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Hierarchy (Gr. Hierarchia ; from hieros , sacred; archein , rule, command). . Since the time of the Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita (6th century), who consecrated the expression in his works, "The Celestial Hierarchy" and "The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy" this word has been used to denote
Hierarchy(Gr. Hierarchia; from hieros, sacred; archein, rule, command). Since the time of the Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita (6th century), who consecrated the expression in his works, "The Celestial Hierarchy" and "The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy" this word has been used to denote the totality of ruling powers in the Church According to this author and his two commentators, Pachymeres and Maximus, the word connotes the care and control of holy or sacred things, the sacer principatus.
The "Hierarcha" is he who has actual care of these things He who both obeys and commands, but does not obey those he commands. There is, consequently, a necessary gradation among hierarchs; “This gradation exists among the angels in the heavenly hierarchy Therefore, It must also by necessity be found in a human assembly subject to sin within which it works for peace and harmony” ("S. Gregorii Reg. Epist.", V, 54, in P. L., LXXVII, 786; "Decreta Dionysii papæ", in the Hinschius ed. of the Pseudo-Isidorean Decretals, 195-6, Berlin, 1863; "Decretum" of Gratian (Pseudo-Boniface), pt. I, D. 89, c. vii).
The angels are represented throughout scripture as a body of spiritual beings intermediate between God and men: "You have made him (man) a little less than the angels" (Psalm 8:6). We know on the authority of Scripture that there are nine orders of angels Angels, Archangels, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Dominations, Throne, Cherubim and Seraphim. St. Thomas (Summa Theologica I:108) divides the angels into three hierarchies each of which contains three orders. Their proximity to the Supreme Being serves as the basis of this division. • In the first hierarchy he places the Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones; • In the second, the Dominations, Virtues, and Powers; • In the third, the Principalities, Archangels, and Angels.
The hierarchy connotes the totality of powers established in the Church for the guiding of man to his eternal salvation, but divided into various orders or grades, in which the inferior are subject to and yield obedience to the higher ones.
THE ORDERs of the CHURCH Order of the Bishops Order of the Deacons Order of the Priests Order of the Faithful Order of the Catechumens
ORDAINED BISHOPS PRIESTS Diocesan Secular Religious Community DEACONS Transitional Permanent (Before Priesthood) Non-Ordained Seminarians Students for priesthood before Diaconate
RELIGIOUS Contemplative Orders Cloistered Monasteries Monks Nuns Active Religious Congregations Apostolic Works Missionaries Priests Brothers Sisters Secular Institutes-Third Order Dedicated life Work in the World Private Vows
Hierarchy of Order and of Jurisdiction It is usual to distinguish a twofold hierarchy in the Church corresponding to the twofold means of sanctification, The hierarchy of order exercises its power over the Real Body of Christ in the Eucharist; • grace, which comes to us principally through the sacraments, The hierarchy of jurisdiction exercises its power over His Mystical Body, the Church • good works, which are the fruit of grace. (Catech. Conc. Trid., pt. II, c. vii, n. 6).
Christ did not give to all the faithfulthe power to administer His sacraments or to offer public worship. This was reserved to those who, having received the sacrament of orders, belong to the Hierarchy of Order. (Except in the case of baptism and matrimony) The Latin Church counts eight grades in the hierarchy of order the episcopate being counted a separate order from that of the priesthood
This hierarchy of ecclesiastical origin arose at the end of the second and the beginning of the third century It appears definitely fixed at Rome under Pope Cornelius (251-252) Who tells us that in his day “the Roman Church counted 46 priests, 7 deacons, 7 subdeacons, 42 acolytes, and 52 clerics of lower grades, exorcists, lectors, and porters.”
