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IB Diploma Programme Information Seminar for Grade10 Students and Parents. Diploma Program.
IB Diploma Programme Information Seminar for Grade10 Students and Parents Diploma Program
1. Subject and Core component display and discussion in the West Wing foyer2. Coffee/Juice and snacks 3. Welcome and Introductions – Mr. Gallant4. IB: The Key Components of the Programme - Mr. Baker/Mr. Smith5. Next Steps towards IB in September 20146. Overall Questions AGENDA Page 2
Contents: What does the Diploma Programme curriculum contain? The curriculum contains six subject groups and a core of three parts. Students study concurrently: • three subjects at higher level (240 hours each). • three subjects at standard level(150 hours each). • all three parts of the core. The IB Learner Profile and the core are central to the philosophy of the Diploma Programme.
Organization: What is the IB mission? The IB is a not-for-profit foundation, motivated by its educational mission, focused on the student. The International Baccalaureate Organization aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. “The world in which you were born is just one model of reality. Other cultures are not failed attempts at being you: they are unique manifestations of the human spirit.” ~Wade Davis
Programmes : What is the Learner Profile?It’s the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the 21st century. IB learners strive to be: Inquirers Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators Principled Open-minded Caring Risk-takers Balanced Reflective Page 5
How is IB Different? • external assessments = trusted, reliable grades worldwide • critical thinking skills needed for the 21st century • creates adaptable learners for an ever changing post-secondary education and workforce • appreciation of the perspectives of others, more empathy in dealing with others is very important in many professions such as business, medicine and law. • IB is the WHY(causes and consequences), and the HOW(analyze and synthesis) of the WHAT(knowledge of facts). • Turner Fenton Secondary School Statistics • IBDP has been in existence since 1998 in Brampton, ON. • 2011 graduates • 72 of the 135 diploma graduates had a 90% average • Average IB score was 32, world average last year was 29 • 100% university acceptance • Harvard has requested last year to come and visit Turner Fenton specifically to attract their IB students.
Who is it for and what are the benefits to my child? • Because the IB Diploma Program in Grades 11 and 12 is externally assessed, it provides an unequalled level of quality control over skills assessment and curriculum depth. Welcomed into the best universities world-wide Diploma Programme graduates are sought after because they are "committed, self-confident, highly organized and risk-taking individuals with multi-tasking capabilities.” (www.ibo.org) • University Preparation Program • Studies continue to provide evidence that IB graduates have higher than average success rates in university. More specifically, time management skills, critical thinking and writing skills, and being that strong independent adult learner. Students will gain a sense of self and move forward with confidence. • Transfer Credit • Students can apply for University credit based on their results in IB examinations. Most Ontario universities allow students to gain up to 3 university credits from scores of 5 or higher in IB. Some universities offer 2nd year status upon entering university as they consider your IB scores/diploma. • Two Diplomas = 2 different academic scores to apply for your university program of choice (SEE NEXT SLIDE FOR EXAMPLE) Page 7
Higher (HL) vs. Standard Level (SL) • Each student MUST select a minimum of 3 HL and 3 SL courses • Their selection should match their intended University pathway • Higher Level • 240 Hours studying the curriculum in more depth (not necessarily harder….just digging deeper • Usually 3 semesters of the four in Grades 11 and 12 • Internal Assessments often the same as the SL course • Final Examination has an extra paper which will focus on the extra optional units • Students can take four if it fits their schedule • Students can NOT write a HL exam in their Grade 11 year • Standard Level • 150 Hours studying the curriculum, usually 2 semesters • Final Examination can be taken in Grade 11 or 12 (Anticipated vs. Diploma)
IB Assessment in Ontario- students receive both their OSSD and IB Diploma RED = extra credit given to HL student /
Sample Time Table for 2014 to 2016 Note: Timetable would change if Spanish was your choice over 2 years. Spanish ab initio must be taught over 2 school years and your exam would be in May 2016 Note: This timetable can change after student selections have been submitted.
