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Target 12

Target 12

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Target 12

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  1. Target 12 • The extinction of known threatened species has been prevented and their conservation status, particularly of those most in decline, has been improved and sustained

  2. • Target 11: • By 2020, at least 17 per cent of terrestrial and inland water, and 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services, are conserved through effectively and equitably managed, ecologically representative and well connected systems of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures, and integrated into wider landscape and seascapes.

  3. Society Response to Biodiversity Loss: Conservation Areas: 22.7% Continent Indigenous Lands: 1.3 million km2 Protected areas: 2.7 million km2 The Critical Importance of Protected Areas

  4. Protected Areas Simply the single most important tool for achieving Biodiversity Conservation & ensuring the continued flow of Ecosystem Services, and must be seen as one of the key elements in achieving Sustainable Development

  5. The GEF Protected Areas ~50% of GEF biodiversity investments to date Focused strongly on sustainability of existing protected areas and less on creating new ones Perhaps increased emphasis on creation of new areas in KBAs and AZE sites, based on the presence of species on the Red List

  6. MADAGASCAR Commitment to triple Protected Area coverage over the next 5 years !

  7. MADAGASCAR $50 million Trust Fund requested in September, 2003 GEF a major contributor, with $10 million

  8. Current situation Existing: 47 protected areas managed by Madagascar National Parks (category I, II et IV of IUCN): 1.7 million ha Provisional status: 29 new protected areas (Most of them in category V et VI): 2,997,145 Ha Creation in progress: 40 new protected areas: 1,168,419 Ha Extension of Madagascar National Parks network: 505,488 Ha • TOTAL: >6.3 million hectares

  9. $46 million for ARPA in the Brazilian Amazon

  10. Coral Triangle $63 milion

  11. The Pacific Oceanscape - 39.5 million km2

  12. The GEF Mainstreaming Biodiversity What happens in broader landscapes outside protected areas that can make the matrix outside protected areas more biodiversity friendly and ensure the continued generation of ecosystem services( (~30% to date)

  13. Mainstreaming Biodiversity Cocoa Project $5 million mobilizing and additional $15 million in co-financing 10 countries all in high priority areas for biodiversity areas Will produce 10% of the world’s cocoa into sustainable production Partnership with UNEP, GEF and the Rainforest Alliance

  14. The GEF Biosafety Control of Invasive Species, especially on islands More could be done in the future

  15. Biodiversity Conservation and Civil Society Unlike many other sectors, a lot of the action in biodiversity conservation is at the local level, by civil society organizations

  16. Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) World Bank Global Environment Facility MacArthur Foundation Conservation International Government of Japan Government of France

  17. $142 million granted 12 years of extraordinary results Over 12 million hectares of new protected areas in 22 countries (7% of terrestrial new PAs in 10 years) More than 80 networks of civil society groups created 1,627 civil society groups supported 1,217 M tons of carbon secured through CEPF investments More than 21 million hectares of landscapes with improved management, including agreements with communities and the private sector to ensure sustainability and better landuse At least 25 sectoral policies supporting biodiversity conservation and mainstreaming conservation into development policy

  18. 23 investment regions 59 countries 1. Atlantic Forest 2. Cape Floristic Region 3. Caribbean Islands* 4. Caucasus** 5. Coastal Forests of Eastern Africa** 6. Eastern Afromontane* 7. East Melanesia Islands*** 8. Guinean Forests of West Africa 9. Himalaya 10. Indo-Burma* 11. Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands** 12. Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany* 13. Mediterranean Basin* 14. Mesoamerica** 15. Mountains of Southwest China** 16. Philippines 17. Polynesia-Micronesia* 18. Succulent Karoo** 19. Sundaland 20. Tropical Andes** 21. Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena** 22. Wallacea*** 23. Western Ghats and Sri Lanka* * Active portfolio ** Portfolio under consolidation *** Region being profiled

  19. www.saveourspecies.org WILL YOU ANSWER THE CALL?

  20. SOS: Where are we now? • 5 Pilot projects closed (USD 625,000) by Jan 2012 • 23 projects funded in 2012 this far (USD 3.3 million) • 25-30 new projects by the end of the year (USD 3 million) • Distribution of funding for 2012 projects by Strategic Direction

  21. The GEF New Implementing Agencies Accreditation of other International and National Organizations (including NGOs) as Implementing Agencies for the GEF

  22. Naoko Ishii CEO, GEF appointed June 2012


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