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Fun Solid Sorting Activity

Engage in a collaborative solid sorting challenge complete with clues and guessing games! Explore properties of solids, such as color and material, to categorize objects into various groups. Record your findings in your Laboratory Record Book for future reference.

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Fun Solid Sorting Activity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lesson Eight: Guess My Reason

  2. Link to LRB Challenge: • Look at your “Properties of Solids” chart. • Choose a property by which to sort your solids, but don’t tell you partner which property you chose. (If you can think of a new property, use it!)

  3. Arrange the solids in piles on the butcher paper according to the property you chose. • Draw a circle around each group.

  4. Partners: Guess the reason! Were you correct? Sorters, give your Partner a clue. Partners and Sorters switch jobs.

  5. How many different ways did your classmates chose to sort solids? Sorting Solids and Guessing Reasons • Color -

  6. Link to LRB In your Laboratory Record Book: I used the _______ property of solids to sort objects into ____ groups. My partner used the ______ property of solids to sort the objects into ____ groups.

  7. Partner Groups: Take inventory of your bag of 20 solids: Blue objects: plastic spoon, rubber ball, wood cube bead, Unifix Cube Red objects: wood golf tee, pipe cleaner, octagon jewel, plastic button Metal objects: steel ball, steel washer, steel nut, paper clip, brass washer, bobby pin White objects: Ping-Pong ball, small taster spoon Transparent objects: plastic cup lid, acrylic cube, acrylic cylinder Cork Return your materials to the Blue Science Bins.

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