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John Rolfe p.31-32

John Rolfe p.31-32.

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John Rolfe p.31-32

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  1. John Rolfe p.31-32 John Rolfe was the first man able to grow tobacco in the New World. He first cultivated it 1612. This was a Spanish tobacco and it thrived in Jamestown. This soon became the cash crop that saved the settlers from dying. Many people poured into the colony and it became very successful. He also married Pocahontas. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Pocahontas_Rolfe_crop.jpg
  2. John Smith p.29 John Smith was the famous world traveler and English captain who took control of Jamestown in 1608. He enforced work and order in the colony. Smith imposed the “no work, no food” policy. He overcame the many problems facing the settlers (Indians, weather, lazy settlers). He also organized and led several raids on the Indian villagers to steal their food. He successfully brought Jamestown through its second winter. http://apva.org/rediscovery/image/js.jpg
  3. Jamestown p.29-32 Jamestown was the first successful English colony in the New World. It was established in 1607 in Virginia. At first, it was horrible with hostile Indian neighbors, famine, extreme weather, and disease. But John Smith came and took control over the colony and things started to turn around. When John Rolfe brought tobacco seeds in 1612, the colony thrived and became very popular in England. The colony centered around agriculture. http://mrsisaac.pbworks.com/f/1198177393/JAMESTOWN_OVERVIEW_01.gif
  4. Plymouth p.36-37 Plymouth was an English colony founded in 1620, by Puritan separatists known as Pilgrims, in Massachusetts. The settlers established the Mayflower compact to show that they would remain loyal to the king. Like Jamestown, Plymouth experienced a tough winter. But the Pilgrims and the Indians had good relations and they assisted the settlers, which ultimately led to the colony’s success. The settlers could not farm on the sandy soil there, so they developed a trade-based economy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Plymouth_Colony_map.svg
  5. King Phillip’s War p.40-42 This was a brutal war between the Indians and the settlers that began in 1675. King Phillip led the Wampanoag tribe in attack against the white settlers. The Indians would go into Massachusetts towns and kill the residents. After King Phillip was killed, the English were able to crush the rebellion. New flintlock rifles led to very high casualties on both sides. The English were at an advantage in both numbers and firepower. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5SRN3YBh7Qk/TsBr5CHuQWI/AAAAAAAAAIY/haYasZHBSQA/s1600/King_Philips_War.jpg
  6. Navigation Acts p. 54-55 These were acts passed by Parliament to regulate colonial trade and to keep Dutch ships out of the English ports. In 1660, the first act closed the colonies to all trade except that carried by English ships and required that tobacco and other items exported only to England. In 1663, the second act required all goods to pass through England to be taxed. And in 1673, the third act imposed duties on the coastal trade among the colonies and established customs officials for enforcement. They formed the legal basis of regulation of the colonies. http://img.docstoccdn.com/thumb/orig/115717954.png
  7. Glorious Revolution p.55-56 A revolution in the English government where James II was replaced for attempting to control Parliament and the courts. His Protestant daughter Mary and her husband, William of Orange, assumed the throne in 1688. James II left with no resistance and fled to France. This bloodless coup led to William and Mary became joint monarchs. http://fe867b.medialib.glogster.com/media/8a/8a989ee563b786436946e52fd35411c51d1502c2029b557539ece9d0f47f843c/william-and-mary-receiving-the-dec-of-rights-jpg.jpg
  8. Triangular Trade p.72-73 This was an elaborate trade system between the colonies, western Europe, the West Indies and the east coast of Africa. Merchants would carry their rum and other goods from New England to Africa, then exchange their goods for slaves, who they took to the West Indies to be exchanged for sugar and molasses to be taken to New England. It was a complicated maze of highly diverse trade routes. A merchant class emerged from this trading system. https://canvas.instructure.com/courses/31007/files/21809448/preview
  9. In the 1730’s, religion, specifically Puritanism, had heavily declined within the Colonies. Many people realized the decline in religious piety. One of the first American revivals, the Great Awakening was a return to religious life by the Colonies. It appealed mainly to women and men of the third and fourth generations. The Awakening was fueled by the preaching of powerful English evangelists. SIGNIFIGANCE: The Great Awakening offered an escape from the constraints of life for many settlers. It was the first major unification of the Colonies. It led to the division of existing congregations between the New Light revivalists and the Old Light traditionalists. PAGES: 82-83

