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101 Health Tips is living in the RED (Rest - Exercise - Diet), which are the basic fundamental principles for healthy living. <br><br>We are healthy by design, but sick by default.<br><br>Good vibrant health is our responsibility. We were created to enjoy abundant healthy lifestyle. But we have to choose to live a healthy lifestyle. 101 healthy Tips is the starting point to turbo-charge your health beyond the roof.
TIPS TO YOUR HEALTH Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2019 All Rights Reserved https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com
Tips To Your Health GivesY ou!… 101REDSuperHealthTipsBenefits Y our health is your greatest w ealth. Most people do not consider the significance of this until something forces them to take corrective actions. Living a healthy lifestyle is a personal choice that only you can make. It is 100% solely your responsibility. I am talking to a special group now: Are you saying, "I'm too busy, I don't have time". Therefore, you are neglecting the fundamentals of living a healthy life. Life is all about balance. You cannot be putting tremendous amounts of energy in one or two areas of life while neglecting others. Healthy living incorporates all aspects of life: the physical, mental and spiritual. You must strike a healthy balance to truly experience the benefits of healthy living To truly gain the benefits of living healthy requires that you pay attention to the basics: R est,Exercise and Diet. The amazing thing is you do not think a thing about good health until you do not have it anymore. And believe me; you have no idea the emotional and physical trauma that happens when an illness takes over your life. Follow these easy to-do tips that can explode your healthy to the sky and turbo- charge your life to enjoy happiness and tremendous benefits. AllRightsReserved. AdrianBrown©2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com
Rest 1. Tw o purposes for your bed: Do not read unsettling news reports or watch the TV news in bed. You will only increase your level of agitation. Your bed should be use for these two things only: Sex and sleep. 2. Eliminate energetic activity a few hours before bedtime: Don’t jog or exercise before bed. Don’t party, pine over bills or discussing the bad economy. Instead, try to relax. Watch something mindless or funny on TV, listen to music you like, meditate on some positive thoughts. Commit your life to God in prayer who will give you sweet sleep. 3. W ork out your plan for the next day: Before bed, remind yourself you did everything you could. Worrying won’t change anything. Where ever you fall short, forgive yourself and arrange how you will execute the next day. 4. Don't drink near bedtime: Water will cause sleep fragmentation, (waking up often to urinate). Alcohol will make you wake in the night and fail to sink into the deeper, more restorative stages of sleep. . Instead, drink enough water throughout the day that you can go to sleep and stay asleep. 5. Don’t eat a heavy meal before bed: This will cause some amount of gastrointestinal distress, which will keep you uncomfortably awake. 6. Relax your mind: If your mind is racing with worry, be prepared with a list of relaxing things to think about. This can be visual imagery or a relaxing memory. Do not worry about tomorrow; you have not a clue if you will wake AllRightsReserved. Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com
up to see the next day. Let tomorrow take care of the worries that it will bring. 7. Relax your muscles: Lie on your back and starting with your toes and moving upward, squeeze and release individual muscle groups. Breathe deeply and slowly from your abdomen. Inhale and count to six, then exhale to a count of ten. Put your hand on your belly, which should be rising and falling as you breathe. 8. Make sleep a priority: A challenge we all face in modern life is too many things to do with very little time to complete them. Most people take time away from sleep to do things, so they’re not letting themselves get enough sleep. Sleep restriction has been linked to many problems including mood disorders like depression and anxiety, increased weight, and a shorter life span. Lack of sleep affects the body’s ability to fight infections and diseases. Just as we have to make time for health-improving and preventative activities like exercise and eating well, it is vitally important to ensure that you are giving your body adequate amount of sleep. 9. How much sleep is enough?: The amount of sleep one needs varies from person to person. Each person's body is made-up differently. Two things that can determine the number of hours sleep you need: your age and activity. The older you get, the less sleep you need. If you are physically or mentally exhausted, you will need more sleep. To determine if you have had enough sleep, when you wake up your body should feel rested and your mind alert. AllRightsReserved. Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com
