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Sweden. Not just snowy!. Simon Jonsson. Born in Stenungsund, Sweden BSc (Hons) Psychology (Southampton Solent University, England) In China for 4 months working as a teacher for EF. Stenungsund in October, 2010. Stenungsund in February, 2011. Gothenburg in February, 2011.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sweden Not just snowy!

  2. Simon Jonsson • Born in Stenungsund, Sweden • BSc (Hons) Psychology (Southampton Solent University, England) • In China for 4 months working as a teacher for EF.

  3. Stenungsund in October, 2010

  4. Stenungsund in February, 2011

  5. Gothenburg in February, 2011

  6. Population and area Population 9.4 million Area 450000km2 20.6 people/km2 • China • 138 times more people • 21 times bigger area • 7 times more people per square kilometre

  7. Natural resources Timber Iron ore

  8. Swedish language • Similar to Danish and Norwegian • Has three more characters than English called Å Ä Ö

  9. Climate and Geography • Warmed up by the Gulf Stream • Distinct seasons • Above the arctic circle • Short days in the winter, long days in the summer.

  10. Kebnekaise

  11. Festivals Lucia • Lussekatter • Songs • Lucia consession • Elections

  12. Festivals Midsummer • Dancing • Food and drink • Maypole

  13. Surströmming

  14. Festivals Walpurgis

  15. The Swedish East Indian Company • Trade with China • Sailed from Gothenburg to Canton (Guangzhou), Guangdong province • Long and hard trip • Traded tea and china for iron, copper and timber.

  16. Götheborg • Launched 1738 • Sunk in Gothenburg harbour

  17. Götheborg • Project started in 1994 • Required old skills and techniques • Voyage to China from 2005 to 2007 • Cost 30 million USD

  18. Monarchy

  19. Snus

  20. Swedish music

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