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IB Information Evening WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2013 7PM TO 830PM Program Details for Registration in September 2013. Diploma Program. IB - THE HEXAGON.
IB Information Evening WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2013 7PM TO 830PM Program Details for Registration in September 2013 Diploma Program
IB - THE HEXAGON IB Programmes promote the education of the WHOLE PERSON, emphasizing intellectual, personal, emotional, and social growth through all domains of knowledge. www.ibo.org
IB is a two year program (begins in grade 11) that leads to exams in 6 different subjects. • A rigorous program designed to offer a balanced inquiry based curriculum that is known for its depth, challenge and international perspective. • students will be making connections between all subject disciplines as the programme subjects are not learned in isolation • Students embark on a journey that aims at developing life long learners and global citizens. • to prepare students for the IBDP, AHS offers the International Studies Preparation Programme in gr. 9/10 • this 2 year prep programme is designed to gradually introduce knowledge and skill that will ready students for the challenge that begins in grade 11. WHAT IS IB?
The History of IB and IB in the World/Canada/Ontario • The International Baccalaureate was founded in Geneva, Switzerland in 1968 as a non-profit educational foundation. • The IB works with 3,293 schools in 141 countries to offer 3 IB programmes to approximately 1,000,000 students. (Sept 2011) • Now 2,295 Diploma Schools Worldwide (September 2011) • The 3 IB Programmes are PYP, MYP and DP. • Canada ranks 3rd in total number Diploma schools with 141. The USA has the most with 744 followed by the UK with 210. Other notable countries Australia (63), China (50), Mexico (57), India (77), Germany (49) (Sept 2011) • IB Diploma Pass Rates for Canada 91%, World Average 79% (2007) • Canada has the highest per capita participation in the World
The History of IB and IB in the World/Canada/Ontario • 81% of all IB schools in Canada are publicly funded schools • Each year since 2004, more than 90% of all IB exam takers in Canada have obtained grades of 4 or above, and more than 90% of all Diploma candidates successfully obtain one. • Ontario is one of the largest IB growth regions in the world • 54 DP schools in Ontario • In 2008, Ontario had the largest number of IBDiploma candidates (1,341) • In 2008, Ontario had the highest IB Diploma pass rate in Canada (91%). • Ontario also had the highest percentage of exam scores of 4 or above (92%). • Ancaster High, Glendale and Westdale High School all offer the IB Diploma Programme and very similar pre-IB (ISP) programs too. • All three schools work together as a learning team to provide 3 strong and viable programs for our students throughout the HWDSB.
Organization: What is the IB mission? The IB is a not-for-profit foundation, motivated by its educational mission, focused on the student. The International Baccalaureate Organization aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. “The world in which you were born is just one model of reality. Other cultures are not failed attempts at being you: they are unique manifestations of the human spirit.” ~Wade Davis
Who is it for and what are the benefits to my child? • University Preparation Program • Studies continue to provide evidence that IB graduates have higher than average success rates in university. More specifically, time management skills, critical thinking and writing skills, and being that strong independent adult learner. Students will gain a sense of self and move forward with confidence. • Transferable to over 130 Countries and University Acceptance • Internationally recognized and widely thought of as a quality controlled and dynamic curriculum • Transfer Credit • Students can apply for University credit based on their results in IB examinations. Most Ontario universities allow students to gain up to 3 university credits from scores of 5 or higher in IB. Some universities offer 2nd year status upon entering university as they consider your IB scores/diploma. • Two Diplomas = 2 different academic scores to apply for your university program of choice.
Why do Universities like IB Diploma Holders? • Critical thinking skills • Awareness of holistic nature of learning • Good time management & study habit skills • Can work independently • Mature and responsible • Oral presentation skills • Accept challenges • Strong academic preparation • Externally validated performance • Internationally-minded • Excellent research and writing skills
Contents: What does the Diploma Programme curriculum contain? The curriculum contains six subject groups and a core of three parts. Students study concurrently: • three subjects at higher level (240 hours each). • three subjects at standard level(150 hours each). • all three parts of the core. The IB Learner Profile and the core are central to the philosophy of the Diploma Programme.
