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Science and Pseudoscience in Abnormal Psychology, Part II February 5, 2014 PSYC 2340: Abnormal Psychology Brett Deacon, Ph.D. Announcements. Sona systems mass testing has begun No class this Friday Next week: Monday: Diagnosing mental disorders and the DSM Wednesday: Rosenhan article

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Science and Pseudoscience in Abnormal Psychology, Part IIFebruary 5, 2014PSYC 2340: Abnormal PsychologyBrett Deacon, Ph.D.

  2. Announcements • Sona systems mass testing has begun • No class this Friday • Next week: • Monday: Diagnosing mental disorders and the DSM • Wednesday: Rosenhan article • Friday: Exam #1

  3. From Last Class • Costs of pseudoscientific practices • Candace Newmaker • First half of Scott Lilienfeld’s presentation

  4. What We’ve Discussed • Misconceptions about psychology abound • There is a canyon-sized gap between science and practice in psychotherapy • Few therapists provide our most effective, science-based treatments • Diagnosis: different “ways of knowing” • Romantics endorse clinical intuition, empiricists endorse science

  5. A Real-World Example of Romanticism • My debate with Dr. Hans-Jürgen Möller, president of the European Association of Psychiatry on the efficacy of antidepressants • Background • The debate

  6. Efficacy of Antidepressants vs. Placebo Mean HRSD • Mean difference in HRSD improvement = 1.8 points • Placebo duplicated 81% of antidepressant response

  7. Antidepressants have clinically relevant efficacy Prof.Dr. Hans-Jürgen Möller Chairman Department of Psychiatry University of Munich Germany

  8. Patients’ experience vs. metaanalytical evidence: my patients believe in the efficacy of antidepressants

  9. Doctors’ experience vs. metaanalytical evidence: my doctors believe in the efficacy of antidepressants

  10. Circa 1945: My doctors believe in the efficacy of insulin coma therapy

  11. Is Clinical Intuition a Reliable Guide for Judging the Safety and Effectiveness of a Treatment? • Naïve realism – belief the world is exactly as we see it • “My therapy works because I see my clients improve” • Problems?

  12. For Today • Why science matters in abnormal psychology Scott Lilienfeld, Ph.D. Professor, Emory University

  13. 2012 Presentation by Scott Lilienfeld on Science and Pseudoscience in Mental Health Treatment (part two)

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