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English Grammar Review

English Grammar Review. PART I: Categories of Words. What is grammar?. a : the study of the classes of words, their inflections, and their functions and relations in the sentence b : a study of what is to be preferred and what avoided in inflection and syntax . Part I .

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English Grammar Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EnglishGrammar Review PART I: Categories of Words

  2. What is grammar? • a: the study of the classes of words, their inflections, and their functions and relations in the sentence • b: a study of what is to be preferred and what avoided in inflection and syntax

  3. Part I The Parts of Speech

  4. 8 Parts of Speech • the verb • the noun • the pronoun • the adjective • the adverb • the preposition • the conjunction • the interjection

  5. Verbs Action verbs Transitive / Intransitive Linking (state-of-being) Verb Phrases: Main verb + auxiliary / helping verbs • Number (plural or singular subject) • Tense (time…) • Voice (active or passive) • Mood

  6. Nouns Proper / Common Abstract / Concrete Collective Compound

  7. The Ladder of Abstraction

  8. The Pronoun Personal (I, me, you, etc.) Relative (that, which, who, whom, whose) Interrogative (who, whose, what, whom) Demonstrative (this, that, these, those) Indefinite (anybody, anyone, someone, such…) Reflexive / Intensive (myself, yourself)

  9. Adjectives Comparative /superlative Describes a noun or pronoun. What kind… Which one… How many… Articles technically count as adjectives (!). n.b. Words used as nouns can be turned into adjectives. She goes to SCA. She’s an SCA girl.

  10. Adverb Used to modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb Comparative / superlative Answers: How? Quickly… happily When? Now… early… Where? Around .... Here… there… To what extent? Almost … very…

  11. Prepositions relates nouns and pronouns to other words in the sentence. Tons of these! Don’t forget there can be compound prepositions: According to / Along with /Because of / by means of / ETC.

  12. Conjunctions Coordinating and / but / for / nor / or / so / yet Correlative Both… and / either… or / etc. Subordinating After / although / as / … because / since… / unless / until… etc.

  13. Interjections Wow! Calooh! Callay! O!

  14. Part 2 The Verb Revisited!

  15. VERBS AGAIN Tense Voice Mood

  16. Verbs: TENSE SIMPLE Past Present Future I studied last night. I study at SCA. I will study tomorrow.

  17. Verbs: TENSE IMPERFECT / CONTINUOUS is / was / will be –ING “for [span of time]” Past imp / cont I was studying while the tea boiled. Present imp / cont Go away! I ‘m studying! Future imp / cont I will be studying tomorrow in the park.

  18. Verbs: TENSE PERFECT Have / had / will have ***-ed “by [deadline]”

  19. Verbs: TENSE PERFECT – CONTINUOUS Have been / had been / will have been ****–ing “for [span of time] by [deadline]”

  20. Verbs: Active & Passive VOICE • Active: My mom baked the cake. • Passive: The cake was baked by my mom. • Active: We took the test. • Passive: The test was taken by us. • Active: I made a mistake. • Passive: A mistake was made.

  21. Why knowing about VOICE matters: • It is often more clear and graceful to write in the active voice. • The passive voice is the default mode of science. “An experiment was performed…” (vs. “A team of grouchy, underpaid graduate students performed the experiment.”) • Do not confused VOICE with TENSE. • “An experiment was performed.” – Passive, past • “An experiment had been performed” – Passive, past perf • The performed the experiment. – Active, past • They were performing the experiment. – Active, past imp

  22. Verbs: MOOD The form a verb takes to indicate the attitude of the person using the verb. • Indicative – fact / opinion / question • Imperative – direct command / request • Subjunctive – suggestion / necessity / condition contrary to fact / wish • Present – suggestion / necessity • Past – wish / condition contrary to fact

  23. Passive voice, future continuous perfect, subjunctive mood. Can you do it???

  24. passive voice, future continuous perfect tense, subjunctive mood. If you were to show up at 5:00, the game would have been being played for a full hour by then. 

  25. Number: subject and verb need to agree in number (plural vs. singular) He walks. They walk. It talks. They talk. The man loves spaghetti. The family loves spaghetti. The people love spaghetti.

  26. Person: 1st / 2nd / 3rd 1st person: I / me / we 2nd person: you 3rd person: he / she / it / they Avoid the 2nd person in formal and academic contexts!!! It makes you feel annoyed! ()

  27. “Grammar describes the machinery of the sentence, but doesn’t teach us how to make the sentence go anywhere or do anything.”

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