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Homeownership Education Counseling: A National Perspective

NeighborWorks Training Institutes. 4 Training Institutes (NTIs) per year Project 20,000 certificates of completion to 3,600 organizations in fiscal year 2010Upcoming NTIPhoenix, AZ May 3-7, 2010Philadelphia, PA August 16-20, 2010Washington, DC December 6-10, 2010Courses also offered in

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Homeownership Education Counseling: A National Perspective

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    1. Homeownership Education & Counseling: A National Perspective Leon Gray NeighborWorks� America

    2. NeighborWorks Training Institutes 4 Training Institutes (NTIs) per year Project 20,000 certificates of completion to 3,600 organizations in fiscal year 2010 Upcoming NTI Phoenix, AZ � May 3-7, 2010 Philadelphia, PA � August 16-20, 2010 Washington, DC � December 6-10, 2010 Courses also offered in Affordable Housing, Asset Management, Community and Neighborhood Revitalization, Management and Leadership and several other content areas New courses in Community Stabilization/REO and Green The NTIs offer top quality professional development, skill building and career enhancement for community development and affordable housing. 4 NTIs per year � Phoenix: May 3-7; Philadelphia: August 16-20 (Accepting Scholarships now); Washington DC: December 6-10 Average attendance up from 792 (2000), and 1029 (2002), to the current 1900 per NTIThe NTIs offer top quality professional development, skill building and career enhancement for community development and affordable housing. 4 NTIs per year � Phoenix: May 3-7; Philadelphia: August 16-20 (Accepting Scholarships now); Washington DC: December 6-10 Average attendance up from 792 (2000), and 1029 (2002), to the current 1900 per NTI

    3. NeighborWorks� Center for Homeownership Education and Counseling (NCHEC) Training Activity (FY10 to date) Over 5,712 certificates of completion awarded for classroom homeownership courses 180 Place-Based Events held or planned Over 875 certificates of completion in E-learning courses NCHEC awarded nearly 1,600 scholarships for counselor training Since August �04 launch: Over 40,000 training certificates of completion TRAINING: 4 NTIs per year � Phoenix: May 3-; Philadelphia: August 16-20 (Accepting Scholarships now) Washington DC: December 6-10 HUD Partnership: HUD Scholarships for NTIs and multi-course PBTs. Remaining HUD multi-course NCHEC/HUD PBTs: Boston, May 17-21 2010; Atlanta, June 7-11, 2010, San Diego, September 13-17, 2010. NCHEC Homeownership classes account for about half of the 1900+ attendees at NTIs NCHEC PBTs: FY 2005: 27 events, 307 certificates --- FY 2007: 125 events, nearly 2386 certificates. FY 2009: 285 events, 6030 certificates TRAINING: 4 NTIs per year � Phoenix: May 3-; Philadelphia: August 16-20 (Accepting Scholarships now) Washington DC: December 6-10 HUD Partnership: HUD Scholarships for NTIs and multi-course PBTs. Remaining HUD multi-course NCHEC/HUD PBTs: Boston, May 17-21 2010; Atlanta, June 7-11, 2010, San Diego, September 13-17, 2010. NCHEC Homeownership classes account for about half of the 1900+ attendees at NTIs NCHEC PBTs: FY 2005: 27 events, 307 certificates --- FY 2007: 125 events, nearly 2386 certificates. FY 2009: 285 events, 6030 certificates

