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Curriculum Night Mallard Creek Elementary School. Presented by Second Grade Team Ms. Alligood Ms. A Ms. Edens Ms. Gary Ms.Dawkins -Major Ms. Whitaker Ms. Tucker . Agenda Balanced Literacy/Writing Ms. Gary/Mrs. Tucker LI~Ms. A/Ms. Edens
Curriculum NightMallard Creek Elementary School Presented by Second Grade Team Ms. Alligood Ms. A Ms. Edens Ms. Gary Ms.Dawkins-Major Ms. Whitaker Ms. Tucker
Agenda • Balanced Literacy/Writing Ms. Gary/Mrs. Tucker LI~Ms. A/Ms. Edens • Math Reg. Ed/Ms. Dawkins-Major/LI~Ms. Edens • Social Studies/Science Reg. Ed~Ms. Dawkins-Major/LI~ Ms. Whitaker & Miss Peng • Projects and Field Trips LI~Ms. Whitaker & Ms. Edens/ Reg. Ed Mrs. Tucker • H.O.P.E/Procedures/Parent Tips LI Ms. A/ Ms. Gary • Closure/ Questions 10 min.
Second Grade Curriculum Use of Common Core State Standards – Adopted as the new North Carolina Standard Course of Study, the curriculum requires teaching of higher-level thinking skills, addresses the instructional needs of the students, and supports integrating the curriculum.
Math Investigations Features: • Students learn math concepts and build from concrete and hands on learning activities to an abstract level. • Inquiry Based Learning-Questioning • Provides Practical problem solving skills • Requires family support • Students will be able to verbally explain their process of thinking and be able to put it in writing. • Students actively participate and engage in the discussion with teachers and peers.
Social Studies –Communities Here and There • Look at Communities – identifying communities, rules and laws and types of communities • Community Needs and Wants- making and selling goods, providing services and earning and using money • Exploring Maps and Globes – locating places on a map, NSEW and features of maps and globes • Exploring Our Country and State – exploring the US, natural and cultural features and our state • Our Country’s Government and History – our history, our leaders, government services and laws • Looking at Our World – natural resources, climate and seasons and people and places around the world.
Science • The learner will observe and conduct investigations to build an understanding of changes in the properties of solids and liquids. • The learner will conduct investigations and use appropriate technology to build an understanding of the concepts of sound. • The learner will conduct investigations to understand the patterns of weather and how weather can be affected. • The learner will conduct investigations and build an understanding of animal life cycles. The learner will identify how plants and animals resemble their parents.
Projects • Provide opportunities to connect the curriculum to home experiences • Encourage dialogue between students and families about the unit themes • Allow parents to have additional opportunities to have an active role in your child’s education.
Field Trips • We are in the process of planning field trips. • Please volunteer if you can to be a parent chaperone. Parents should register to be level 4 volunteers. • www.cms.k12.nc.us • Please send in money for field trips when applicable.
Parent Tips • Encourage 30 minutes of reading everyday from a book of your child’s choice. • Help your child find books that are at the appropriate reading level. • Show that you value reading by filling your home with books, magazines, and newspapers.
Morning Carpool Norms: • Morning carpool hours are 7:15-7:45. • Students should not be dropped off before 7:15. • Parents must accompany students into the front office to sign them in after the 7:45 bell. • Free Breakfast: • All students have the option to receive free breakfast in the school cafeteria. • Students need to be sure to go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast before going to the classroom. Dismissal Time: If you need to sign your child out early, you must bring your ID with you into the front office for verification purposes. You are not allowed to sign your child out after 2:15 p.m. From 2:15 – 2:45 is considered a protected time. This ensures the school to have the proper time available to get your child packed up and home safely.
Changes in Transportation: • If your child has a change of transportation, please send it in written/typed documentation an email at least 24 hours in advance to the office and to the classroom teacher. • Student Attendance and Tardiness: • It is important that your child attends school everyday unless he or she is sick or you have an emergency in your family. • If you send a note explaining the excused absence, then the student will be marked excused as appropriate. • PowerSchool Parent Portal is an automated system. You can access this from the CMS website.
H.O.P.E. Character Education Initiative September Character Trait: Responsibility H.O.P.E. K12 Character Education Curriculum was designed for the purpose of encouraging reading, the acquisition of knowledge, understanding and overall cognitive and emotional development. H- What Happened? O- What Other choices could you make? P- Pick what you would do E- Encourage students to remember that choosing to be responsible can be a tough decision (but remember there is always a choice and being responsible has far less negative consequences). Students will be recognized weekly in their classrooms and monthly school-wide with their picture on a bulletin board
Be sure to visit our second grade wiki page at: • http://mallardcreeksecondgrade.cmswiki.wikispaces.net/ For More Information: