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Cove Connection. A publication for the residents of Waterbury Cove. Mike Inderrieden, (770) 995-9642 mike.inderrieden@ncr.com. Volume XIX Number 3 December, 2007 Calendar December 25 -- Christmas January 1 st – New Years Day 2008 Board of Directors Mike Inderrieden -- President
Cove Connection A publication for the residents of Waterbury Cove Mike Inderrieden, (770) 995-9642 mike.inderrieden@ncr.com • Volume XIX • Number 3 • December, 2007 • Calendar • December 25 -- Christmas • January 1st – New Years Day • 2008 Board of Directors • Mike Inderrieden -- President • (770) 995-9642 • Patrick Ryan -- Vice President • (770) 822-1835 • Angie Miles --Treasurer • (770) 995-8053 • Jim Herman -- Secretary • (770) 513-7076 • Scott Leonardo-- Landscape • (678) 518-4199 • Beverly Osterbur -- Pavilion • (770) 963-4379 • Tracy Palmer -- • Social, Welcome • (770) 682-0132 • Tom Stewart -- ACC • (770) 682-1418 • Roxanne McKinley-Wilson • Pool • (678) 407-9672 • President's Report • I am looking forward to serving as the president of your Homeowner's Association for another year. As your president, my goals and the goals of our board members and committee members are to; • help to provide a safe neighborhood for everyone • maintain the property values in Waterbury Cove by making sure our neighborhood is kept up to both Waterbury Cove standards and Gwinnett County standards • accurately manage the finances of the neighborhood by staying within our budget and maintaining a sufficient reserve fund for both planned and unplanned major expenses • make Waterbury Cove a great place to live and raise our families by sponsoring fun social activities to give everyone a chance to meet your neighbors. • Throughout the year all the board members and committee members will be volunteering a significant portion of time to help achieve these goals. But, we cannot do it alone. We need every homeowner's assistance to meet these goals. Some key things each of you can assist with are; • please pay your neighborhood dues on time as we cannot maintain our property without an annual income. The board has and will continue to take a tough stance with any homeowner not paying their owed assessments as far as denying access to our amenities, restricting voting rights and taking legal action. • maintain your property by cutting your grass, trimming your shrubs, removing any trash and following our Architectural Control (ACC) Guidelines. • help support our community by coming out and volunteering a few hours for our annual Spring and Fall community work days. • always be on the lookout for any criminal activity and report any crimes to the police and our COPS committee chair, Kurt Feldhaus. • I want to thank all the homeowners who attended our annual homeowners meeting November 18th at the pavilion. We had a great turnout this year. We discussed some of our accomplishments in 2007, thanked everyone • Continued on page 2
Page 2 Cove Connection President’s Report – continued who contributed their time and energy to keep Waterbury Cove one of the best neighborhoods in the area and touched on some of the projects we want to undertake for 2008. At the annual meeting we also elected new board members for 2008. Jim Herman and Angie Miles were re-elected to another 3-year term and Roxanne Wilson was elected for her first term on the board. Returning board members include Tracy Palmer, Bev Osterbur, Scott Leonardo, Patrick Ryan, Tom Stewart and myself. Neal Norris completed his 3-year term on the board and will be missed. I want to thank all the board members for all their hard work and dedication in 2007 and look forward to a fun and productive 2008. Finally, the board is always interested in feedback on what you feel are the issues or areas where the board should be focused for the coming year. Please call or email any board members with your ideas or suggestions. Please also call if you are willing to volunteer your time to serve on any of our committees. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! --Mike Inderrieden Waterbury Cove Website: ‘Out of Order’---but…… Our new WEB site is coming….and coming soon! Your Waterbury Cove BOD has decided to build an “in house” WEB site that will be user friendly and contain up-to-date information useful for all residents. The date is January, 2008 for the site to be available with partial information… and it will be under construction on an ongoing schedule. Notification will come soon…be on the lookout! Also….YOU HAVE EMAIL!! Effective immediately you can email your BODs. Email to directors@waterburycove.com Give it a try! NEW FEATURE! Share it with your Neighborhood….We want your story! There are a great deal of diverse ideas and practices in our neighborhood….and we want you to share them….right here in the Newsletter….send it in today…. Email: directors@waterburycove.com Our first StoryShare comes from Judy and Jim Herman “Garage Hazard Warning”Check your garage door(s) for a cable driven heavy coil spring. Last month ours broke and created $1800 damage to one of our vehicles! Fortunately no one was in the garage when this occurred or serious injury would have happened. This could have been avoided with a “safety spring kit” from Lowes or Home Depot…and you can install it yourself. You will need one for each cable coil spring—all four for a total Cost under $30.Let’s see……$30 VS $1800?