Hierarchy of Order The Council of Trent has defined the Divine institution of the first three grades of the hierarchy of order as: episcopate priesthood diaconate The other orders are of ecclesiastical institution. subdeacon, acolyte, exorcist, lector, and porter
The organization of the Hierarchy of Order is strict, sometimes overlapping: Pope: Head of the church, he is based at the Vatican. The pope is infallible in defining matters of faith and morals. Cardinal: Appointed by the pope, 178 cardinals worldwide, including 13 in the U.S., make up the College of Cardinals. As a body, it advises the pope and, on his death, elects a new pope. Archbishop: An archbishop is a bishop of a main or metropolitan diocese, also called an archdiocese. A cardinal can concurrently hold the title. The U.S. has 45 archbishops. Bishop: A bishop, like a priest, is ordained to this station. He is a teacher of church doctrine, a priest of sacred worship, and a minister of church government. The U.S. has 290 active bishops, 194 head dioceses. Priest: An ordained minister who can administer most of the sacraments, including the Eucharist, baptism, and marriage. He can be with a particular religious order or committed to serving a congregation. Deacon: Permanent deacons can be married and assist a priest by performing some of the sacraments and performing ministries of service. Transitional deacon is studying for the priesthood.
In the primitive Church there were also deaconesses, widows, and virgins These did not belong to the hierarchy properly so called, nor does Pope Cornelius include them in his list of the Roman clergy. Their principal functions were prayer, the practice of works of charity, and of hospitality; While they performed certain liturgical functions, as in the baptism of women and at the agape, they never took any part, except by unauthorized abuse, in the ministry of the altar strictly speaking (Duchesne, "Christian Worship", London, 1904).
Although abbots of monasteries may confer the four minor orders They do not constitute a special order or grade in the hierarchy. It is not by virtue of the blessing they receive from the bishop that they may confer orders, but by virtue of a privilege which canon law grants to abbots who have received such solemn blessing from a bishop (Gasparri, "Tractatus Canonicus de sacrâ ordinatione", I, iv, Paris, 1893).
Christ entrusted the guidance of the faithful along the paths of duty and in the practice of good works to a religious authority, and for this purpose He established a Hierarchy of Jurisdiction. Christ established His Church as a visible, external, and perfect society; He conferred on its hierarchy the right to legislate for the good of that society.
The hierarchy of jurisdiction is endowed with the following rights: • Legislative power: The right to frame and sanction laws which it considers useful or necessary • Judicial power: The right to judge how the faithful observe these laws • Coercive power: The right to enforce obedience, and to punish disobedience to its laws • Administrative power: The right to make all due provision for the proper celebration of worship • Power of Jurisdiction: The right to exercise the power of order. The acts of the power or order are always valid except in the sacrament of Penance, which requires in addition a power of jurisdiction. These powers serve a double purpose, the sanctification of souls and the good or welfare of religious society
Jurisdiction is either ordinary or delegated; Ordinary jurisdiction is acquired by the acceptance of specified functions to which the law itself attaches this power, that the possessor must exercise in his own name Delegated jurisdiction is obtained by virtue of a special delegation from ecclesiastical authority, in whose name it is to be exercised.
In a well-ordered society like the Church, the right to exercise the power of order could never be a mere matter of choice. For its legitimate exercise the Church requires either jurisdiction, or at least permission, even of a general character. Ordinarily the teaching power (magisterium) is connected with the power of jurisdiction. It is possible to distinguish in the Church a threefold power: • the potestas magisterii, or the right to teach in matters of faith and morals; • the potestas ministerii, or the right to administer the sacraments, • and the potestas regiminis, or the power of jurisdiction.
As a general rule, the "potestas magisterii" belongs to those only who have also the power of order, to the pope and the bishops, And cannot be separated from the latter power; the same is equally true of the power of jurisdiction Jurisdiction is exercised • in foro interno (potestas vicaria: Which aims directly at the welfare of religious society, and indirectly at that of its individual members; • in foro externo: Which deals directly with individuals, and only indirectly with the religious society as a whole.
Christ, however, did not establish a special hierarchy for the "potestas magisterii", nor does the teaching power pertain to the power of order but rather to the power of jurisdiction. All Church Councils connect the supreme magisterial power of the pope with his primacy of jurisdiction Moreover, the power of jurisdiction implies the right of imposing on the faithful a real obligation to believe what the Church proposes. Finally, in the Church, no one can teach without a missio canonica, or authorization from ecclesiastical superiors, which brings us back again to the power of jurisdiction.