10. Identify the negative effects: The best way to figure out whether or not you’re getting all the sleep you need is to figure out how a lack of sleep is really affecting your life. If you don’t recognize the problems, you probably won’t act on the cause. Are you tired of feeling tired in the afternoon everyday? is caffeine a necessity?, if you fall asleep within five minutes of your head hitting the pillow, you need more sleep! These are not healthy ways to go through the day, but we fail to recognize them as serious consequences because they have become part of our everyday realities. 11. Adhere to the three environmental basics of good sleep: One, be sure your room is as dark as you can get it. This may mean additional blinds, blackout curtains or a sleeping mask. Two, your bed room must be quiet. Additional drapes or a white noise sound equalizer may help. Three, it's important that your bed room is cool and comfortable. The temperature should be 68 degrees or less. 12. Put your life in order: Poor sleep is often a symptom of anxiety, worry, obsession, guilt, unresolved anger, depression and many other emotional and spiritual problems. Make the effort to resolve all issues or heal the wounds that leave you tossing and turning 13. Poor sleep often results from a low serotonin level: Serotonin is a chemical in our brain that is made naturally from proteins and it is the chemical that gives us a sense of well-being, and regulates our emotions. A decrease in serotonin can lead to depression and insomnia. There are supplements such as 5HTP that may be helpful. Don't eat protein late at AllRightsReserved. Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com
night. It can keep you awake. Eat a light carbohydrate snack an hour or two before bedtime. Believe it or not, sunlight increases the production of serotonin and endorphins in your brain which will definitely leave you feeling much better and sleep well. 14. Blessed sunlight: If you get enough sunlight during the day, it can help you sleep better at night. If you are exposed to natural light during the day, it will increase your melatonin output at night. Melatonin is a natural hormone made by our bodies. It enhances sleep and renews our youthfulness. 15. Don't lie dow n after eating : After dinner, take a walk or do some type of exercise, but remember to complete these at least 3 hours before bedtime. Exercise too close to bedtime can be over stimulating. Early exercise can help you relax. 16. Don't struggle to sleep: If you're struggling with sleep, don't get in bed to watch television. If you cannot sleep, get out of the bed room and read until you are sleepy. Do not get up and watch television because the color and light will be too stimulating to the brain. 17. Go back to sleep if up w ake up: If you awaken in the middle of the night, do not turn on the light or look to see what time it is. Both of these can stimulate the brain out of its sleep mode. Stay there until you fall back to sleep. If you do not fall back to sleep, get up, go into another room and read under a soft light until you feel sleepy again. Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com All Rights Reserved.
18. Don't ignore comfort: It's important to have a comfortable mattress, along with blankets and sheets that you like sleeping in, and a supportive, comfortable pillow. While we all have different needs, having enough room to stretch out, along with some comfortable cushioning, can help you get a better night's sleep. n o i t c u d o Eating Healthy is Always the Right Thing to Do r p e R . Healthy Lifestyle Pays d e v r e s e R s t h Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com All Rights Reserved. A
Exercise 19. Schedule your w orkouts in advance. Never skip a workout you have scheduled, you will lose motivation. If you scheduled 30 minutes and you can't complete it, do 10. If you scheduled 45 do 25 minutes. 20. 30 minutes a day. If you can't exercise for a complete 30 minutes, break it down to 10 minutes sessions three times a day and make sure you are working out at an intense level. 21. Find the right environment: Find an exercise environment you're comfortable in. Most people do not recognize how important this is, but it is critical to your success. You can find that comfort in your living with rebounding exercise. Rebounding Exercise is probably the closest you can get to the perfect exercise! Not only is it fun, easy and safe, but just about anyone of any age can do it. And you can do it at home while you’re watching TV or listening to your favorite music. Best w ay to keep the children occupied and healthy. 22. Ask yourself some questions: What are your fitness/weight loss goals? Where do you want to be? How do you want to look? What is your situation at present? 23. Recruit some help: Get yourself a workout partner who can motivate you. Together you can motivate each other. Walk with a pedometer, your dog or a friend. Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com All Rights Reserved.
