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Economic Growth Theories and Models

Dive into theories like the Harrod-Domar Model and the Solow Growth Model to comprehend economic growth mechanisms. Explore concepts such as saving functions, capital stock changes, labor growth rates, and factor substitution. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of these models in predicting growth patterns.

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Economic Growth Theories and Models

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  1. Chapter 4 Theories of Economic Growth

  2. Five Equations • Aggregate production function • Saving function • Saving = Investment • Relation between new investment and change in capital stock • Growth rate of labor

  3. Aggregate production function • What is exactly the shape of the function F ? • Where do K and L come from?

  4. Saving function

  5. Saving and Investment • Assume no trade and no government • Or assume thatwith “foreign saving” = capital inflows

  6. New investment and change in capital stock • d = rate of depreciation

  7. New investment and change in capital stock

  8. Labor Force Growth • n = rate of population growth

  9. The Harrod-Domar Model • R. F. Harrod, The Economic Journal, Vol. 49, No. 193. (Mar., 1939), pp. 14-33. • Econometrica, Vol. 14, No. 2. (Apr., 1946), pp. 137-147

  10. Fixed Coefficient Production Function • Isoquants • Combination of inputs that produce equal amounts of output • Fixed coefficient production function • Assume capital and labor have to be used in constant proportions (i.e., 10 people for every $1m of capital). • What happens if you raise K, keeping L constant?

  11. Y=200,000*$50=$10,000,000 K/Y=$20,000,000/$10,000,000 =2

  12. Fixed Coefficient Production Function • Fixed coefficient production function • K/L is constant if production is efficient • Constant returns to scale • K/Y and L/Y are constant

  13. The Harrod-Domar Model • Assume labor is unemployed • Capital is the binding constraint

  14. The Harrod-Domar Model • Capital-output ratio • Capital intensity of production process and of product • Efficiency with which capital is used • Capital-output ratio versus Incremental Capital-Output Ratio • Assume average K/Y = ICOR

  15. The Harrod-Domar Model

  16. The Harrod-Domar Model

  17. The Harrod-Domar Model

  18. The Harrod-Domar Model • Capital created by investment is the main determinant of growth. • Saving makes investment possible

  19. The Harrod-Domar Model

  20. The Harrod-Domar Model • Consequences • Saving as crucial for growth • Knife-edge dynamics • If n>g (g=s/v-d), then chronic unemployment • If n<g , then chronic labor shortages, capital becomes idle • No endogenous process to bring the economy to equilibrium

  21. The Harrod-Domar Model • Strengths • Simplicity • Few data requirements • Short-term accuracy • Saving as necessary

  22. The Harrod-Domar Model • Weaknesses • Saving as sufficient • Investment is uncertain, subject to inefficiency, etc. • Rigid assumption of fixed proportions • No diminishing returns; no factor substitution • No technological change • Un-realistic lack of response of v to policy, changes in income levels, etc. • Development should raise ICOR endogenously

  23. The Harrod-Domar Model • Still widely used to calculate financing gaps • How much foreign assistance to achieve a particular rate of output growth?

  24. “Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function,” Review of Economics and Statistics 39 (August 1957), 312-20.

  25. Solow Growth Model • Drop fixed coefficients • Neoclassical production function • Factor substitution, depending on factor availability, marginal product, and prices

  26. Y=200,000*$50=$10,000,000 K/Y=$24,000,000/$10,000,000 =2.4 Y=200,000*$50=$10,000,000 K/Y=$20,000,000/$10,000,000 =2 Y=200,000*$50=$10,000,000 K/Y=$17,000,000/$10,000,000 =1.7 $24 $20$17

  27. Solow Growth Model • Because factors can be substituted for each other, policy (and the market) can encourage the use of abundant inputs by making scarce resources more expensive.

  28. Solow Growth Model • Constant returns to scale • Diminishing returns to capital

  29. Solow Growth Model • The capital stock grows as more is saved out of output… • and declines as more capital depreciates.

  30. Solow Growth Model

  31. Solow Growth Model • The amount of capital per worker • grows as more is saved out of output… • declines as more capital depreciates… • and declines as population grows faster

  32. Solow Growth Model Capital deepening Saving - Required for capital widening

  33. Solow Growth Model

  34. Steady state change in k =

  35. Solow Growth Model • In the steady state, Dk=0

  36. Getting a Senseof the Magnitudes • Assume the production function is: • Output per worker is: • That is, the first relation of the model(capital/worker determines output) is

  37. Getting a Senseof the Magnitudes • And the second relation of the model (output determines capital accumulation) is • Then,

  38. Getting a Senseof the Magnitudes • In steady state,the left side equals zero: • Squaring both sides, • Dividing by k and rearranging,

  39. Getting a Senseof the Magnitudes • The steady state capital per worker is equal to the square of the ratio of the saving rate to the depreciation rate + population growth rate. • Steady-State Output per worker is given by:

  40. Getting a Senseof the Magnitudes • Steady-state output per worker is equal to the ratio of the saving rate to the depreciation rate+population growth rate. • A higher saving rate, a lower depreciation rate, and a lower population growth rate lead to higher steady-state capital per worker and higher steady-state output per worker.

  41. Solow Growth Model • At the steady state • y stays constant • k stays constant • Y grows at the rate n • K grows at the rate n

  42. Solow Growth Model • Ceteris paribus, poor countries have much larger growth potential. • Ceteris paribus, growth will slow as a country gets richer • Ceteris paribus, poor and rich countries will converge.

  43. Solow Growth Model Depreciation / worker, dk* Output / worker, f(k*) output / worker, y Saving / worker, sf(k*) krich Steady State capital / worker, k* kpoor

  44. Effects of Changes in the Saving Rate • Higher saving rate leads to more investment… • Capital accumulates faster… • But eventually diminishing returns lead to an end to growth.(at a higher steady state level of output)

  45. Effects of Changes in the Population Growth Rate • Higher population growth rate requires more capital for widening… for a given sy, • So k and y decline to a lower steady state • But because L is growing faster, Y* must grow faster to keep y* constant.

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