DOCTRINAL RESPONSIBILITIESpotestas magisterii WORD OF GOD People of God Theologians Magisterium Open and Respectful Conversation
Hierarchy of Jurisdiction In the hierarchy of jurisdiction the episcopate and the papacy are of Divine origin; all the other grades are of ecclesiastical institution. According to the Vatican Council the Bishop of Rome, as successor of St. Peter, has been established by Christ as the visible head of the whole Church militant, and possesses a real primacy of jurisdiction, in virtue of which he has supreme power of jurisdiction over the universal Church in matters of faith, morals, discipline, and the government of the Church. This power is ordinary and immediate over all the Churches, and over each one in particular, over all the pastors and faithful, collectively and individually (Const. de Eccl. Christi, cap. i-3).
The government of the Church is strictly monarchical. The bishops are the successors of the Apostles, but do not inherit their personal prerogatives, such as universal jurisdiction and infallibility (Conc. Trid., Sess. XXIII, De sacramento ordinis, cap. iv). The pope is bound to establish bishops who enjoy genuine ordinary power in the Church (potestas ordinaria), Who are not merely his delegates or vicars, as some medieval theologians held.
The following theories are false and opposed to the monarchical constitution of the Church • The theory proposed in the fifteenth century at the Councils of Constance and Basle, which made the pope subject to an ecumenical council; • The Gallican theory, that would impose limits on his power by the ancient canons received in the Church, and requiring the acceptance or consent of the Church before his decisions could become irreformable; • And the theory of Febronius, who maintained that the Holy See had usurped many rights which properly belonged to the bishops and that ought to be restored to them An ecumenical council does, indeed, possess sovereign authority in the Church, but it cannot be ecumenical without the pope.
By virtue of his primacy, supreme authority over the whole Church belongs to the pope, who is at the same time • Bishop of Rome and Vicar of Jesus Christ • Successor of St. Peter, • Prince of the Apostles • Supreme Pontiff of The Universal Church • Patriarch of The West • Primate of Italy • Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province • Sovereign of Vatican City State
JOHN PAUL II KAROL WOJTYLA The present successor of St. Peter was born in Wadowice, Diocese of Krakow, May 18, 1920; ordained Priest. November 1, 1946; appointed Titular Bishop of Ombi July 4, 1958; Promoted to Archbishop of Krakow, January 13, 1964; Proclaimed and created Cardinal June 26, 1967. Elected Pope, October 16, 1978; installed October 22, 1978.
Magisterium of the Catholic Church The Magisterium, as the supreme governing body of the Catholic Church, consists of the Roman Pontiff, the successor of Peter, and the Bishops joined together with him and never without him in one apostolic college to provide for the common good of the Church. (canons 330,331,336) The Roman Pontiff in the exercise of his office is assisted by the College of Cardinals, and further by the departments also called "dicasteries" of the Roman Curia.
Hierarchy of the Catholic Church The bishops are united with the Roman Pontiff in the governance of the whole Church The bishops, when assigned to particular Sees, are individually responsible for the teaching, sanctification and governance of their particular Church. Apostolic Vicars and Prefects together with certain Abbots and other Prelates are also joined in this work.
Patriarchs. The Councils of Nicæa (325), Constantinople (381), and Chalcedon (451) recognized Patriarchs as having a jurisdiction higher than that of archbishops over the territories included within their patriarchates. These are: • The Bishop of Rome for the West, • The Bishops of Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, and Constantinople for the East The four Eastern patriarchates, as a consequence of the Mohammedan invasion and the Greek schism, gradually lost communion with Rome, but were re-established in the Latin Rite at the time of the Crusades.
