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Work Values, Attitude, and Job Satisfaction

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  1. Work Values, Attitude, and Job Satisfaction Week 3 - 26/09/2008

  2. Ⅰ Values • Concepts: broad preferences concerning appropriate courses of action or outcomes Why important: • Foundation to know employees’ attitudes and motivation • Affect employees’ perception and decision making • Work Value System • Sources of Value System: societal factors, biological parents.

  3. Types of values (1)Rokeach values survey (RVS) • Terminal: Desirable end-states of existence; the goals to pursue during one’s lifetimecomfortable(exciting)life,sense of accomplishment,world of peace (beauty), equality, family (nation) security,freedom, happiness,inner harmony, mature, true friendship, wisdom. • Instrumental:preferable modes of behavior or means of achieving one’s terminal values ambitious, broad-minded, capable, cheerful, clean, honest, courageous,forgiving,helpful, imaginative,independent, intellectual, logical, loving, obedient, polite, responsible

  4. Types of values (2)Contemporary work cohorts • Protestant work ethic:hard work; conservative; loyalty to the organization • Existential:Quality of life,nonconforming,seeks autonomy; loyalty to self 1960s--mid-1970s • Pragmatic:Success,achievement,ambition,hard work; loyalty to career mid-1970s--late 1980s • Generation X:Flexibility,job satisfaction,leisure time; loyalty to relationships 1990s • New generation: confident, financial independent, self-reliant, team worker, loyalty to self and relation 2000s

  5. ⅡAttitudeConcept • Evaluative statements or judgement concerning objects,people,or events 3 components • cognitive component---the opinion or belief segment of an attitude(value statement) • affective component--- emotional or feeling • behavioral component--An intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or sth. • Essentially refers to the affect part

  6. Personality The enduring ways a person has of feeling, thinking and behaving Work situation The work itself Coworkers, supervisors and subordinates Physical working conditions Working hours, pay and job security Values Intrinsic work values Extrinsic work values Attitudes to work The collection of feelings, beliefs and predispositions to behave in one’s job or organisation Social influence Coworkers Groups Culture Determinants of Work attitudes

  7. Values Nature of work itself Stable over a long time Determines choice of a job, career, happiness with a job, etc. Attitudes Current job or organization Moderately stable Determines absenteeism, turnover, organizational citizenship behaviors. Differences between Work Values and Attitudes.

  8. Why Might Attitudes Matter at Work? • Because attitudes to work and/or employing organisation might affect: • Whether a person seeks a new job • How co-operative they are with others at work • Whether they present a positive image of the organisation to clients or customers • How they react to change • How hard they work (motivation) • Their psychological or physical health

  9. Attitudes, Behavior & Consistency • People try maintain consistency between their different attitudes. • People try maintain consistency between attitudes and behavior. • Altering their attitudes or behavior, developing a rationalization for their discrepancy.

  10. Do Attitudes cause Behavior? Answer: Not very well! Attitudes have a stronger affect on behavior if they are • important • specific • accessible • social pressure reinforces the attitude • you have experience with the attitude.

  11. Self-Perception Theory • attitudes do not cause behavior, behavior causes attitudes • attitudes are formed after the fact to make sense out of behavior that already occurred

  12. Ⅲ Job Satisfaction • An individual’s general attitude toward his or her job. • Determinants of Job Satisfaction pay & benefits; co-workers; supervisor; the work itself; career opportunity; job security; work conditions, etc

  13. MISSING Absenteeism Turnover PRESENT Performance? Worker Well-Being Potential Consequences when Job Satisfaction is...

  14. Other Important Work Attitudes Job involvement: the degree to which a person identifies psychologically with his/her job and considers his/her perceived performance level important to self-worth. Organizational commitment: A state in which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals, and wishes to maintain membership in the organization

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