24. Remain positive: Maintain a positive attitude and just keep on doing it. This is not an overnight thing. Rome wasn't built in a day. 25. Make exercise a priority: Turn off the TV and move if you are not using a rebounder. If you want to watch your favorite TV show and exercise at the same time, you need a mini trampoline rebounding exercise kit. 26. W arm-up first: Begin every exercise with a brief warm-up and end with a cool down session. This will help to ensure an injury free work out and reduce muscle soreness. On your rebounder, start bouncing without your feet leaving the canvas for five minutes. 27. Engage in positive visualization. Picture your new look in your mind's eye, and do this often. Write down your goals and put them in an obvious position where you will see them often. 28. Keep a record of your success: Keeping a log of your activities and achievements is a great motivator in itself. Note the amount of time spent on the rebounder, the distance you walk, how many sit-ups you did, how many inches you have lost or even the size clothes you can fit into. 29. Take a breather: Now there is going to be days when you absolutely cannot muster up any enthusiasm for that three miles jog or your regular aerobics class. When this happen make a deal with yourself. Tell yourself you can stop your exercising after ten minutes if you still don't feel like it. Hard to believe, but 100% of the time, you will finish. 30. Do it for yourself: Now's the time to do something for you. Don't do it because you feel you should. Just think of how much better you will feel if you are exercising regularly. Think of the many benefits to your health. Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com All Rights Reserved.
31. Do it for your family: No matter what age your children are, they will still benefit from parents that are strong and in shape. You will have the stamina to keep up with those energetic toddlers and the sharpness of mind to keep on top of things. 32. 2-3 days a w eek, strength train. Just jump higher on the rebounder, simple. Don't be afraid of the height. Exercising on the mini trampoline is a whole body exercise; every part of your body is stimulated to burn off calories as energy. The increased metabolism and demand by the cells for energy can last for many hours after you stop exercising. 33. Sw itch it up. Every 4-6 weeks you should change your workout routine to avoid any plateaus. The good thing about the rebounder is you can never be bored on it. Just follow the instruction manual or create your own style and enjoy yourself. If you enjoy walking, add some inclines or hills. If Tae Bo is your thing, well try Turbo Jam. Same with strength training, try different moves to work the same muscle group. 34. Pump up the music. When I use music with my rebounder, I burst more sweat and burn more calories. Experts agree that when you listen to music while exercising, you tend to match your pace to the tune. Keep the rhythm upbeat! It's also a good idea to update your playlist weekly; new songs will help keep you motivated. 35. Live your life! Okay, easy right? Don't make exercise the only thing you have going on in your life. Don't miss out on enjoying yourself. Treat yourself to a specially healthy meal. Go out and party with your friends. Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com All Rights Reserved.
Enjoyyourholidaymealwithoutstressingaboutthecalories.JustmakesureEnjoyyourholidaymealwithoutstressingaboutthecalories.Justmakesure youalwayschoosehealthyfoods. 36.W alkandtalk.Whenyou'reoutwalkingforexercise,yourpace shouldn'tbesotoughthatyou'regaspingforair,orsoeasythatyoucan babblenonstoptoyourexercisebuddywithoutbreakingasweat. 37.Keepyourselfguessing.Workoutroutinesareagreatthing,butthey cangetboring(ifyouarenotusingtheminitrampoline).Insteadof hittingatreadmilleveryday,takeyourruntothestreetsorusethestairs. 38. Rew ard your good w ork: There is nothing better than to have something special to look forward to. At the end of each week, reward yourself for your achievements. Like book yourself in for a manicure or a pedicure, have a meal at your favorite restaurant, arrange to have a hour- long body massage or buy yourself that DVD you've always wanted. Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com All Rights Reserved.