    9. Great Awakening1730-1740s

  10. 10. Enlightenment1700s The Enlightenment was the result of the great scientific and intellectual discoveries that had taken place in Europe in the 1700s. “Natural Laws” were discovered, and men celebrated knowledge. Men and Women looked less to God and more to themselves and reasoning. The Enlightenment was fueled by great thinkers in Europe. Famous men like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson are credited with contributions during this time. SIGNIFIGANCE: Led to the acceptance and growing influence of Deism. Society started to be developed. Education was emphasized on, and government and politics became heightened concerns. PAGES: 83 http://humanexperience.stanford.edu/system/files/image/Planetary.jpg
  11. 11. French and Indian War1756-1763 SIGNIFIGANCE: War left the British deep in debt and left the relationship between England and the Colonies bitter. Taxes were raised to pay for the war. After the fall of Quebec and the Peace of Paris, French land was ceded to Britain. French presence was almost entirely eliminated in the New World. Native Americans were seen more as enemies, and the Proclamation Line of 1763. Also introduced George Washington as a military leader. PG. 92-98 Part of the Seven Year War raging in Europe, the French and Indian War was one of the first major wars in the New World. Britain and France fought over the Ohio River Valley specifically the Forks of the Ohio. Most natives allied themselves with the French, while only the Iroquois fought with the British. British win war once William Pitt takes control of forces. British when war and are ceded both French and Spanish land. http://hotchkissfamily.lbbhost.com/images/French-Indian-War.jpg
  12. 12. Proclamation of 1763 After the French and Indian War, British settlers immediately began to cross over the mountains and settle in the Ohio River Valley. However, Native Americans fought back the settlers in bloody and violent conflicts. Fearing the violence, the British government declared the Proclamation of 1763, which forbade settlers from crossing over the Appalachian Mountains. The Colonials, despite the law, continued to cross over the mountains in swarms. SIGNIFIGANCE: Evidence of the fear the British government has of more conflict breaking out in Colonies. British are becoming more irritated with colonials. For a time, NA and British relationship improved; however, the colonists’ need for land can not be stopped by western tribes. PAGES: 100 http://www.revolutionary-war-and-beyond.com/image-files/proclamation-line-of-1763-large.jpg
  13. 13. Sugar, Stamp, and Currency Acts The Sugar Act of 1764 raised raised the tax on sugar while lowering the tax on molasses. The Currency Act of ‘64 required that the Colonies would stop printing paper money. The Stamp Act of ’65 taxed every single printed document in the Colonies. The British government was collecting ten times their normal revenue from the Colonies. The colonists saw the Acts as an attempt by the British to ignore the consent of colonial assemblies. SIGNIFIGANCE: These Acts fueled the Americans’ stirrings of revolt. They convinced the people that the British were taking advantage of the colonists. Men like Patrick Henry and groups like the Sons of Liberty protest these taxes on the grounds of “no taxation without representation.” Leads to Revolutionary War. PAGE:100-101 http://investigatinghistory.ashp.cuny.edu/images/m2/m2-stampact.jpg
  14. 14. Boston MassacreMarch 5, 1770 Leading up to the Revolutionary War, several colonists in Boston proceed to hurl snowballs and rocks at British soldiers. A mob gathers, and in confusion, several guards fire into the crowd. Five colonist are killed one of whom is black. The colonists use this as propaganda to support the cause of rebellion against Britain. John Adams defends the British soldiers in court. Paul Revere made a famous engraving of the incident which is printed to make the manslaughter seem calculated. SIGNIFIGANCE: Evidence of the growing tensions in colonial America especially in Boston. British are portrayed as murderers. Leads to Samuel Adams creating the Committee of Correspondence. PAGES: 103-104 http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/related/images/massacre.jpg