    4. National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling (NFMC) Round 4 will be awarded in April Nearly 1 million homeowners have received assistance (expected within the next 30-60 days) 76% of those counseled have not entered into foreclosure � Urban Institute 6,600 NFMC Training Scholarships Awarded since program launch 9800 Certificates of Completion overall With Making Home Affordable program, and economy yet to rebound, the need for foreclosure counseling remains strong. Round 4 of the NFMC Program has officially launched and awards will be made in April 2010. More than 900,000 homeowners facing foreclosure have sought assistance from the NFMC Program since its inception in December 2007. � A report sent to Congress on June 2 provided detailed information on who has received counseling. (analysis was provided by the Urban Institute) They found that 76 percent of clients who received NFMC Program counseling had not entered foreclosure as of February 2009.� With Making Home Affordable program, and economy yet to rebound, the need for foreclosure counseling remains strong. Round 4 of the NFMC Program has officially launched and awards will be made in April 2010. More than 900,000 homeowners facing foreclosure have sought assistance from the NFMC Program since its inception in December 2007. �A report sent to Congress on June 2 provided detailed information on who has received counseling. (analysis was provided by the Urban Institute) They found that 76 percent of clients who received NFMC Program counseling had not entered foreclosure as of February 2009.�

    5. National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling (NFMC) Round 3 and 4 Training/Scholarships 4 NTIs � Washington DC, New Orleans, Phoenix, Philadelphia Multi-Course Place Based Trainings (PBTs) Orlando, FL � January 2010 Richmond, VA � April 2010 Newark, NJ � June 2010 Las Vegas, NV � July 2010 Minneapolis, MN � September 2010 15 HUD Intermediary/HFA PBTs NFMC Training Scholarships continue to be available for NTIs and PBTs Current schedule on slide, plus PBTs planned by Intermediary and HFA grantees. Best place to track training and scholarship availability: www.nw.org/scholarshipsNFMC Training Scholarships continue to be available for NTIs and PBTs Current schedule on slide, plus PBTs planned by Intermediary and HFA grantees. Best place to track training and scholarship availability: www.nw.org/scholarships

    6. NCHEC Updates NCHEC Certification: Over 5,400 professional certifications in: Pre-Purchase Post-Purchase Homeownership Counseling (Individual) Foreclosure Intervention & Default Counseling NEW � (May, 2010) Homeownership Counseling Certification for Program Managers and Executive Directors Tools and Resources: web, print, e-learning Certification: (Certifications: Aug. �04 � May �09) Pre-purchase Homeownership Education - 1,990 Post-Purchase Homeownership Education - 622 Homeownership Counseling � 1,943 Foreclosure Intervention and Default Counseling � 868 TOTAL: 5423 Launching New Certification for Homeownership Counseling Program Managers and Executive Directors at the Phoenix NTI. Designed to help managers provide oversight and quality control of their homeownership counseling programs. Course number is HO360. Certification: (Certifications: Aug. �04 � May �09) Pre-purchase Homeownership Education - 1,990 Post-Purchase Homeownership Education - 622 Homeownership Counseling � 1,943 Foreclosure Intervention and Default Counseling � 868 TOTAL: 5423 Launching New Certification for Homeownership Counseling Program Managers and Executive Directors at the Phoenix NTI. Designed to help managers provide oversight and quality control of their homeownership counseling programs. Course number is HO360.

    7. Realizing the American Dream - 4th Edition � Aug 2009 English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese Keeping the American Dream 2nd Edition - Aug 2009 English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese Women�s Multi-Cultural Toolkit English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian NCHEC Consumer Guides Multiple Languages Available at NeighborWorks Store www.nwstore.org Tools & Resources: RTAD 4th Edition: Updated in August 2009. KTAD 2nd Edition: Updated in August 2009. Both: English, Spanish and now Vietnamese and Chinese, too. Guide to Promoting Homeownership to Multicultural Women: 2nd Edition launched in Fall 2009. Expanded to include how to�s and new templates in Chinese and Russian Tools & Resources: RTAD 4th Edition: Updated in August 2009. KTAD 2nd Edition: Updated in August 2009. Both: English, Spanish and now Vietnamese and Chinese, too. Guide to Promoting Homeownership to Multicultural Women: 2nd Edition launched in Fall 2009. Expanded to include how to�s and new templates in Chinese and Russian