Diet 39. Eating healthy is a lifestyle change: Stop going on a diet! Going off a diet. View it as a complete life style change. That way you'll never be on a diet ever again. And there will be no diet to go off of. Did you know that it only takes 21 days to develop a habit?. Even if you have developed a habit of over eating or eating all the wrong foods for the last 50 years. It only takes 21 days to change it! 40. Remove temptation. Clean out the cupboards in your kitchen and remove any of the unhealthy food that is not part of your Challenge meal plan. Don't let a moment of weakness be your undoing. 41. Stop comparing. Many people are guilty of comparing themselves to fellow gym goers, which takes the focus away from your workout. (Who hasn't scoped out that super-slim girl on the treadmill or the next-to-perfect personal trainer?) 42. Avoid sugary snacks. Abstain from any high-fructose or high-sugar foods about an hour before working out. This will help you avoid the sluggish feeling that accompanies a "sugar crash." If your sweet tooth is acting up right before a gym session, try satisfying your cravings with some fresh or dried fruits. 43. Eat the right snacks. Have a light snack two to three hours before your workout; this way, you'll feel satisfied at the gym and not feel starved afterwards, preventing the post-exercise binge. Choose a snack that's a mix of "good crabs" and protein. Half a sandwich, an apple or celery with peanut butter are good examples of healthy pre-workout snacks. Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com All Rights Reserved.
44. J ournal it. Not just your daily calorie and fitness minutes either. Since it is more about changing your “lifestyle” journal anything you desire. Your feelings, aspirations, your work, family and friends, and stressful things that may cause you to overeat. 45. Eat this, or eat that? It's all about choices. That favorite fast-food joint may have the best cheeseburger and fries, but there are better alternatives. Try a turkey burger and baked fries. Or even better, a veggie burger. 46. Vegetables are better: Add more vegetables and less meat than called for in stir-fries, casseroles, soups, and other recipes. 47. W ise shopping: If time is a problem purchase prepackaged salads from the grocery store. 48. The darker the better: When possible, choose dark green salad leaves — the darker, the more nutritious 49. Do your experiment: Experiment with unfamiliar vegetables and fruits. Try collards, kale, z leaf lettuce, broccoflower, dandelion greens, jicama, mango, kiwi, and lots more! 50. Reduce the bad fat: Instead of fruited yogurt, try plain nonfat or low- fat yogurt mixed with chopped apples and cinnamon, crushed pineapple with a drop of coconut extract, or raisins and your favorite cereal. Be creative! 51. Be creative: Prepare your own ‘fruit-sides’ easily combined fruit juice and small chunks of fruit, pour into a paper cup, add a popsicle stick, and freeze until firm. Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com All Rights Reserved.
52. Refreshing drink: Make a refreshing, lower-calorie beverage by mixing fruit juice with seltzer water and crushed ice. 53. Add on more vegetables: Add more vegetables to sandwiches. Lettuce and tomato are line, but so are cucumber rounds, diced carrots, sprouts, green and red pepper strips, and broccoli. 54. Good Replacements: Supplement store-bought pasta sauce or dishes like meatloaf with finely chopped veggies: fresh onions, green and red peppers, spinach, celery, or mushrooms. 55. Soup it up: Add more beans to soups, stews, and salads, or use them in burritos instead of beef. 56. Give tofu and other soy products a try. They are a good source of vegetable, protein and contain phytochemicals which may reduce cancer risk. 57. Ensure your RDA in your meals: Supplement a reduced-fat frozen meal with a tossed salad, skim milk, and fruit for dessert to ensure nutritional adequacy. You Recommended Daily Allowance for efficient cellular functioning. 58. Tired of too much rice?: Take a break from rice with kasha, couscous, bulgur, barley, wild rice, millet, and other less familiar grains. Check out cookbooks for ideas — like couscous with chopped raisins, dried apricots, and a few toasted almonds. . Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com All Rights Reserved.
