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The Geography of China

The Geography of China. World Regional Geography Canton High School. Satellite View of China. China’s Provinces. China—Asia’s Superpower. China vs. the U. S. in Size. China. United States.

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The Geography of China

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Geography of China World Regional GeographyCanton High School

  2. Satellite View of China

  3. China’s Provinces

  4. China—Asia’s Superpower

  5. China vs. the U. S. in Size China United States • SOURCE: Topic 5: “The Awakening Giant” by Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Dept. of Economics & Geography, Hofstra University.

  6. Comparing China & the U. S.

  7. Countries & Regions Russia Mongolia N. Korea S> Korea Tibet Indian Subcontinent Taiwan Southeast Asia Philippines

  8. Cities Harbin BEIJING Nanjing Shanghai Xi’an Lhasa Taipei Guangzhou HongKong Macao

  9. Completed Political Map Harbin Mongolia BEIJING N. Korea S> Korea Tibet Nanjing Shanghai Xi’an Lhasa Indian Subcontinent Taipei Taiwan Guangzhou HongKong Macao Southeast Asia Philippines

  10. Topography

  11. China’s Topography

  12. Percentages of Different Landforms

  13. Pacific “Rim of Fire”

  14. Bodies of Water Amur River Sea of Japan Yellow Sea Huang-He River Yangtze River Xi River Pacific Ocean SouthChinaSea

  15. The Polluted Yellow River!

  16. The Yangtze River

  17. Mountains & Peaks Altai Mts. Greater Khingan Tian Shan Kunlun Shan Himalayan Mts.

  18. The Great Wall of China

  19. Deserts & Plateaus Gobi Desert Taklamakan Desert Tibetan Plateau

  20. Valleys / Plains / Basins Manchurian Plain North China Plain Tarim Basin Sichuan Basin

  21. North China Plain

  22. Agricultural Regions in China Great Wall Shabdong Peninsula Grand Canal CHUNG KUO

  23. Completed Topographic Map Amur River Altai Mts. Greater Khingan Manchurian Plain North China Plain Tian Shan Sea of Japan Gobi Desert Tarim Basin Great Wall Taklamakan Desert Kunlun Shan Shabdong Peninsula Huang-He River Yellow Sea Tibetan Plateau Grand Canal CHUNG KUO Himalayan Mts. Sichuan Basin Yangtze River Xi River Pacific Ocean SouthChinaSea

  24. Climate

  25. China’s Climate Zones

  26. Monsoon Precipitation Patterns

  27. Winter Monsoons

  28. Summer Monsoons

  29. Precipitation in China

  30. Summer Rainfall

  31. Vegetation

  32. Agricultural Regions in China

  33. Arable Land

  34. “Brown” China vs. “Green” China Wheat Dominant Pasture and Oasis Rice Dominant Double-crop rice • SOURCE: Topic 5: “The Awakening Giant” by Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Dept. of Economics & Geography, Hofstra University.

  35. South China

  36. Natural Resources

  37. Major Chinese Industries

  38. Fuels, Power, Minerals, & Metals in China

  39. Demographics

  40. China as % of World Population

  41. Top 10 Populated Nations 2001 2050

  42. The Population of China thousands

  43. Population Projections thousands

  44. Population Density

  45. Male/Female Birth Population

  46. Life Expectancy at Birth by Sex

  47. Infant Mortality Rate

  48. Main Chinese Nationalities

  49. Ethno-Linguistic Groups in China

  50. Total Population with No Education

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