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Flood Routing & Detention Basin Design

Flood Routing & Detention Basin Design. Professor Ke-Sheng Cheng Dept. of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering National Taiwan University. The storage effect.

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Flood Routing & Detention Basin Design

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Flood Routing & Detention Basin Design Professor Ke-Sheng Cheng Dept. of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering National Taiwan University

  2. The storage effect • The storage effect of a water-retention structure or a channel reach can change the shape of the inflow hydrograph. Therefore two types of routing procedures are needed to calculate the outflow hydrograph. • Level-pool routing • Channel routing

  3. Level-Pool Routing (Reservoir Routing) • For a reservoir the outflow is uniquely controlled by the water depth (or stage) of the reservoir pool. Also, the reservoir storage is a single-value function of the stage. Flow velocity in the reservoir is usually very low.

  4. Comparison of flow routing under invariable and variable stage-discharge (S~Q) relationships Invariable S~Q relationship Variable S~Q relationship

  5. Discharge under variable S~Q relationship

  6. Reservoir routing • Modified puls method (Storage indication method)

  7. +

  8. An example • Given the following storage-outflow relationship and inflow hydrograph, calculate the outflow hydrograph. (Use 10-minute routing interval).

  9. Stage~storage~outflow relationship

  10. Reservoir routing as a computation of mass balance • For a reservoir the outflow is uniquely controlled by the water depth (or stage) of the reservoir pool. Also, the reservoir storage is a single-value function of the stage. • As a result, given a stage the reservoir storage and outflow can be uniquely determined, if the stage~storage and stage~outflow relationships are known. • An intuitive trial-and-error approach for reservoir routing can be implemented.

  11. Alternative solution Stage~storage Stage~discharge

  12. Spreadsheet calculation

  13. Inflow-outflow-(10*storage)

  14. Example of reservoir routing

  15. Channel routing

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