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Traveling Nitrogen

Traveling Nitrogen . Nitrogen is an element that is found in both the living portion of our planet and the inorganic parts of the Earth system. It cycles ceaselessly through the Earth system. Nitrogen atoms do not always take the same path through the system. There are many potential routes. .

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Traveling Nitrogen

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Traveling Nitrogen Nitrogen is an element that is found in both the living portion of our planet and the inorganic parts of the Earth system. It cycles ceaselessly through the Earth system. Nitrogen atoms do not always take the same path through the system. There are many potential routes. NEXT

  2. Students, you are now nitrogen atoms traveling through the nitrogen cycle. You are eager to travel far and wide, see how many places you can visit in one minute. But before your journey begins.. What would a world trip be without some evidence? You are to keep a journal of all the places you have been and how you got there! Fly away little nitrogen atoms NEXT


  4. ATMOSPHERE Route 3 Route 1 Route 2

  5. Lightning strikes! Nitrogen gas is madainto a solid and travels to the soil! Click to go to soil

  6. Blue green algae and bacteria convert you into a solid bringing you to the soil! Click to go to soil

  7. Bean plants extract you from the air and bring you to the soil! Click to go to soil

  8. SURFACE WATER Route 1 Route 2

  9. You are just the sort of nitrogen that plants need. You are now in a live plant! Click to go to live plants

  10. You percolate deep underground in the groundwater! Click to go to the groundwater

  11. RAIN WATER Route 3 Route 1 Route 2

  12. You fall into a lake or stream so now you are part of surface water. Click to go to surface water

  13. You fall on the land and become part of the soil! Click to go to the soil

  14. You percolate deep underground in the groundwater! Click to go to the groundwater

  15. GROUND WATER Route 1

  16. The groundwater you are dissolved within travels and you become part of the surface water! Click to go to the surface water

  17. SOIL Route 3 Route 1 Route 2 Route 4

  18. You dissolve and wash into the groundwater! Click to go to the ground water

  19. You dissolve and wash into the surface water! Click to go to the surface water

  20. You are just the sort of nitrogen that plants need. You are now in a live plant! Click to go to live plants

  21. Bacteria transformed you into nitrogen gas. You are now in the atmosphere! Click to go to the atmosphere

  22. Route 1 LIVE ANIMALS

  23. Congratulations! The animal that you were within has excreted and you are in its waste. Go to animal waste! Click to go to animal waste

  24. Route 1 Route 2 ANIMAL WASTE

  25. What’s that in the water? You have dissolved into surface water! Click to go to surface water

  26. Look out before someone steps in you! Now you decompose in the soil! Click to go to soil

  27. Route 1 LIVE PLANTS

  28. An animal has eaten the plant you are in! Go to live animals. Click to go to a live animal

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