59. Increase your fiber intake: Boost the fiber in your favorite breakfast cereal by sprinkling on a teaspoon or two of unprocessed bran or adding some 100 percent bran cereal. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids when increasing the fiber in your diet. 60. Turn your hand: Turn baked potatoes into a main dish by topping with reduced-fat cheese and a generous helping of steamed fresh broccoli. Or lop with a mixture of black beans, browned ground turkey breast, corn, and salsa. 61. Don't forget the fish: Poach fish with reduced-sodium bouillon or wine and fresh herbs. Or bake fish in foil with thinly-sliced fresh vegetables, a small amount of olive oil, and some fresh basil. 62. I use Apple Cider Vinegar: Experiment with a variety of flavored vinegars on salads or in other dishes - a splash of Braggs vinegar on greens, or some Balsamic vinegar on a brown rice salad with chopped fresh tomatoes and balsil leaves. 63. Alternatives to fats: Sauté foods in broth, water, or wine instead of oil or butter. 64. Avoid the bad fats!: Bad fats are dangerous and should be avoided. Trans and Saturated fats can create health problems including heart disease, weight gain, excess insulin secretion and impaired bodily function. The most popular offenders are animal fats. The one exception is fish. All the Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com All Rights Reserved.
others are saturated fats. These include the fat from beef, chicken, pork and lamb. These meats are perfectly healthy - when lean, but if the fat isn't trimmed then you may consume a large amount of saturated fat. 65. Not too much dairy products: Substitute evaporated skim milk for whipping cream in many recipes. 66. Cut the sugar: Try unsweetened applesauce for a portion of the fat in baking, usually up to one-half. Use prune purée for part of the fat in recipes with chocolate, as it is more compatible with the stronger flavor. 67. Alternatives abound: In many recipes, you can replace each ounce of unsweetened chocolate with three tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder for the same flavor without the fat. 68. Bad fats everyw here: Much of the fat in cake comes from the frosting. Top instead with slices of fresh fruit, fruit sauce, or a sprinkle of powdered sugar. 69. Those innocent looking muffins and scones may be just as high in fat as Danish and donuts. Choose bagels instead and smear with just a light layer of reduced-fat cream cheese or jelly. 70. Get better taste: In recipes which call for fat-free cream cheese or sour cream, consider using reduced-fat versions instead. You are likely to get more taste and a more acceptable texture for just a few more grams of fat. 71. Replace mayonnaise on sandwiches with mustard or salsa for a fat-free taste sensation. Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com All Rights Reserved.
72. Try broth-based soups — they are far lower in fat than cream-based alter- natives. 73. All salad bars, skip over the mayonnaise-laden salads and oily marinated beans. Emphasize fresh greens and vegetables with fat-free or reduced-fat dressing. 74. W hen eating pizza, blot the surface w ith a paper napkin. Order vegetable toppings instead of extra cheese, pepperoni, or ground beef. 75. Enjoy a fat-free cookie or two, but remember that “no fat” doesn’t mean zero calories. 76. Keep healthy, low -fat snacks on hand: flavored rice cakes, sliced fruit, fat- free caramel popcorn, vegetable sticks with salsa, baked tortilla chips, unsalted pretzels with mustard, fruit bars, or dried cereal. 77. To prepare guacamole that’s lower in fat, try using canned asparagus or cooked peas instead of avocado. The result will be surprisingly similar to the real thing. 78. Try powdered butter substitute as a low-fat alternative to butter or margarine. It’s wonderful on pasta, potatoes, hot cereal, rice, and in recipe where a buttery flavor is desired. 79. Eggs substitute: You can substitute two egg whites or one-fourth cup egg substitute for each whole egg in most recipes 80. Create your ow n recipe: It’s okay to alter cooking directions on the back of processed foods to control fat or salt. Use two-thirds of the Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com All Rights Reserved.
