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Enhance your skills in interpreting sources, making inferences, evaluating reliability, and cross-referencing using contextual knowledge to excel in Paper 2. Learn common pitfalls and expert tips for optimal performance.
Skills tested in Paper 2 • interpretation of sources • making inferences about e.g. purpose, audience, author, reactions • using contextual knowledge with the sources • cross-referencing sources
Skills tested in Paper 2 • evaluating sources • using sources to reach, support, and argue, a conclusion • NB - the levels in the mark scheme reflect student responses. They are not levels to be learned by students
Types of questions: interpreting sources • e.g. what impression? what is the message?; do these sources agree? • interpret sources in context • look for the big/overall meaning/message - go beyond e.g. differences of detail • explain the interpretation with support
Types of questions: making inferences from sources • e.g. why was this source published then? how would X react to this source?, who was this source aimed at? • purpose - need to look for intended outcome/impact - must go beyond message; explanation required • use content of source, provenance, and contextual knowledge to explain and support the answer
Types of questions: cross-reference • e.g. how far do these sources agree? • go beyond details - look for a point of view • there are often agreements and disagreements • these need to be supported/explained - not just asserted
Types of questions: evaluation for usefulness • e.g. how useful is this source as evidence? • sometimes purpose is given • explain limitations of the source as well as ways in which it is useful • when purpose is not given - ask useful for what?; look for unwitting testimony e.g about the author. NB biased sources can be useful
Types of questions: evaluation for reliability • e.g. does this source prove…?; how reliable is this source as evidence of…? • check the claims made in the source against own knowledge • use the language/tone of the source • make an informed use of the provenance e.g by considering purpose • cross reference to other sources on the paper
Types of questions: are you surprised questions • e.g. are you surprised by this source? • knowledge and understanding of the context is key • also consider the author/artist, e.g. are you surprised they would say that then? • there might be reasons for being surprised and not surprised
Types of questions: Question 6 • there will always be some sources on either side • some sources might be used for both sides • there might be the odd source that is not really relevant - leave it out • the key is the quality of the explanation of how a source e.g. supports the statement - no assertions or descriptions • explain sources individually, do not make general assertions about groups of sources • not all the sources have to be used - but more marks within a level for more sources being used • there are marks for evaluating the sources
Role of knowledge in Paper 2 • knowledge should never be included in an answer for its own sake - no marks are awarded for this • it should only be used if it leads to a better answer about the sources • every questions is a question about the sources - appropriate use of knowledge will lead to sources being interpreted/ evaluated/used better
Evaluating sources • using knowledge to check claims being made • cross-referencing to other sources • making an informed use of the provenance of the source e.g. asking about purpose • considering tone/language
Useful questions • ask ‘useful for what?’ • be aware that ‘biased’ sources can be useful • look for unwitting testimony
Some hints for Paper 2 • do not teach the skills in a mechanistic way • they should emerge naturally from teaching and learning • develop flexible thinking • encourage students to take risks with their ideas as long as they can justify them • a lot of marks can be picked up for Q6 if students know exactly what to do
Common weaknesses • candidates do not answer questions directly, they waste time describing sources, writing about the context and not the sources, telling the examiner everything they know. Just answer the question! • answer the question in the first line - then support the answer
Common weaknesses • biased sources are not useless • simplistic evaluation e.g. eye-witness statements are not always accurate • comparisons of sources often never provide a direct comparison - each source is summarised separately, followed by an assertion • sources are sometimes ignored in answers to Q6