Page 3 Cove Connection Tom Stewart, (770) 682-1418 stewarttf@bellsouth.net Hi Neighbors, Winter is the time to think about projects you would like to complete this spring. With this in mind I would like to discuss the ACC Request forms that you will need to complete before starting your projects. You will be able to obtain a copy of the ACC Request form on the new website when finished or by contacting a member of the Board or ACC. Please plan ahead, the ACC has up to 30 days to make a decision on your request and due to meeting schedules it may take that long for an approval. Also, an ACC representative may have to visit your home to get a better idea of what your project will require. Projects that are completed without ACC approval are subject to penalties such as deconstruction (returning the project to the original condition) and fines of 25 dollars per day until any issues are corrected. When completing your request form, be as specific as possible. There is no such thing as too much information for a request. You can add additional pages, photos, drawings, etc. if you need to. Anyone reviewing your request should be able to understand exactly what you are trying to accomplish. Try to make your project completion time realistic and complete your project in that time period. It is the Homeowners responsibility to supply or obtain any information, permits, or inspections. If you need help with your request please contact an ACC or Board member. The following are some examples of items that you should include with your request: Repainting your home Include samples of the paint colors you are using and the location they are to be applied (i.e. trim, siding, doors, shutters, etc.). Roofing Include a sample of shingles if they are different from originals. Deck replacement Include a drawing with the dimensions of the deck and the location to be installed. Landscape projects Include a drawing where plants or grass will be planted, planters are to be installed, or where other plants may be removed. This drawing should also show the location of the project in relationship to the house. Tree removal Include a drawing showing the location of the trees to be removed. Garage door replacement Include photos of the doors you would like to use. (multiple choices are a good idea) If you are having a contractor complete your project they should be able to supply any drawings or photos you may need. The Architectural Control Committee Whom to call: Gwinnett County Police: Non-Emergency #: (770) 513-5100 Emergencies: dial 911
Page 4 Cove Connection New/Proposed Covenants for Waterbury Cove - Please Turn in Your Consent Forms!I first would like to thank those homeowners who have already turned in their signed consent form for our new/proposed covenants for our neighborhood.For those of you who have not turned in your consent form or do not know what I am talking about, please read on. In mid-November, all homeowners should have received a packet from our management company with a copy of new/proposed covenants for our neighborhood and also a consent form. Why do we need new covenants? Our current covenants were created in 1991 by the original developer of the neighborhood and has many sections that no longer apply today and is missing standard language that is common for most any new subdivision. These new/proposed covenants are designed to allow our board of directors to operate most effectively, maintain the aesthetic appeal of our community, establish guidelines so all homeowners and their guests may enjoy Waterbury Cove and to ensure the respect for the rights of all homeowners. Our Covenants Committee has spent considerable time and the board has spent considerable money (your money) with our attorneys to create these proposed covenants for your review. Please do your part and take the time to read the documents and turn in your consent form. I hope you agree with and accept these new proposed covenants and check off the APPROVAL box on your consent form. If you decide to REJECT these covenants then please make a note on the consent form or send me an email to indicate the specific section(s) you objected in case we need to make revisions to reflect the wishes of the majority of our homeowners. For these new covenants to take effect, we need 2/3rds of all homeowners (roughly 74 homes) to turn in their consent form with the APPROVAL box checked. After the first of the year, board members and homeowner volunteers will be going door-to-door to collect consent forms. Please take the initiative to turn in your consent form before the first of the yearcontinued top of page to save your fellow homeowners' and neighbors' time which they could be spending with their families. You can either give your signed consent form to any board member or you can mail your consent form to our management company, HMS, whose address is listed on the consent form. If you did not receive or misplaced your new/proposed covenants packet from HMS, send me an email and I will forward you a new packet and another consent form. Please also call or email me if you have questions about the new/proposed covenants. My email is mike.inderrieden@ncr.com and my home phone number is (770) 995-9642. Thanks to the following Covenants Committee members for their time and energy spent on this project; - Bill Chandler - Judy Evans - Keary Floyd - Jerry & Evelyn Cooper - Lisa Chawla - Ron Ahlstedt - Jim Herman - Bev Osterbur - Patrick Ryan - Mike Inderrieden Tennis Lessons for Kids Beginners 2nd - 5th grade Mondays 3:50 p.m. – 4:50 p.m. WBC Courts with coach Greg Peters Cost $50 for four sessions Starting after the holidays (Jan. 7th) depending on interest and weather. We currently have 2-3 spots available Contact Nicci Reaves for more information and to sign up @ 770.995.9351