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Evolution of a Technical School: School of Construction and Land Surveying

Explore the transformation of a technical school from its inception in 1907 to a modern institution offering specialized programs in architecture, construction, and land surveying.

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Evolution of a Technical School: School of Construction and Land Surveying

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  1. Schoolof construction andlandsurveying

  2. February 10th 1907 - Obrtnička strukovna škola (School for technical crafts) • At the beginning of WWII the name changes into - Srednja tehnička škola s arhitektonsko - građevinskim odsjekom (Techincal highschool with architectural-construction departaments) • 1951/52 -Srednja tehnička građevinska škola (Techincal highschool of construction), and it has two departments: construction and architecture • 1963 – the year Građevinski školski centar (Construction school center) was established , where you could study all the technical jobs needed for construction • The school itself splits into a multitude of different schools still we’re left with 3 different departaments: architectural technician, construction technician and a land surveyor • 1992 is the year this school was constructed • 2002 – the name finally changes to Graditeljsko-geodetska tehnička škola (School of construction and land surveying)

  3. ARCHITECTURAL TECHNICIAN • It’s splitintotwoclassesof 28 students • Withsubjectslike: residentalconstruction, buildingorganisation,architecturalconstructions... • First yearandsecondyearstudentsdraw on paper, while third yearandfourthyeardrawinprogeCAD(a draftingsoftwareapplicationsimilar to the more popular autoCAD) • Drawingplans, crosssections, axonometry… • We are assignedprojects to work on in a certain time period • Inthefourthyearyouget to choosefrom 3 differentsubjects to do a finalproject • Thatlastproject is needed to finishhighschoolandget a diploma

  4. Youget to designyour own buildingwith no restrictionsandlimitations • Youlearn: -aboutthehistoryofarchitecture -working on a computer -visualizing a building -perception -aboutworking on a construction site -certain rules of construction… • Withthehighschool diploma youbecomeanarchitecturaltechnicianandcaneitherfurtheryoureducation (presumably to beanarchitect) or continueworking as a technician • Youaren’t limited to onlythatyouhave a lotofcareerchoices

  5. CONSTRUCTION TECHNICIAN • Also consists of two classes of 28 students • Architectural technicians and construction technician s don’t differ too much from each other • With subjects like: road construction, water construction, railway construction… • The final project is on the same principle as for architectural technicians



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