  15. 15. Lexington and ConcordApril 18, 1775 British General Thomas Gage sets off to arrest Sam Adams and John Hancock in Boston. When he hears of a stockpile of weapons and gunpowder in Concord, he sends a 1,000 men regiment to confiscate it without bloodshed. However, William Dawes and Paul Revere rode through the night warning the people of the oncoming British. The minutemen gathered, and after a small battle in Lexington, they fired at the British the entire way back to Boston. The “shots heard ‘round the world” had been fired and the Revolutionary War had begun. SIGNIFIGANCE: Tensions between the British and Colonists finally reaches a climax. L&C marks the beginning of the war. The colonists get word out that the British attacked first, which gains thousands for the rebels cause. PAGES: 111-112 http://www.nationalguard.mil/resources/photo_gallery/heritage/images/Concord_Bridge.jpg
  16. 16. Declaration of IndependenceJuly 2-4, 1776 While America was mobilizing for war, the Continental Congress gathered and appointed Thomas Jefferson to write a formal declaration of independence from Britain. Jefferson drew from philosophy from the Enlightenment and from John Locke’s writings. It stated the people’s right to resist an unfit or corrupt government. All men at the Congress sign the document– officially declaring war. SIGNIFIGANCE: The most famous piece of American history, the Declaration of Independence launches a period of rebellious fervor throughout the colonies. Not only did this document officially justify declare war, but it pushed the states to each form constitutions and for Continental Congress to create the Articles of Confederations. PAGES: 116 http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/images/trumbull-large1.jpg
  17. George Washington (p. 94, 117-118, 120-122, 125, 134, 144, 148,150, 154, 165) Feb. 22nd, 1732- Dec. 14th, 1799 Fought with the British in the French & Indian War General of Continental Army Brought experience to an otherwise inexperienced army 1st President of the US Regarded as one of the greatest presidents in history http://www.deism.com/images1/georgewashington.jpg
  18. Thomas Jefferson (p. 130, 132-135, 153, 156-159, 166, 176-186) April 13th, 1743- July 4th, 1826 Wrote the Declaration of Independence Put the colonies’ complaints into words 3rd President of the US Louisiana Purchase Doubled the size of America http://www.biography.com/imported/images/Biography/Images/Profiles/J/Thomas-Jefferson-9353715-1-402.jpg
  19. Battle of Bunker Hill (p. 119) June 17th, 1775 British defeat colonial forces at Bunker Hill and Breed’s Hill British control Boston skyline British suffer heavy losses, moral victory for colonial forces British General Thomas Gage resigned in the aftermath Gen. Prescott: “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!” http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/91/The_death_of_general_warren_at_the_battle_of_bunker_hill.jpg/300px-The_death_of_general_warren_at_the_battle_of_bunker_hill.jpg
  20. Saratoga (p. 121) October, 1777 British plan: gain control of Hudson River to isolate New England American plan: delay link-up of British generals Gen. Arnold and Gen. Gates lead Americans to decisive victory over British army led by Gen. Burgoyne Turning point in the war Convinced French to side with Americans http://battle1777.saratoga.org/images-page/map_sep17.jpg
  21. Battle of Yorktown (p. 125) http://www.patriotresource.com/amerrev/battles/graphics/yorktown.jpg October, 1781 Washington leads combined American and French forces to decisive victory over British French alliance proves to be key to American victory October 19th- Gen. Cornwallis surrenders, officially ending the war Americans win independence
  22. Articles of Confederation (p. 116, 134) Ratified March 1st, 1781 First set of written laws and regulations drafted in America Set up America’s first formal government No executive branch Eventually proved to weak and incomplete for the country to survive http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b4/Articles_page1.jpg/190px-Articles_page1.jpg
  23. Shay’s Rebellion (p. 139) August, 1786- June, 1787 Revolt of about 1,200 farmers led by Daniel Shays Farmers were unhappy with debt and lack of paper money Put down by Massachusetts militia Showed that the Articles of Confederation needed to be revised http://www.shays2.org/memorial-sm.jpg
  24. Alexander Hamilton (p. 138, 142-143, 147, 150-151, 181) January 11th, 1755- July 12th, 1804 1st US Secretary of Treasury Established 1st National Bank Founder/Leader of Federalist Party Helped Jefferson defeat Burr in election of 1800 Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel in which he killed Hamilton http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/05/Alexander_Hamilton_portrait_by_John_Trumbull_1806.jpg/220px-Alexander_Hamilton_portrait_by_John_Trumbull_1806.jpg
  25. James MadisonP. 142-144 Was a huge part of the new American government after the American Revolution. Came up with the Virginia Plan to try and establish a strong national government. Played a big part to accidentally establish judicial review in Marbury v. Madison. http://www.earlyamerica.com/portraits/images/madison.jpg
  26. Checks and BalancesP. 146-148 Was the idea to keep the power of the government evenly distributed throughout all three branches. Each branch has the power to check another branch if they do not approve of their decision. http://www.socialstudieshelp.com/Images/ChksBalnces.gif