    8. NCHEC Tools Keys to My Home Website www.keystomyhome.org English, Spanish CounselorMax� www.counselormax.com Client Management System Web-Based and Computer Lab courses HO220 � Updated - Client Management and Tracking with CounselorMax HO222 � New � CounselorMax for Decision Makers and Administrators Tools & Resources: Keys to My Home website � designed for counselors to utilize with clients with overview information based on Realizing the American Dream, Keeping the American Dream and other calculators. Available in English and Spanish. Scheduled for update in 2010. CounselorMax: Web-based client management software. Tools for pre-purchase education, counseling and loss mitigation. Robust reporting capabilities. Compliant with HUD and NFMC reporting, and NeighborWorks America reporting. In 2010, will have compatibility with HopeLoan Port. Tools & Resources: Keys to My Home website � designed for counselors to utilize with clients with overview information based on Realizing the American Dream, Keeping the American Dream and other calculators. Available in English and Spanish. Scheduled for update in 2010. CounselorMax: Web-based client management software. Tools for pre-purchase education, counseling and loss mitigation. Robust reporting capabilities. Compliant with HUD and NFMC reporting, and NeighborWorks America reporting. In 2010, will have compatibility with HopeLoan Port.

    9. NCHEC Updates Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) NCHEC providing training, HECM Exam administration, website management and quality control under agreement with HUD � transitioned from the AARP Foundation Web-based Resources and Webinars www.hecmresources.org; www.hecmexam.org; www.hecmcounselors.org; 3 Classroom Courses HO111 Introduction to HECM HO272 Introduction to HUD�s HECM Counseling Program Procedures and Roster (New) HO275 Reverse Mortgage Counseling: Case Study Practicum (New) HECM: NeighborWorks, working with HUD is overseeing the administration of the HECM exam, training and quality control. Expanded training and resources planned along with updates to the Exam, and additional exam prep. 2 new courses added (see slide). Designed to help in fully preparing for Exam and quality counseling. HECM: NeighborWorks, working with HUD is overseeing the administration of the HECM exam, training and quality control. Expanded training and resources planned along with updates to the Exam, and additional exam prep. 2 new courses added (see slide). Designed to help in fully preparing for Exam and quality counseling.

    10. NCHEC Updates New Homeownership Courses in 2010 HO222 CounselorMax� for Decision Makers and Administrators (March) HO272 Introduction to HUD's HECM Counseling Program Procedures and Roster (March) HO275 Reverse Mortgage Counseling Case Study Practicum (March) HO360 Homeownership Counseling Certification for Program Managers and Executive Directors (April) TBD - Making Home Affordable (July) TBD - Being Green, Seeing Green:� Counseling Clients to Maximize Energy Savings (September) TBD - Fair Lending Course (September) Seven new classroom courses will be made available through NCHEC in fiscal year 2010. Seven new classroom courses will be made available through NCHEC in fiscal year 2010.

    11. NeighborWorks Training E-Learning Interactive On-Line Learning Courses Foreclosure Basics (HO109el) FHA Insured Loans: An Affordable Mortgage Option (HO253el) Understanding & Applying Foreclosure Intervention and Loss Mitigation Tools (HO346el) Board Oversight and Governance (ML240el) A Board Members Guide to Ensuring Organizational Health (ML272el) Fundamentals of Green Affordable Housing Development, Rehab and Management (CP185el) Stabilizing Communities in a Post-Foreclosure Environment (NR231el) And More Over 12 very interactive on-line learning courses now or soon available at www.nw.org/onlinereg. E-learning: HO109el Foreclosure Basics (over 4,000 have completed this course!). Over 12 very interactive on-line learning courses now or soon available at www.nw.org/onlinereg. E-learning: HO109el Foreclosure Basics (over 4,000 have completed this course!).

    12. NeighborWorks Training E-Learning New On-Line Learning Courses Scheduled: Mortgage Fundamentals for Homeownership Professionals (HO102el) HECM Counseling Basics Overview (HO104el) Using Effective Practices to Improve the Health of Your Foreclosure Program (HO322el) Counseling Borrowers who Purchase REO Properties (HO260el) Counseling Clients Seeking Rental Housing (HO265el) Affordable & Convenient: www.nw.org/onlinereg New homeownership related on-line learning courses are in production. All of the above courses will be available between May and October. Courses earn credit toward continuing education for NCHEC Certification and professional certificate programs. New homeownership related on-line learning courses are in production. All of the above courses will be available between May and October. Courses earn credit toward continuing education for NCHEC Certification and professional certificate programs.