How do students work towards 2 diplomas? Use English as an example
Services: What is special about IB assessment?IB assessment is rigorous, criterion related, consistent and differentiating of student ability. • Diploma Programme assessment includes both final examinations and internal assessment undertaken by the teacher to IB criteria and then externally moderated by the IB. • Marks awarded for each course range from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest). • The diploma is graded over 45 points giving ample scope to differentiate student ability • Diploma is awarded to students who gain at least 24 points. • Grade Level Descriptors developed for each subject • In General: 7 Excellent performance 6 Very good performance 5 Good performance 4 Satisfactory performance 3 Mediocre performance 2 Poor performance 1 Very poor performance • Diploma Programme assessment – principles and practice – available on www.ibo.org
Ontario University Marks Conversion Scale This conversion chart is used by all IB Schools of Ontario and is approved by Ontario Universities to ensure consistency around reporting of grades on the OSSD
Mark Band Explanation 19 This student is a low level 5 (IB) which is converted to 83% (OSSD). 5 83
Student Example: IB and OSSD Page 15
The IB Diploma and the OSSD IB Diploma: • awarded after 2 years of study • Based on internal and external evaluations including final evaluations for each course area (6 in total) • Students must score a minimum of 24 diploma points to earn the diploma • Students must complete evaluations for Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge • Students must complete the requirements for Creativity, Action and Service
The IB Diploma and the OSSD – cont. OSSD • Awarded when students earn 30 credits in total from grade 9 – 12, including 18 required courses • Pass the OSSLT – Grade 10 Literacy Test • Submit 40 hours of Volunteer Community Involvement Each semester IB students will earn OSSD credits for related OSSD curriculum in each period.
Reporting Grades for IB/OSSD Students • Grade Information is sent to Ontario universities 3 times from the high schools • Information for the OSSD is sent electronically to the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre • IB information will be sent as a separate submission • Feb, April and July of their grade 12 year is when marks go in • IB students will have a predicted 1 to 7 score for each subject area in Feb and April. • Those same predicted scores will determine their OSSD average in those course by the conversion table • Final IB grades are released on July 5/6 after graduation. The IBO will send your final grades directly to your selected university.
How will universities view these documents • Ontario university admissions offices will use whatever works in the best interest of the student • Scholarships will be determined by whatever works in the best interest of the student for Ontario universities • University credit transfer will be determined based on final IB marks submitted to the university from IB • Each university may have its own policy on credit transfer • Students may need to meet with university officials to determine exact credit transfer details
University Scholarships for IB • Universities are recognizing the value of IB Diplomas with scholarship levels and special scholarships for IB graduates. (this is in addition to monies saved from transfer credits) Western University – IB/OSSD Scholarship
Preparing for University Admissions Ontario Universities • Many programs use “marks only” as the basis for admission • Some Ontario universities require additional forms, such as the Personal Statement of Experience and Supplementary Essay (Queen’s University) • Many highly competitive programs at Ontario universities require “supplementary information” for admission (Rotman Commerce – U of T) • CAS and EE will help students with such these additional requirements
Preparing for University Admissions US Universities • Most will require SAT or ACT tests for admission and scholarship purposes • Ancaster High School is a PSAT test centre (PSAT tests are written in October) • SAT tests – reading, writing, math • ACT tests – English, math, science, reading • Many US universities now use the Common Application for admissions
International University Admission • The IB Diploma will be a more recognizable level of achievement than the OSSD • Students will have a clear goal for admissions criteria • Each university will have its own admission criteria (may include letters of support, school profile…)
IB University Preparation • We are taking grade 10,11,12 students to the IB – University Information Fair • The expectation is to see which universities are actively seeking out IB students, what benefits at the university IB students will receive and to become familiar with the way IB diplomas are reviewed by university admissions offices • Date: TBA
Next Steps Towards IB in September 2014 December 2013 - individual meetings with students and Mr. Smith December 2013 - applications with IB choices given out to discuss as a family over the winter break. January 2014 - IB specific option sheet session and options due on Tuesday, January 7, 2014 First installment cheque post-dated for March 1st due with application. Date TBA - Grade 10 IB Retreat - for committed IB students a lunch and afternoon of organized team building activities with our IB Year 1 and 2 students. April/May/June 2014 - Extended Essay sessions for skill building
How well do you know IB now? IB Test Principal Randy Gallant – randy.gallant@hwdsb.on.ca 905-648-4468 ext 305 IB Coordinator Jason Smith – jason.smith@hwdsb.on.ca 905-648-4468-318