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FLOW. Adapted from FLOW by Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi. Time warps (slow or fast) Lose sense of self Intense focus Perform at highest level Seems effortless (flow) Internally satisfying Regain larger sense of self. What do you think of Flow …. Clearly it comes from a variety of sources

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  1. FLOW Adapted from FLOW by Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi • Time warps (slow or fast) • Lose sense of self • Intense focus • Perform at highest level • Seems effortless (flow) • Internally satisfying • Regain larger sense of self

  2. What do you think of Flow … • Clearly it comes from a variety of sources • Is it repeatable? • Can it be designed into your life? • Could it be transported from one activity to another? Study of World Class Performers

  3. NEWBURG’S CAREER SAMPLES • World Class Athletes • Touring Musicians • Heart Surgeons • Extraordinary Executives • Warriors/Naval Aviators 550 World Class Performers

  4. WORLD CLASS PERFORMANCE dream Doug Newburg

  5. Not much happens without a dream. And for something great to happen, there must be a great dream. Behind every great achievement is a dreamer of great dreams. Much more than a dreamer is required to bring it to reality; but the dream must be there first. Robert GreenleafServant Leadership, p. 16

  6. “When people come to work, it’s important that they be connected to a dream.” Bill Gates, Fortune, 1/26/04, p. 124

  7. Life’s Dreams LD external • What you wanted to be or do. • Externally measured • Achievements • “Success” LD internal • How you felt at your best. • Internally measured • Experience • “Success”

  8. Does how you feel affect your performance? How many times have you been asked by supervision at work how you want to feel?

  9. DREAMS (LDext & LDint) • Natural • Given • Discovered or Built

  10. Life’s Dream Internal (LDint) • Is not a “goal” which is a “false dream” • Is a connection between Resonance producing activities and the Feelings that come at the peak

  11. Activities Feelings LDexts & LDints

  12. Goals vs/and Experience • Much of the industrial era has focused on goal setting • Achievement orientation often drives our behavior at the expense of our emotional experience • Remember to remember how you feel is equally as important.

  13. 100% OUTSIDE 50% INSIDE 0%


  15. Dave Scott49, Six-time Ironman Hawaii Champion Outside, 9/03, p. 122 “During a race, I never wear a wristwatch, and my bike doesn’t have a speedometer. They’re distractions. All I work on is finding a rhythm that feels strong and sticking to it.”


  17. Examples of LDints … • Easy speed (swimmer) • Playing to win at the highest level • Out of my chest • Being at one with my surroundings • Creative, Intimate, Helping, Athletic • Peaceful, satisfied, alive • Buoyant, connected mastery • Light, unhurried, engaged and connected.

  18. Maria Sharapova on “feel” Bernie Goldberg:  You are not all that comfortable with all the hoopla...Sharapova:  I understand it...I understand that part of it...I understand that this is just part of my life.  But do I like doing it all the time?  No.  I'd rather be on the court.Goldberg:  So being back on the tennis court is more relaxing for you...Sharapova:  It is a feeling that you have...that I have hit a ball since I was four years old...have I been in front of a camera since I was four years old?  No, that's not why I came to the U. S.  I didn't come here to be in front of a lens.  I came here to work my butt off.

  19. WORLD CLASS PERFORMANCE Dream Preparation Doug Newburg, UVA

  20. Preparation People ask me, “How do you play so well?” I practiced, intense “shedding.” If you’re willing to put in the time, you can do it to a certain level. Maybe I have a special talent that is intangible, but if you are willing to put in the time, you can really get it together.” Bruce Hornsby

  21. The Relationship between Dream and Preparation, Vijay Singh “Confidence doesn’t come from winning. Winning comes from confidence. And that confidence comes from hard work.” Vijay Singh, Golf Digest, “From the Gallery,” June 2005. Singh won nine tournaments in 2004, was ranked #1 in the world, and is known for his extraordinary practice regimen, hours and hours a day.

  22. WORLD CLASS PERFORMANCE Energy Cycle Dream Preparation Doug Newburg, UVA

  23. WORLD CLASS PERFORMANCE Dream Preparation Setbacks Obstacles Successes Doug Newburg, UVA

  24. OBSTACLES Adversity has ever been considered the state in which a man most easily becomes acquainted with himself. Samuel Johnson


  26. CHOICE OBLIGATION What happens when energy crosses the divide between choice and obligation?

  27. First in yourself … • In your experience, what proportion of people are fully engaged at work?

  28. We all start out knowing magic. We are born with whirlwinds, forest fires and comets inside of us. We are all born able to sing to birds and read the clouds, and see our destiny in grains of sand.