    13. National Industry Standards for Homeownership Education and Counseling Homeownership Done Right

    14. The National Industry Standards (NIS) provide a neutral vehicle for organizations providing homeownership services in pre-purchase/post-purchase education and counseling and foreclosure mitigation counseling services a set of guidelines to follow. These were developed as a collaborative effort, and are designed to be available for all practitioners. (Note: please refer to these as the National Industry Standards � do not call them the NCHEC standards). Many state housing finance agencies, municipalities, national lenders and HUD have, or are moving to some level of requiring formal adoption by counseling organizations who conduct business under their umbrella. All NFMC grantees and subgrantees are required to adhere to the NIS. All organizations are encouraged to take the next step of formal adoption. The National Industry Standards (NIS) provide a neutral vehicle for organizations providing homeownership services in pre-purchase/post-purchase education and counseling and foreclosure mitigation counseling services a set of guidelines to follow. These were developed as a collaborative effort, and are designed to be available for all practitioners. (Note: please refer to these as the National Industry Standards � do not call them the NCHEC standards). Many state housing finance agencies, municipalities, national lenders and HUD have, or are moving to some level of requiring formal adoption by counseling organizations who conduct business under their umbrella. All NFMC grantees and subgrantees are required to adhere to the NIS. All organizations are encouraged to take the next step of formal adoption.

    15. Greater focus on responsible lending and providing accurate information to potential buyers and existing clients are top of mind in today�s financial environment. The NIS are a critical, visible step for organizations to take. Organizations with pending applications are being contacted to collect outstanding information. If no response, application will be purged from system due to lack of response, and organizations may reapply when ready. Greater efforts to showcase organizations who are adhering to the National Industry Standards and have formally adopted on the website � www.homeowershipstandards.com is underway. New website to be launched in the next few weeks to provide additional resources, tools and easier process for completing formal adoption application. Tip: Gather all information requested before submitting application to expedite processing. Greater focus on responsible lending and providing accurate information to potential buyers and existing clients are top of mind in today�s financial environment. The NIS are a critical, visible step for organizations to take. Organizations with pending applications are being contacted to collect outstanding information. If no response, application will be purged from system due to lack of response, and organizations may reapply when ready. Greater efforts to showcase organizations who are adhering to the National Industry Standards and have formally adopted on the website � www.homeowershipstandards.com is underway. New website to be launched in the next few weeks to provide additional resources, tools and easier process for completing formal adoption application. Tip: Gather all information requested before submitting application to expedite processing.

    16. Introducing the new look and tagline � Homeownership Done Right. This will be formally introduced in May (this audience is getting a sneak peak � because they are special). Tools that will be available to Adopting organizations: Logo, PowerPoint, web banner ads, press release template, brochures, certificate of adoption Existing website is still available for organizations to apply to adopt, and to download copies of the actual Standards documents. www.homeownershipstandards.com Introducing the new look and tagline � Homeownership Done Right. This will be formally introduced in May (this audience is getting a sneak peak � because they are special). Tools that will be available to Adopting organizations: Logo, PowerPoint, web banner ads, press release template, brochures, certificate of adoption Existing website is still available for organizations to apply to adopt, and to download copies of the actual Standards documents. www.homeownershipstandards.com

    17. Resources NW.org NW.org/scholarships NW.org/training LoanScamAlert.org Findaforeclosurecounselor.org Stablecommunities.org LeadersforCommunities.org CounselorMax.com HomeownershipStandards.com NeighborWorks provides many resources to assist you in the work you are doing in your community. Visit our many dedicated websites. NeighborWorks provides many resources to assist you in the work you are doing in your community. Visit our many dedicated websites.

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