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Turn to a new page!. Unit: Global Extreme Environments. Title: L1A) Why do different places have different ecosystems? L/O: to record how the amount of rainfall and temperature affects ecosystems. HOMEWORK.
Turn to a new page! Unit: Global Extreme Environments Title: L1A) Why do different places have different ecosystems? L/O: to record how the amount of rainfall and temperature affects ecosystems
HOMEWORK A. Design an animal for one of the four extreme environments. B. explain how it is adapted to that environment Ears: big ears to hear prey and predators. Ears rotate to hear where prey. predator are. Eyes: big and on top of head to see clearly (hunts at night) Tail: uses to stun prey, has a rattle to make it sound like a rattle snake Feet: are good for gripping on to things My animal is called a : My extreme environment is: Food: Eats insects and small animals Water: all water from prey Home: lives underground in a burrow to protect it from prey and the extreme heat of the day.
Starter: Below is a list of words associated with four large ecosystems. Put 4 or 5 words into the correct ecosystem circles on your handout. (use each word once! ) Cold and dryblue bellsmild and damppolar bears squirrels Hot and dryI live heremonkeys banana treecamelcactusEskimo/Inuit'sthick fursnakesoak treelots of rainlots of sun parrotsvery tall treesfew nutrients most difficult place to live
L1B) Why do different places have different ecosystems? L/O: to record how the amount of rainfall and temperature affects each ecosystem Starter: You will see 8 places, your job is to write down the name of the ecosystem shown Ecosystem - deserttundra tropical rainforest mountain
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
L/O: to record how the amount of rainfall and temperature affects each ecosystem Highest rainfall in winter Where in the world? How do you think a climate like this will affect the animals and plants? “The winters are c___ with a night-time risk of fr__ so the trees may …….. The lowest summer temperature is __C in ______, so animals will need to ____ their winter fur” Click twice Warm but NOT hot summers Kent’s climate - deciduous forest biome
L/O: to record how the amount of rainfall and temperature affects each ecosystem Where in the world? How do you think a climate like this will affect the animals and plants? N’Djaemena ’s (Chad) climate - hot desert biome Click twice Describe the climate of a desert ecosystem. Use less than 15 words. Keywords: seasonal peak average minimum Shuwaikh ’s (Kuwait) climate - hot desert biome
L/O: to record how the amount of rainfall and temperature affects ecosystems Task 1: page.54 – 55 Read (5 mins) Task 2: Use your handout to show the Things that affect ecosystems (p.55) Task 3: Complete all questions on p. 55
Name …………………….. Title …………………………………………………………….…………………… Key Hot desert Tropical ___________ X = _____________ ___________ __________________
Useful sources: http://www.geography4kids.com/files/land_biomeland.html