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Evidence of edge turbulence structures in RFX-mod virtual shell discharges with Gas Puffing Imaging Diagnostic P. Scarin M. Agostini , R. Cavazzana, F. Sattin, G. Serianni, N. Vianello Consorzio RFX, Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione,
Evidence of edge turbulence structures in RFX-mod virtual shell discharges with Gas Puffing Imaging Diagnostic P. Scarin M. Agostini , R. Cavazzana, F. Sattin, G. Serianni, N. Vianello Consorzio RFX, Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione, corso Stati Uniti 4, Padova, Italy Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
In the Reversed Field Pinch eXperiment RFX-mod (R=2 m, a=0.46 m) a Gas Puffing Imaging Diagnostic (GPID) is being used to investigate the dynamical structures of plasma edge turbulence in different plasma conditions The GPID measures the radiation emitted from He gas puffed in H discharges and allows the investigation of edge plasma properties with high time and space resolution at high plasma current during the entire discharge. The characterization of edge turbulence has been carried out in terms of power spectrum, cross-correlation and toroidal velocity of structures. The toroidal characteristic length of intermittent structures at different time scales has been determined by applying the conditional average technique on the structures identified by the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT). PDF of GPIsignals show a fit with 2 Gamma functions O u t l i n e Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
RFX-mod Virtual Shell 4 (poloidally) 48 (toroidally) saddle coils, each with its own independent power supply The control of the magnetic field at the boundary can be achieved by a feedback system cancelling the local radial field measured by a set of coils on the shell Improvement of plasma temperature and confinement (up to twofold), pulse length (threefold) and effective mitigation of plasma wall interaction and mode locking are recorded The “virtual shell” operation produces also “reproducible conditions” for internal MHD plasma dynamics Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
32 chords ( 16 + 8 + 8 ) HeI (668nm) emission Focal dept: 50mm Beam diameter: 3 mm Spatial resolution: 5 mm View area: 70mm x 30 mm Flux 1019 ÷ 1020 atoms/s Cloud Density no 5 ·1018 m-3 Bandwidth: 2 MHz Sampling: 10 MSamples/s Gas Puffing Imaging Diagnostic Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
n/nG=0.35 n/nG=0.2 without puffing nG=1020·I(MA)·(·a2) -1 10 μs Plasma and GPI signals Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
# 17705 lines of sight lines of sight 155.60 155.65 155.70 -10 -5 0 5 10 t(ms) t(μs) Toroidal velocity of emission fluctuations v from cross-correlation analysis high-intensity “bursts” emerge from the background turbulence similar pattern shifted in time, propagating toroidally from chord 1 to 16, in the direction opposite to plasma current, the same of the EB drift flow. The maximum of the cross-correlation function presents a linear dependence of the chord position with the delay time, from which it is possible to calculate the toroidal velocity vfof fluctuations, that can be interpreted as a flow velocity. The average cross-correlation length Lco v· a 40÷100 mm Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
v(km/s) mm n/nG=0.35 n/nG Experimental scaling ofv with n/nG • The comparison of vat different density regimes displays a saturation at about -20km/s for n/nG > 0.35 while for lower density |v|increases • Each point of the scaling is an average over 10 ms taken during the current flat-top • working ranges: I (0.3 ÷ 1) MA <ne> (1 ÷ 5) 1019 m-3 The trend ofv vs n/nG is obtained from a data-base of different plasma regimes: • Reversal parameter F = B(wall)/<B> - 0.06 ÷ - 0.3 • Effective Scrape-Off Layer Depth: SOL(,) - 20 ÷ - 4 mm P. Scarin et al., 17th PSI Conf., Hefei, 2006, p 3-28 Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
decay index α n/nG=0.35 n / nG the power–law ƒ-α in the frequency range 300÷700kHz is considered a scaling of decay index α with n/nG is obseved 2 regions can be recognized: n/nG< 0.35 α decreases from -2 to about -3 n/nG> 0.35 α displaies a saturation at about -3 At lower frequency (ƒ<100kHz) the power spectra is dominated by MHD activity. Power spectrum: decay index α depends from n/nG ƒ [kHz] k Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
