time, Attendance and production timing. We are directly responsible for calculating and paying well in excess of 50 000 employee’s wages every week. Our solutions include accuracy, reliability and use of use, all crucial, when dealing with staff wages and production timing. * * * *
Production Timing. How does the “Production Timing” system help your company? Gives your company the ability to accurately measure how much TIME was taken to complete any given works order, versus guessing. You can now measure the pre-determined time for each Operation. Now you knowhow many man hours are taken to complete any Job / Works order, all broken down into bite size “time” chunks. This allows you to build up accurate data over time so that you don’t under/over quote. You can quickly and accurately highlight any excessive time taken to complete a Works/Job order and who is at fault. The status of all “Works Orders/Jobs numbers” are highlight as to what is still out standing and the reason for the stoppage. Paperwork does get lost, all the appropriate information is now on your PC, dates, times, who worked on that part, etc. Guarantees and re-work can be quickly resolved. Now you have accurate information at your fingertips.
There is a few ways this system will pay for itself:- What is your annual turnover? ______________________ What is 2.5% of your annual turnover:________________ We would like to tell you we will increase efficiency by at least FIVE% - but that would be hard to prove on paper. Reduction of overtime and a substantial increase in productivity. Now - Without increasing any of your current overheads! What if you could increase your productivity by 10 - 15 percent? Email us at:- norman@sentri.co.zajames@sentri.co.za Questions? Designed and developed by SENTRI Systems. Manufactures of fine Time Attendance & production / Job costing software. 011 – 462 9265 082 –800 0027 If you cannot measure, you have no control.