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Abortion on demand…without apology. History of Roe vs Wade. T he 14th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified on July 28, 1868, and granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed.
History of Roe vs Wade • The 14th Amendmentto the Constitution was ratified on July 28, 1868, and granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed. • Skinner v. Oklahoma 1942.Justice Douglas viewed procreation as one of the fundamental rights requiring the judiciary's strict scrutiny. • Griswold v. Connectibut. 1965."Any person who uses any drug, medicinal article or instrument for the purpose of preventing conception shall be fined not less than fifty dollars or imprisoned not less than sixty days nor more than one year or be both fined and imprisoned."
Roe vs. Wade – Jan. 22, 1973 The Supreme Court ruled that a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy came under the freedom of personal choice in family matters as protected by the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution. 14th Amendment states that: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
Before R v W Choices were: • Have the child • Go out of country to get abortion • Back-alley abortions • Self-induce abortions Potential results: Death or prosecution
One thing Roe vs Wade did do: Reduce deaths from abortions
“THE PILL” first became available in 1963 The pill + legal abortion = Reproductive Freedom Reproductive freedom for women came in response to the movements of the 60’s.
The 60’s didn’t change everything, but it changed a whole lot. No more “Help Wanted Women” and “Help Wanted Men” ads in the newspapers. No more segregated drinking fountains and lunch counters. Ethnic Studies, Black Studies, and Chicano Studies and Women’s Studies were born. Affirmative Action opened up Universities, Medical Schools, Law Schools, and jobs for minorities and women for the first time. -to name a few-
There was tremendous backlash to the 60’s generally and Roe vs Wade specifically Phyllis Shlafly Eagle Forum Wanda Franz National Right to Life Committee Judie Brown American Life League James Dobson Focus on the Family
Fundraising was a key aspect of their organizing and Richard Viguerie was the man. • He owns American Target Advertising Inc. • He claims to have mailed more than a billion pieces of mail over four decades. • Thousands of recipients responded with donations of $10 or $15. • They helped fund a network of conservative think tanks, advocacy organizations and pressure groups that, Viguerie believes, has finally achieved its end with the reelection of President Bush. RichardViguerie The right wing king of direct mail “Abortion is the door through which millions will enter conservative politics.” Richard Viguerie
Randall Terry best known anti-abortion activists. OPERATION RESCUE
Clinic Blockade Clinic Bombing
Randall Terry denies endorsing violence, but The truth is that he and others including the “Army of God” promote targeting clinic personnel with violence. James E. Kopp followed Randal Terry into jail and remained for 40 days and followed Terry’s orders not to give a real name to the police or courts. Kopp returned to Operation Rescue’s headquarters and continued to work side-by-side with Terry to close down clinics. James Kopp murdered Dr. Bart Slepian in NY on October 23, 1998
THE NUREMBERG FILES & ABORTION CAMS • NOT THE YELLOW, BUT THE BLOOD RED ROSE OF TEXAS! • Mary E Smith, MD Family Practitioner, (maiden name: Wilcox)Gender: FemaleRace: WhiteHeight : 5’ 9"Weight: 160 poundsEye color: GreenHair: GrayDOB: 12/16/44TX DL#: 004233496 • Husband: Joseph A. DOB: 07/17/48Son: Brian J. DOB: 12/29/77Son: Mark D. DOB: 01/28/79 • Residence: 1900 Hollyhill Denton, TX 76205-8256 940-387-9173Church: First United Methodist 201 S Locust, Denton, TX 76201 940-382-5478Pastor: Gary Mueller • -Aborting since early 1970’s-Kills 7 babies in two days per week at:Denton Health Services for Women - 1019 N Elm St, Denton, TX 76201 940-383-2609-Kills 30+ babies in 2.5 days per week in at:Fairmount Center 2921 Fairmount St Dallas, TX 75201 214-871-9400
Almost 90% of US Counties have no Provider and currently 35% of women have no provider in their county. These are mostly rural. Source: Finer and Henshaw, 2003
Legislative RestrictionsFederal: -1980 - US Supreme Court upheld a law banning the use of federal funds for abortion except to save the mother -2003 – First major limit to abortion – Law banning later-term abortion called “partial birth” abortions.States: 487 laws restricting patients or their providers-Parental Consent or notification for minors 32 states -Mandatory delay and state-directed counseling 18 states -Limitations on private insurance coverage for abortion 4 states -Licensing Laws (TRAP) Targeted laws abortion clinics 28 states
The number of hospitals providing abortion services has greatly diminished since 1980 Number of Providers Source: Finer and Henshaw, 2003
Why hospital abortions are important. 1. In rural areas hospitals may be their only resource available. 2.Hospitals usually accept Medicaid so they are important for low income women. 3.Hospitals train medical residents. 72% of residency programs do NOT train all of their residents 4.Hospitals handle serious medical complications, perform late abortions, and will treat women with special medical needs such as heart condition.