seasoning packet in a rice mix, make macaroni and cheese mix without the butter or margarine. 81. Variety is the spice of life: Always eat a variety of foods for good health. Cancer-fighting nutrient and phytochemicals, natural disease fighters that come from plants, vary from food to food. 82. Too busy to cook during the w eek? Set aside some time on the weekend, prepare a low-fat vegetable lasagna or vegetable bean stew that can I refrigerated for a quick meal on busy days. 83. Preparing to dine out? When dining out, ask questions about ingredients and preparation methods. Most restaurants will go out of their way to make you happy. 84. Do you eat fast foods: If you eat at fast food restaurants often, choose meals carefully to a fat and calories: consider the grilled chicken breast with mustard (no special sauce!), a single hamburger, skim milk, a fat-free muffin, a low-fl milkshake, or fat-free frozen yogurt. 85. Prepare a pot of turkey chili, hearty minestrone soup, or a vegetable casserole, store in individual-size containers, and freeze. Defrost in the micro wave for a quick supper or a nutritious lunch at work. 86. Roast a turkey breast, slice and separate the meat into portions of two three ounces. Place portions in their own plastic zipper bags and freeze later use in stir-fries, casseroles, and sandwiches. 87. Prepare for your flight: When traveling by air, call ahead to request a low- fat or low-calorie meals. Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com All Rights Reserved.
88. Avoid charring or overcooking grilled foods. Remove any visible before grilling to help eliminate flare-ups and the formation of protein carcinogens, substances that cause cancer. 89. To avoid food-borne illness, always cook poultry and other meats roughly. Never cut fruits and vegetables with the same knife or on the cutting board used for raw meat. 90. When reading food labels, always look at the serving size first. This w you’ll know the amount of food the nutrient analysis refers to. 91. Are you over w eight? If you’re trying to manage your weight, don’t deprive yourself. Just high-fat favorites less often and in smaller portions. Fill up on fresh fruit vegetables, and whole grains to feel more satisfied. 92. Are you eating to live? At times, people eat for reasons other than physical hunger: for social reasons; for psychological reasons; and in response to the smell, taste, a appearance of food. Listen to your body and try to eat only when you're truly, physically hungry. 93. Experiment with herbs and spices as a substitute for fat — and the salt shaker. Try rosemary with peas, dill with green beans, oregano with zucchini, or basil with tomatoes. 94. Don't skip meals. Mornings might be kind of rough, but skipping meals won't make anything better, especially breakfast. Your body needs the energy to keep functioning at its best. Adrian Brown © 2006 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com All Rights Reserved.
95. W ater, w ater, w ater! Your body needs it to "cool you down". It is the answer to everything: when you wake in the mornings, drink water when hungry, drink water before you are thirsty, drink some water when thirsty, drink water when tired, drink water when bored. Keep on drinking more water, drink water when hot, drink water before and after you go to the bathroom, drink water when you eat, drink water while walking, drink water when angry, drink water while out to eat, drink water before you go to bed, drink pure water. 96. Eat breakfast. And eat every 2-3 hours in well-balanced meals. Pre- plan your meals so there is no room for error. 97. If it's green, it's free. Load up on green veggies all day, as much as you like. These are typically low calorie and some even trigger weight loss. Try foods like: asparagus, okra, green beans, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, baby spinach, collard greens, cucumbers, lettuce, green peppers, broccoli and much more. Also other veggies that are free: carrots, celery, onions, cauliflower. etc. Eat raw if possible, steamed, grilled or roasted, adding whatever seasoning you like (except salt) and a little or no oil. 98. Limit salt. We store salt in our body for various reasons, but excess salt causes water retention and causes bloating. Keep sodium below 2,000 milligrams a day. 99. Go nuts. When you feel your stomach rumbling, reach for almonds and other nuts. They are packed with protein and contain monosaturated fats that help you feel fuller. Just watch out for those smoked and salted ones if you are monitoring your sodium. Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com All Rights Reserved.
100. Stop smoking, avoid using any type of tobacco product. Try not to breathe second-hand cigarette smoke as well. 101. How do you eat? My question for you, are you eating to live, or are you living to eat? There is a big difference! Think about it. Health Conscious Living - http://www.health-consciousliving.com take the business of healthy living as a matter of top priority. Sources: 1. Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle Magazines – April – August – 2007 2. Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle Magazines – August – September- 2007 3. Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle Magazines – December - March – 2008 4. The Big Book of Health Secrets by Editors of Medical Publishing.1996. P. 214-217 Are you thinking about your health? Your Health is Your Responsibility Adrian Brown © 2007 - 2018 https://www.TipsToYourHealth.com All Rights Reserved.
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