After the Fall of Constantinople (1453) The Holy See contented itself with nominating for these sees four titular patriarchs resident in Rome (Since 1847 the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem resides in that city.) Besides these ancient or "greater" patriarchs there are, in the Latin Rite, minor patriarchs, whose title is purely honorary. • The Patriarch of Venice (formerly Patriarch of Grado); • The Patriarch of the West Indies, who resides in Spain; • The Patriarch of the East Indies (Archbishop of Goa); • The Patriarch of Lisbon.
In the West the dignity of primate corresponds to that of exarch in the East. With the exception of the Primate of Gran (Strigonensis) in Hungary, Primates/Exarchs have a mere pre-eminence of honor over Metropolitans. Among the primates are the Archbishops of: Salzburg (Germany), Prague (Bohemia), Gnesen-Posen and Warsaw (Poland), Toledo and Tarragona (Spain), Rouen (France), Armagh (Ireland), Venice (for Dalmatia), Mechlin (Belgium), and Carthage (Africa).
Since the sixth century Metropolitans have been also known as Archbishops, which title they share with Titular Archbishops. Metropolitans have real rights over the bishops within their ecclesiastical province, and over the province itself. The bishops subject to their jurisdiction are called episcopi comprovinciales or provinciales, also suffraqanei or suffragans. By this term are meant archbishops who administer a diocese but have no suffragans, also archbishops merely titular Those who have no jurisdiction, but only the title of some extinct archdiocese. Metropolitans are obliged at stated times to summon provincial synods, to legislate for the whole province.
After the archbishops come the bishops, who of Divine right administer the dioceses entrusted to them by the Holy See If they are not subject to the authority of an archbishop, they are known as exempt bishops, and are directly subject to the Holy See. Besides the diocesan bishops there are also titular bishops, formerly called bishops in partibus infidelium. These receive episcopal consecration, but have no jurisdiction over the dioceses of which they bear the title. They may be appointed by the pope as auxiliary bishops or coadjutors to diocesan bishops.
After the bishops in the hierarchy of jurisdiction come the Prelates They are more correctly styled praelati nullius cum territorio separato, and exercise episcopal authority over a territory not belonging to any diocese; They must be carefully distinguished from the praelati nullius cum territorio conjuncto, exercise a quasi-episcopal authority over a territory which forms part of a diocese And from superiors of exempt religious colleges, whether secular or regular who have authority only over the personnel of their own community.
Hierarchy of the Bishops Pope Patriarch Minor Patriarch Archbishop Primate (west), Exarch (east) Metropolitan episcopi comprovinciales or provinciales suffraqanei or suffragans Bishop Diocesan (exempt) Bishops Co-Adujtor Auxiliary Titular Prelate
In the government of his diocese the bishop is assisted by various ecclesiastics. At present the bishop's chief assistant is known as his vicar-general, an institution dating back to the thirteenth century. The members of the cathedral chapter, or canons, make up the council of the bishop, and in certain matters he may not act without their consent. Where there is no chapter, the consultores cleri diocesani take their place, but have only a consultative voice. To the chapter belongs the right of nominating the vicar capitular, charged with administering the diocese during a vacancy. After the ninth century archpriests or deans appear, charged with the supervision of the clergy and laity in their districts; it was their duty to enforce the observance of the canons in the administration of church property.
At the head of a parish is the pastor (parochus), with ordinary jurisdiction. Where parishes have not been canonically erected, his place is taken by a "rector", whose jurisdiction is merely delegated, but whose rights and duties are those of a parish priest.
Monsignor is the name of an ecclesiastical title of honor bestowed on some priests. The title gives no extra sacramental powers. However, it is common that a Vicar General is made monsignor as part of his office. Though there were more degrees in former times, there are now three ranks of monsignor: • Prothonotary Apostolic (the highest and least common form) • Prothonotaries Apostolic have the privilege of pontificating at Mass under certain conditions. • Prelate of Honor (formerly "Domestic Prelate") • Chaplain to His Holiness (formerly "Papal Chamberlain")
The diaconate is one of the ordained offices. The word deacon is derived from the Greek word diakonos, which is often translated servant or more specifically waiter. The office of deacon originated in the selection of seven men (among them Saint Stephen) to assist with the pastoral and administrative needs of the early church. (Acts 6) Deacons assist priests in their pastoral and administrative duties, but report directly to the bishop. They have a distinctive role in the liturgy, their main tasks being to read the Gospel, to call the people to prayer of petition and assist in the administration of the Eucharist. In the Roman Catholic church the vestment most particularly associated with the deacon is the Dalmatic.