  27. Bill of RightsP. 150 They are the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. They placed limitations on the government so it would take away any of the people’s rights. http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/conlaw/billofrights.jpg
  28. Whiskey RebellionP. 154-155 Was a farmer rebellion in Pennsylvania about the new tax on alcohol. Was personally put down by George Washington and Alexander Hamilton. The put down of the rebellion showed the power of the new national government. http://www.ttb.gov/images/image007.jpg
  29. Alien and Sedition ActsP. 158-159 Was president John Adams attempt to keep government control in the hands of Federalists. Were basically nullified by the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. http://www.historycentral.com/NN/alien.jpg
  30. Election of 1800P. 159-160 The election was between Adams the federalist and Jefferson the Republican. After the election the Republicans now controlled the executive and legislative branches but not the judiciary branch. http://bill.ballpaul.net/iaph/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=331&g2_serialNumber=2
  31. Marbury v. MadisonP. 177-178 Was an attempt by James Madison to join the judiciary branch under the midnight appointments. William Marbury refused to allow him so Madison took it to the supreme court. Chief Justice John Marshall claimed it unconstitutional and started judicial review giving the judiciary branch more power. http://mrkash.com/activities/images/marburymadison.jpg
  32. Louisiana PurchaseP. 179-180 Was Napoleon's offer to America for $15 million. Was bought before congress could approve so Jefferson justified the purchase by making it a treaty. Expanded the United States territory immensely and increased the Republican party’s power. http://the-aha-society.com/images/louisiana-purchase-1803.gif
  33. Christopher Columbus Voyage Long And Strange 1492 Set sale to find a shorter path to India Landed on San Salvador and led three later voyages Took advantage of natives http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5d/Christopher_Columbus.PNG/220px-Christopher_Columbus.PNG
  34. War of 1812 p. 188-192 1812-1814 Americans defeated and slaughtered Indians allied with Britain British attack Fort McHenry after destroying Washington but fail Federalists revolted in New England Treaty of Ghent signed and only ended fighting http://www.history.com/news/news/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/battle-of-new-orleans.jpg
  35. Battle of New Orleans p. 189 January 8, 1815 Andrew Jackson led untrained motley army against Redcoats Americans had good cover, British had none Britain: 700 dead, 1400 wounded, 500 captured America: 8 dead, 13 wounded Battle happened after Treaty of Ghent was signed and war was ended http://timemarcheson.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/battle_of_new_orleans.jpg
  36. Era of Good Feelings p. 203 1820 After elected, Monroe launches goodwill tour Federalist newspaper says an “era of good feelings” had arrived Federalist party ceases to exist http://www.ushistory.org/us/images/00007856.jpg
  37. Missouri Compromise p. 205-206 1819 States usually enter Union in pairs Maine also accepted into Union Senator Jesse B. Thomas proposed all future states above southern border of Missouri to be free states (excluding Missouri) http://teachers.henrico.k12.va.us/tucker/strusky_m/webquests/VUS6_madisonmonroe/Missouri_Compromise_map.jpg
  38. John Marshall p. 206-208 Chief justice of Supreme Court from 1801-1835 Cohens v. Virginia (1821): Federal Court had power over state court McCulloch v. Maryland (1819): Constitutionality of Bank of the U.S. questioned Daniel Webster supports it-Federal Banks have “power to destroy” Congress has “implied right” to create bank Gibbons v. Ogden (1824): Does Congress have power over states? Marshall rules in favor. Johnson v. McIntosh (1823): Only Federal gov. could buy Native land http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fe/John_Marshall_by_Henry_Inman,_1832.jpg/220px-John_Marshall_by_Henry_Inman,_1832.jpg
  39. Monroe Doctrine p. 209 1823 European interference with American territories prohibited If Europe takes territories, U.S. will declare war U.S. worried that Spain may reclaim their lost emire http://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/Images/monroe.jpg
  40. Corrupt Bargain p.210 1824 Jackson wins most popular and electoral votes but not the majority Congress votes between Adams and Jackson Clay helps Adams to win Presidency He is placed as Secretary of State Jacksoniansbadger Adams throughout his presidency http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f9/ElectoralCollege1824-Large.png/250px-ElectoralCollege1824-Large.png
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