Training in Medical Schools • 1 in 5 medical schools include options counseling • 2/3 of medical students spend less than 30 min of class time on all aspects of abortion education in their curriculum • Both Infertility and Viagra receive more required class time – on average – than contraception or abortion. Medical Students for Choice
Number of trained Doctors has decreased: Nationally: 1982 2,908 doctors 2000 1,819 doctors State examples: Mississippi 1 clinic Kansas 2 clinics 57% of all ob/gyns who perform abortion are 50 years of age or older.
In 2000 the anti-abortion people got a friend in the White House:
Health and Human Services Anti-abortion activists to head it and on it’s Reproductive Committee: • Private practice • Opposed to birth control for unmarried women • -Menstrual problems – prayer • -Opposed to Emergency Contraception • -Opposed to abortion
Supreme Court Appointments • Roberts' confirmation as chief justice reaches Senate floor - Sept. 26, 2005 • Samuel Alito was confirmed to the Supreme Court Jan. 31, 2006
Legislation making a fetus and embryo a person Fetal homocide law – 34 states Scott Peterson
Health Insurance for the Fetus – not the pregnant woman 1-30-02 – State Children’s Health Insurance Program - SCHIP
Unborn Victims of Violence Act 2004 Laci Conner Law ”This new law acknowledges a common-sense proposition: When a crime of violence against a pregnant woman kills or injures her unborn child, there are two victims” George W. Bush
Woman charged with murder for refusing c-section • Melissa Rowland, aged 28, charged with murder in Salt Lake City, Utah, following a stillbirth. Prosecutors accused her of "depraved indifference to human life" after she allegedly failed to undergo a timely caesarean section when pregnant with twins. • On 7 April 2004, she agreed a "plea-bargain" with prosecutors, pleading guilty to two counts of child endangerment in return for the authorities agreeing to drop the murder charge. Her lawyer explained that his client wanted an early resolution, and he supported her in that decision. She now faces anything up to five years in jail.
Wrongful death • Illinois Judge Rules That Couple Can File Wrongful Death Suit Over Accidentally Discarded Embryo Feb 2005 Todd Parrish and Alison Miller
George W. Bush is pushing Abstinence until marriage. True Love Waits
The Bush Regime has a BIG plan for Sex Education – STOP IT President Bush’s 5 year plan: Abstinence Only funded $270 Million/year Abstinence Plus funded $48 Million/year Eliminates Sex Education in the Schools
What is Abstinence Only Education? Exclusive Purpose: Abstinence until Marriage What they cannot discuss: Birth Control The use of condoms STIs Abortion Even with a sexually active student!
Virginity Pledge “Adolescents who take virginity pledges – who remain virgins, that is, who don’t have vaginal sex, who technically remain virgins, are much more likely to have oral and anal sex,". "They're not thinking they’re having sex?"
Lies these publications tell: Condoms don’t protect you from HIV Breast Cancer is linked to abortions
Why is Sex Education in Schools, so important? • Sex Educators are well trained and will take the time to listen. • Minors feel more comfortable amongst peers when asking questions. • No pressure from parents. • Minor may not be able to talk to their parents about sex, for several reasons. • Minor need to know the truth about sex.
Teen birth rate has declined since Roe vs Wade and Sex Education in the schools
Birth Control • Now legal in many states for pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions • Morning after pill not legal over the counter. Safer than aspirin.
If you think you can rely on the Democrats. Look at this: “Abortions should be performed only in very rare circumstances” Hillary Rodham Clinton We want “to make a home for pro-life Democrats” John Dean, Chair of the Democratic National Committee