Wavenumber/Frequency Spectrum S(k,ƒ) from 2 point spetral analysis Coherence ƒ[kHz] (ƒ) ƒ[kHz] k [m-1] The behaviour of k(ƒ) = (ƒ)/ is linear until ƒ > 500kHz(frozen turbulence) The most of power content is due to fluctuations with |k| < 100 m-1 and ƒ < 500 kHz. The average dispersion yields a mean phase velocity 2ƒ/|k| consistent with v(cross-correlation) At spectral width k(ƒ) 25÷50m-1corresponds a characteristic length Lchk-1 20÷40 mm of turbulencestructures consistent with cross-correlation length Lco Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
Wavelet Analysis of HeI emission The statistical properties of fluctuations at different time-scales = 1/ƒ are study with CWT A set of wavelet coefficients C(t) is obtained for each time series C(t) represents the time behaviour of characteristic fluctuations at each time-scale The PDFs of the normalized wavelet coefficient fluctuations C/ are accounted The scaling of PDF flatness x4/ x2 2 with is considered to weight the PDF tails Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
At higher density (n/nG 0.35) the flatness increases at low time-scale (increase the tails) for 1μs< <10μs, the process is not self-similar and exhibits an intermittent character At lower density (n/nG 0.15) the shape of PDF does not change with time-scales but non-Gaussian behaviour (flatness > 3) has been recorded For the analysis of PDFs, the flatness for all 16 LoS is evaluated in a time window of 20ms and then the average of 16 LoS ensemble is computed for each time-scale. Intermittency from PDF flatness scaling Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
Toroidal width scaling of HeI emission structures Spatial features of intermittent bursts is carried out with conditional average technique A CWT has applied at reference signal to allow the detection of events on different From the measurements of the burst intensity it is possible to put together ensemble data forall LoS at each time scale and so to reconstruct the toroidal pattern of structure A best fit exp[-(x/)2] has been superimposed to the average pattern of the structure, where 2is the toroidal width of the structures A non-linear increase from 15mm to 45mm in the range 1μs < <10μs is observed Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
Number of structures scaling The structures recognized at different can be counted The number of structures NSper unit length is obtained after a normalisation to the measurement time portion t and the toroidal propagation velocity vf The scaling NS vs for two density regimes (n/nG ) is shown. There is an increase of NS at small time scales ( < 5s) and the increase is particularly emphasized at the higher density regimes. This increase of NS corresponds at a frequency ƒ >200kHzthat is the range where the power spectra presented a power-law scaling. Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
A first empirical analysis suggests that PDF of GPI signals in RFX-mod may be interpolated with a linear combination of 2 Gamma functions • This suggests the simultaneous presence of different mechanism driving respectively coherent bursts and background turbulence. It may be stressed the identification between low / high value of N, M parameters with coherent-structures / incoherent turbulence The evidence is that improved confinement regimes (Virtual Shell) appear related to a reduction of the low-N,M fluctuations. Conversely the high-N,M contribution, that in standard discharges has a small weight, gains relative importance in Virtual Shell operation. noVS N = 6.5, M = 9.8 PDF(N) = 86% PDF(M) = 14% VS N= 14.7, M = 10.5 PDF(N) = 55% PDF(M) = 45% F. Sattin et al., PPCF 48 (2006) 1033 PDF of GPI signals: a fit with 2 Gamma functions Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
A convincing test that low-N, M fraction is related to coherent part of fluctuations comes from the explicit comparison with the number of intermittent events counted through a wavelet technique. There appears a fairly good correlation between the “coherent” fraction of the signal measured through the PDF analysis (blue squares) and the linear density of bursts standing out of the background turbulence (red circles). linear density of bursts [m-1] coherent fraction [%] The “coherent” fraction is conventionally set to zero when both N, M > 10, meaning that a true low-dimensional fraction of the PDF could not be recovered and when both N, M < 10 the coherent fraction is set to one. F. Sattin et al., 33th EPS Conf., Roma, 2006, p 5.093 Correlation between the “coherent” fraction of the signal and the linear density of bursts Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
Imaging of Emission Structures Different inversion techniques have been applied to the data in order to obtain a 2D tomographic reconstruction of the light emission pattern from the line integrals. Emission structures (blobs), that move along the ExB flow, emerge from the background turbulence. The high time resolution allows to obtain a 2D image every 0.1 ms. Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