In the actual discipline of the Church, the cardinals hold second place. They are the pope's advisers in the more important matters concerning the universal Church, and exercise their jurisdiction in the various congregations, tribunals, and offices instituted by the pope for the government of the universal Church.
THE COLLEGE OF CARDINALS Assist the Roman Pontiff collegially when they are called together to deal with questions of major importance. They do so individually when they assist the Pope especially in the daily care of the universal Church by means of the different offices which they perform (canons 349, 350). The Cardinals who are under eighty years of age elect the popes successor.
The College of Cardinals consists of three ranks: Cardinal-Bishops, Cardinal-Priests, and Cardinal-Deacons. The College of Cardinals, when complete formerly consisted of 70 members; 6 Cardinal Bishops, 50 Cardinal Priests and 14 Cardinal Deacons, but the late Pontiffs, Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI enlarged the College of Cardinals. At the moment the maximum number of Cardinal electors (those under 80 years of age) must not exceed 120. Sometimes the Roman Pontiff promotes a person to the dignity of Cardinal but does not make public his name and keeps it "in pectore." Upon the publication of his name, this Cardinal enjoys his right of precedence from the day on which his name was reserved "in pectore" by the Pope (cfr. Can. 351 3).
THE COLLEGE OF CARDINALS The Cardinal Bishops (except the Patriarch-Cardinals of the Oriental Rites), have as Titular Sees the Suburban Sees of Rome, which are: Porto Santa Rufina, Albano, Palestrina, Sabina, Frascati, Velletri, Segni. • The Cardinal Dean has united to his See the See of Ostia. • The Dean has the right of ordaining a new Pope if he is not already a bishop; • The Cardinal Priests take their title from the "Titular Churches" to which they are appointed: • The Cardinal Deacons are appointed to other Churches called "Deaconries." • The First Deacon has the right of proclaiming a new Pope and investing him with the sacred Pallium. • On the death of the Pontiff, the Cardinal Camerlengo has the Administration of the affairs of the Holy See.
THE SECRETARIAT OF STATE The Secretariat of State closely assists the Supreme Pontiff in the exercise of his supreme function. The cardinal secretary of state presides over it. It includes two sections, namely the section for general affairs under the immediate direction of the substitute, assisted by an assessor, and the section for relations with states under the direction of its own secretary, with the assistance of a subsecretary. Attached to this latter section is a body of cardinals and some bishops.Secretary of State: His Eminence Angelo Cardinal Sodano. Office: Apostolic Palace, 00120 Vatican City State, Europe. Tel:; Fax;
THE SECRETARIAT OF STATE First Section: for General Affairs The first section handles anything entrusted to it by the Holy Father, as well as matters of daily business which do not fall within the competence of other dicasteries. It fosters relations with these departments, with the bishops, and with the diplomatic missions of the Holy See. Substitute: Archbishop Giovanni Battista Re.Assessor: Rev. Msgr. Pedro Lopez Quintana.Second Section: for Relations with States The second section of the Secretariat of State handles all matters pertaining to civil governments, fostering diplomatic relations with nations, and maintaining contact with all the diplomatic missions of the Holy See. It takes care also of what concerns the presence and activity of the Holy See in international institutes.Secretary: Archbishop JeanLouis Tauran.UnderSecretary: Rev. Msgr. Celestino Migliore.
THE CONGREGATIONS By the name of "department" (dicasteria) is understood: the congregations, tribunals, councils and offices, namely the Apostolic Camera, the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See, and the Prefecture of Economic Affairs of the Holy See. The departments are juridically equal among themselves. Attached to the institutes of the Roman Curia are the Prefecture of the Papal Household and the Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff.