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Introduction to Word 2010

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Introduction to Word 2010

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  1. Computer Technology STANDARD 2: Objectives 2 Students will apply document-processing skills. Students will retrieve, edit, save, and print a document. Students will change margins, text alignment, line spacing, and page setup. Students will move and copy text. Students will change the typeface and emphasis (font, italics, underscore, and boldface) of existing text. Students will proofread and correct all language mechanics errors (grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word usage) in an existing document with the aid of a spell checker, grammar checker, and thesaurus. Introduction to Word 2010 Created By, Jennifer Duke April 25, 2013

  2. Word Window

  3. Word Basics • Word is a word processing software. You can use it to type letters, reports and other documents • When you create new documents, sometimes you might want to use templates to create them. • A template is a pre-defined layout for a document. Word provides templates for documents like calendars, resumes, memos and flyers

  4. FILE TAB You click on the file tab when you need to: • Open or Save Files • Create New Documents • Print a Document • Do Other File Related Operations

  5. Quick Access Toolbar You will find this just above the file tab and its purpose is to provide a convenient resting place for Microsoft Word’s most frequently used commands.

  6. ribbon The ribbon contains commands organized into three components: Tabs Groups & Commands

  7. ribbon Tabs appear across the top of the Ribbon and contain groups of related commands. Home, Insert, and Page Layout are examples of ribbon tabs.

  8. ribbon Groups organize related commands; each group name appears below the group on the Ribbon. For example there is a group of commands related to fonts or a group of commands related to alignment etc..

  9. ribbon Commands appear within each group as mentioned earlier.

  10. Title Bar This lies in the middle and at the top of the window. The title bar shows the program and document titles.

  11. Rulers Word had two rulers that are called the Horizontal and Vertical Rulers.

  12. HELP The Help Icon can be used to get word-related help anytime you like.

  13. Zoom Control The Zoom Control lets you zoom in for a closer look at your text. You can slide the slider left or right to zoom in or out.

  14. View buttons The Print Layout View displays pages exactly as they appear when printed.

  15. View buttons Full Screen Reading View gives a full screen look of the document.

  16. View buttons Web Layout View shows how a document appears when viewed by a web browser such as Internet Explorer.

  17. View buttons Outline View lets you work with outlines established using Word’s standard heading styles.

  18. View buttons Draft View formats text as it appears on the printed page with a few exceptions. For example, headers and footers aren’t shown.

  19. Document Area This is the area where you type. The flashing vertical bar is called the insertion point and it represents the location of where text will appear when you type.

  20. Status bar This displays document information as well as the insertion point location. From left to right, this bar contains the total number of pages and words in the document etc…You can configure the status bar by right-clicking anywhere on it and by selecting or deselecting options from the provided list.

  21. Dialog box launcher This appears as a very small arrow in the lower-right corner of many groups on the Ribbon. Clicking this button opens a dialog box or task pane that provides more options about the group.

  22. Word Basics • Open a file:FILE> OPEN • Save a file: FILE> SAVE AS • Save allows you to save something you have saved before and you corrected it. • Save as allows you to save something with a new identity. • Printing:FILE>PRINT • Shortcut: CTRL + P

  23. Selecting & Moving Text • Selecting text quickly without clicking and dragging the mouse: • Select a word double click the word • Select a sentence ctrl > click • Select a paragraph triple click the sentence • Select a whole document ctrl+a • To copy text, you highlight it and hit CTRL+C.

  24. Undo/Redo • The icon to Undo an action • Shortcut: CTRL+Z • The icon to Redo an action • Shortcut: CTRL+Y • The Undo & Redo icons can be found on the quick access toolbar

  25. Formatting • Formatting features in the font group include • font size • font face • bold • underline • italics • change case • font color • Keyboard short cut to change fonts caps SHIFT F3 • The format painter button allows you to copy font appearance and style • Format Painter icon

  26. Alignment • List four types of alignments found in the paragraph group • CENTER • JUSTIFY • LEFT • RIGHT

  27. Spacing • The line spacing button is in the paragraphgroup. • Line spacing button • Line Spacing Shortcut keys • Double CTRL + 2 • Single CTRL + 1 • 1.5 CTRL + 5

  28. Styles & Themes • Styles are located on the home tab > styles group • Themes can be found on the page layout tab > themes group • Themes is a set of unified formats for • fonts • colors • graphics • Themes can only be applied if a style has been added to the text

  29. Spelling & Grammar • Menu review tab > proofinggroup • Spell Check icon • AutoCorrect automatically corrects common spelling errors as you type • Auto Completeguesses certain words you are keying in from the first few letters keyed • When a word has incorrect spelling a red wavy line appears • When the grammar/punctuation is incorrect a green wavy line appears

  30. THESAURUS To access the thesaurus, highlight a word that you want to look up and hit SHIFT + F7.

  31. Margins • Path to set margins: page layout tab > page setup group > margin button

  32. Headers & Footers • Write the path to create a header/footer insert tab > headers or footer • What items go in the header and footer • HEADER: • NAME • ASSIGNMENT NAME • PERIOD • FOOTER: • QUICK DATE • TEACHER

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