A scaling v versus n/nG of HeI emission fluctuations has been observed with a saturation at about -20km/s for higher density (n/nG0.35) From the emission power spectra a scaling of decay index α versus n/nG (in the range 300÷700kHz) is observed Analysis of fluctuations at different time scales gives distributions with non Gaussian tails for 1μs<<10μs and more intermittent bursts at higher density From the spatial resolution of emission structures a width 15mm<2 <45 mm for time scales 1μs<<10μs has been observed and their numbers Ns increases at ≤5μs, particularly at higher density Summary Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
The internal MHD dynamic of a RFP is monitored from oscillatory behaviour of the toroidal field and is related to the cyclical process of magnetic diffusion and flux generation, which takes place in the core region (Dynamo Relaxation Event) An interesting correlation between this MHD dynamics and the edge turbulence has been observed: intermittent events are found to cluster during the toroidal field oscillations (DRE). NS F The time behaviour of the number of structures NSat different time scale are compared with the reversal parameter F and electron temperature inside the plasma In correspondence to DRE there is a cluster of the structures for ≤ 5μs After DRE the electron temperature inside the plasma increases M. Agostini et al., 33th EPS Conf., Roma, 2006, p 5.094 HeI emission Bursts compared with MHD dynamics Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
v(km/s) mm decay index α Scaling of fluctuations velocity v with power spectrum decay index α A experimental scaling of toroidal velocity of fluctuations v with the decay index α of power spectrum is recognized: at lower velocity corresponds a higher spectrum slope whereas at higher velocity the slope decreases to α -2 ÷ -1.4 The trend of vvs α is obtained from a data-base of different plasma regimes selecting with: • Reversal parameter F = B(wall)/<B> -0.08 ÷ -0.2 • Effective Scrape-Off Layer Depth SOL(,) -20 ÷ -4 mm Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
Tentative intrepretation of experimental scaling v vs n/nG This scaling corresponds to different values of dimensionless ratio ci / eiranging from below to above unity nci 3·Ip /a (in the edge of a RFP) nei 5·10 -11· n ·Te-3/2 (mks units, Te in eV) nci / nei a·Te3/2·(500·n/nG) -1 at critical density n/nG 0.35 Te 50 eV (in the edge) nci / nei 1 Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
Vacuum vessel Fan 1 Fan 2 Fan 3 Fan1•Fan2•Fan3 • A high temporal resolution can be reached: an image every 0.1 μs • All the discharge duration is covered Back Projection Reconstruction Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
2D Spatial Fourier Expansion • k: “wave vector” along the toroidal direction • q: “wave vector” along the radial direction • Unknowns: coefficients Ckq, Dkq, Ekq, Fkq • The linear system is underdetermined and it is solved with the Singular Value Decomposition technique Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
% % Decay index α Scaling of rms vs n/nG and rms vs decay index α of edge emission line The rms I/<I> of HeI line (668nm) ranges 30% ÷ 50% and increases with the density and with the slope of power spectrum At higher values of rms corresponds a higher coherent-structures component Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
GPI wall Displacement of plasma column (m) SOL plasma (rad) Effective Scrape-Off Layer Depth SOL(,) identified as the local displacement of the plasma column from the wall, by linear overlapping of m = 1 and m = 0 poloidal modes Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
In the case of self-similar process, the PDF of normalized fluctuation does not change its shape at different time scales. This reflect a constant flatness at all the scales, whereas if the PDF of normalized fluctuations varies with the scales with a increasing of the tails of distribution at smaller scales the process is not self-similar and exhibits an intermittent character . This obviously implies an increase of flatness at smaller time scales. The solid line indicates a fit exp(-b|X| ( )). Probability Distribution Functions of HeI Fluctuations Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków
v= f1(n/nG, SOL)toroidal velocity of emission fluctuations P( ƒ ) ƒ - = f2 (n/nG , F, SOL )power spectrum Flatness ( )Statistical properties from the PDF of Wavelet Transform 2 () =15 ÷ 45 mm 1s<<10sstructures toroidal width Ns n/nG < 5 sedge structures number / unit length PDF of GPI signals show a fit with 2 Gamma functions Summary (2) Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Kraków