  29. But then we get the magic educated right out of our souls. We get it churched out, spanked out, washed out, and combed out. We get put on the straight and narrow and told to be responsible. Told to act our age. Told to grow up, for God’s sake. And you know why we were told that? Because the people doing the telling were afraid of our youth, and because the magic we knew made them ashamed and sad about what they had allowed to wither in themselves.

  30. After you go so far away from it though, you can’t really get it back, just seconds of knowing and remembering. When people get weepy at movies, it’s because in that dark theater the golden pool of magic is touched just briefly. Then they come out into the hard sun of logic and reason again and it dries up, and they’re left feeling a little heavy, and they don’t know why.

  31. The truth of life is that each year we get a little further from the essence that is born with us. We get shouldered burdens, some of them good, some of them not so good. Things happen to us. Life itself does its best to take that memory of magic away from us. You don’t know it’s happening until one day you feel like you’ve lost something… and you’re not sure what it is. It’s like smiling at a pretty girl, and she calls you “sir.” It just happens. From “Boy’s Life,” Robert MacCammon

  32. Breaking through the SOS Barrier DREAM Revisit your Dream Prep S O S Doug Newburg, UVA

  33. Revisiting the Dream • Reconnecting with your emotional experiencing • Reconnecting with “why?” • Balancing experience with results • Getting OUT of the “duty cycle” • Paradoxically improves results

  34. One surgeon … • Reconnects with his LDint through photos • Patients asked to tell “why they want to live longer” • Reconnects them with their LDints • Reconnects him with his LDint • Grandfather dying in the living room when surgeon was six years old.

  35. WORLD CLASS PERFORMANCE DREAM Revisit the Dream RESONANCE Preparation Setbacks Obstacles Successes Doug Newburg, UVA

  36. World Class Performance "Excellence is attained by those who care more than others think is wise, who risk more than others think is safe, who dream more than others think is practical.“ Bud Greenspan

  37. LDint is not the “goal” … …we still had a long way to go. Like ants getting over an enormous obstacle we climbed up without appearing to make any progress. The slope was very steep. . . The air was luminous, and the light was tinged with the most delicate blue. On the other side of the couloir, ridges of bare ice refracted the light like prisms and sparkled with rainbow hues. The weather was still set fine--not a single cloud--and the air was dry. I felt in splendid form and as if, somehow, I had found a perfect balance within myself--was this, I wondered, the essence of happiness. Maurice Herzog, Annapurna, p. 166

  38. Robert Ballard on Success “Ballard’s 30-year career as an explorer has taught him to see his work as a circular process -- one that he compares with the stages that define the epic journey of the archetypal hero: dream, prepare, assemble a team, go forth and lead, overcome obstacles, find truth, share new knowledge. They are, Ballard suggest, the same stages that any businessperson need to traverse in order to take a project from original conception to final realization.” Fast Company, September, 1998, p. 161.

  39. For fun or pay? “I think I am a little bit different because everyone that said that was already professional when they said that. And I am not making money right now. I am just playing as a hobby. I guess. I mean, I don’t think I will turn professional in, like two, three years. But right now, it’s a hobby for me, it’s what I want to do. It’s not yet a job… and I think that I am still enjoying it because I am not making money yet.” Michelle Wie, 14, amateur golfer, USA Today, May 6, 2004, page 8C

  40. “I stopped loving golf at exactly the time I decided to turn pro.” Tom Weiskopf Golf, July 2004, p. 133

  41. How do you want to feel today?

  42. Resonance I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonance with our innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive. Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth, 1988

  43. Leadership is Managing Energy INFUSES DRAINS

  44. Five Key Questions 5. What are you willing to work for? 1. How do I wantto feel today? 4. How can Iget it back? 2. What does it take to get that feeling? RESONANCE 3. What keeps me from that feeling?

  45. THE PURPOSE OF LIFE • Find Your Resonance • Invest in Your Resonance • Enjoy Your Resonance • Help Others Find Their Resonance

  46. Key Points … • Pay attention to your internal Life’s Dream as well as your external Life’s Dream • If you’re not resonating, will you be performing at a world-class level? • Pay attention to your experience along with your achieving. • It’s your life, what are you willing to work for? • Ignore Task AND Process at the risk of your enjoyment AND your performance

  47. Implications for Managers Can you distinguish between LDext and LDint? Can you identify your LDint? Can you identify your team’s LDint? Can you help people reconnect with their LDint? What will the impact be on performance?

  48. Leadership is about managing energy, first in yourself and then in others.

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