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Developing a College Research Culture. Luoheng Han, Ph.D. Associate Dean and Professor College of Arts and Sciences University of Alabama lhan@as.ua.edu. New Contract and Grant Activity. 138 faculty submitted 229 proposals totaling over $137M , a more then 100% increase over FY08 (~ 61M )
Developing a College Research Culture Luoheng Han, Ph.D. Associate Dean and Professor College of Arts and Sciences University of Alabama lhan@as.ua.edu
New Contract and Grant Activity • 138 faculty submitted 229 proposals totaling over $137M, a more then 100% increase over FY08 (~61M) • 51 faculty received 142 awards • Total contract and grant awards totaled $24,499,806, a 32% increase over FY08 • A&S total awards were 21% of the UA total awards while A&S total submissions were 37% of the UA total submissions in FY09 • A&S research awards were $16,888,283 approximately 44% of the UA total.
UA Total Contract and Grant Awards in FY 2009 ($116,405,319)
College Academy of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (CARSCA) • The mission of the College Academy of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity is to provide support for College faculty to achieve excellence in their research, scholarship and creative activity
College Academy of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (CARSCA), cont’d • During the 2008-2009 academic year, 44 CARSCA proposals were submitted by faculty (12 from Humanities and Fine Arts, 18 from mathematics and Natural Sciences, 14 from Social Sciences), and 9 were approved for funding • 17% of HFA proposals, 21% of SS proposals, and 22% of MNS proposals • A total of $99,447 was dispersed to the funded projects • Funding levels ranged from $5,739 to $15,000 for specific projects.
College Academy of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (CARSCA), cont’d • Criteria: • Potential to enhance scholarship or creative activity • Clear plan for the work • Guided by a compelling question or creative idea • Lead to outside funding • Involve students in a meaningful way, if appropriate for the project • Intelligibly written for non-specialist • Innovative, daring, novel • Interdisciplinary, if appropriate for the project • Could not be done without this funding • Have an impact on the College broadly • Enhance reputation of the College of Arts and Sciences beyond the College
Grantsmanship Training Workshop • Started in January 2008 • Consultant: David G. Bauer • well-known, external-funding expert • For all faculty members to enhance their grantsmanship skills • A one-year training program • At the successful completion of the program, each participant will have researched, drafted, and submitted a proposal for funding.
Grantsmanship Training Workshop, Cont’d • Current workshop • Participation is limited to 10 faculty members from math, science, and psychology and 15 faculty members from humanities, fine and performing arts, and social science (not including psychology) • The first seminar is on February 15, 2010 and the second is on April 1, 2010. The third will probably be in June • Continued participation in the program will depend on strict attendance at the seminars and attainment of established milestones.