Programmes : What is the Learner Profile?It’s the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the 21st century. IB learners strive to be: Inquirers Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators Principled Open-minded Caring Risk-takers Balanced Reflective
Contents: What does the Diploma Programme curriculum contain?There are three core requirements The extended essay: • 4,000 words • Offers the opportunity to investigate a research question of individual interest • Familiarises students with the independent research and writing skills expected at university
Contents: What does the Diploma Programme curriculum contain? Creativity, action and service (CAS): • Encourages students to be involved in artistic pursuits, sports and community service • Education outside the classroom • Development of the learner profile • 150 Hours Guideline
Contents: What does the Diploma Programme curriculum contain? • This course examines how knowledge is inter-related across diverse subjects • The course teaches and encourages critical thinking • Students investigate what they know, how they know it and why they believe as they do • Students will complete a TOK essay and internal presentation • TOK runs 100 hours
University recognition: How well is the diploma recognized by universities?The IB diploma is widely recognized by the world’s leading universities. • http://www.ibo.org/diploma/recognition/index.cfm • Canadian University Recognition Hand-out • McGill University Quote: (from website) • McGill has enthusiastically recruited IB students for over two decades. Even today, when reviewing an application from an IB Diploma candidate, whether from the local CEGEP, across Canada or the other side of the globe, our admissions officers can be assured of the candidate's strong and broad-based academic preparation. We have seen that IB students embrace the rigorous academic challenges of university life and perform well in their McGill programs. As a member of the College and University Recognition Taskforce, I can attest to the respected position of the IB diploma at prestigious universities throughout North America. Kim Bartlett Director of Admissions and Recruitment McGill University
University recognition: How well is the diploma recognized by universities?The IB diploma is widely recognized by the world’s leading universities. ANCASTER HIGH’S TOP 5 UNIVERSITY DESTINATION SELECTIONS - 2011 McMaster University
Ancaster: Preparing for the Rigours of the IB Diploma • Students are recommended to enroll in the International Studies Preparation Program (ISP) in grades 9 and 10. • Planning for IB courses with IB Counselor • Planning for CAS requirements with CAS coordinator • Attend Extended Essay seminar in their Grade 10 year • Attend IB Conferences in grade 9 and 10 year. We will have up to one ½ day per semester for IB students to explore topics like: Global Understanding, IB Preparation, University Preparation, PSAT Prep and Team Building
International Studies Preparation Program • Provide time for enhanced activities that will expose and prepare students for the challenges in the Grade 11 and 12 IB Program • Classes in the Grade 9 ISP Programme include English, Math, Science and Geography • Classes in the Grade 10 ISP Programme include English, Math x 2, Science, History and French. • You will travel as a separate cohort (group) in those classes only in grades 9 and 10. You will be with the rest of the student population for your other classes in those 2 years. • An 80% in an ISP class will equal an 80% in an OSSD class. • ISP is truly for those students who want to move forward into IB and NOT just for students looking for enhanced grade 9/10 programming. • An ISP class that will do the following: • IB like assessments to prepare you for the IBDP. Ex. French and History • International Mindedness and Learner Profile weaved into lessons directly. • TOK lessons connected to curriculum in grade 9 and 10 4. Students will also be involved with ISP field trips, guest speakers and some release periods to prepare for transitioning to IB in their grade 11 year. 5. In grade 10, in second semester their MCR 3U1 credit is unofficially their first IB course.
IB Assessment in Ontario- students receive both their OSSD and IB Diploma RED = extra credit given to HL student / ** repeat credit from grade 10
Sample Time Table for 2011 to 2013 Note: Timetable would change if Spanish was your choice over 2 years. Spanish ab initio must be taught over 2 school years and your exam would be in May 2013. Note: This timetable can change after student selections have been submitted. As the program grows more course offerings are expected in Group 3, 4 and 6.
Services: What is special about IB assessment?IB assessment is rigorous, criterion related, consistent and differentiating of student ability. • Diploma Programme assessment includes both final examinations and internal assessment undertaken by the teacher to IB criteria and then externally moderated by the IB. • Marks awarded for each course range from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest). • The diploma is graded over 45 points giving ample scope to differentiate student ability • Diploma is awarded to students who gain at least 24 points. • Grade Level Descriptors developed for each subject • In General: 7 Excellent performance 6 Very good performance 5 Good performance 4 Satisfactory performance 3 Mediocre performance 2 Poor performance 1 Very poor performance • Diploma Programme assessment – principles and practice – available on www.ibo.org
Ontario University Marks Conversion Scale • Developed by Ontario Universities to ensure consistency around reporting of grades on the OSSD
University of British Columbia - 4 Year Study on IB Marks vs Performance at University Predicting first-performance at UBC, 2003 - 2006 The results of the three year study show a strong correlation between graduating with an IB diploma and success during first year at UBC.
Adjustment to Grade Conversion Scale Old scale New scale
Items to Consider as a Family: • Is it right for YOUR child..IB Learner Profile • Taking the ISP Program is the best way to determine IB readiness for your child. • Course Selection within a set framework in Grades 11 and 12 • Financial cost (see next slide) • Out-of-Catchment and Travel • Commitment to the Core of the Program (CAS, TOK, and the Extended Essay) • Transfer Credits for 5 or higher scores in HL course. Currently one university course costs between $1400 and $2000
Program Fees • Reasons for Program Fees • IB Schools pay yearly fees to the IBO to be able to deliver their curriculum and give students the opportunity to earn an IB Diploma. • Examinations Fees for registering students in IBIS (IBO computer system) and to sit for examinations • Courier Fees- All examinations and Internal Assessment must go around the World for marking and moderation • Teacher Training – all IB teachers need to be trained in an intensive 4 day workshop, locations all over North America
Program Fee Structure 2013-2014 Fees have been calculated on a cost recovery basis. Registration: $200.00 (upon Application in Grade 8, non-refundable) Per Semester: $500.00(1st payment, January of Gr.10; 2nd payment, Sept. Gr.11; 3rd payment, June Gr.11; 4th payment, Sept. Gr. 12.) Total for complete programme: $2,200.00 Families with financial needs may apply to the Board for support through our school. Applications: • Available on School website • AHS IB Handbook available on website • Application MUST include: • A fully completed IB Application package which includes: • A teacher reference form • Final grade 7 report card and first grade 8 report card. • 250 word paragraph response written by the student • Registration form and $200 Non-Refundable Registration Fee
How well do you know IB now? IB Test Principal Judy Langsner – judy.langsner@hwdsb.on.ca 905-648-4468 ext. 305 IB Coordinator Jason Smith – jason.smith@hwdsb.on.ca 905-648-4468 ext. 318